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All The Pretty Horses Pass

WOW! :) I like, I like....... I see this will be a pure bred pass ;)

Finally a pass worthy of my Lars... :p
:0 Lars  :0  Oh boy!  So ya know what ya get when you breed a horse to a Mule don't ya? ;)
??? ummm skydiv, dunno if i misplaced it, but i don't seem to have your snailer ???
Snailer has been sent. :D (as of last night)

Let me know if you do not receive it.

???  ??? It's a mystery     No gotty  ???  ???

Try a direct email to


and just in case it's my end, also send a PM

Got room for one more?? Nice starting lineup!! I might be able to help out with an isom or 2.. Got some of them in the humi somehere!! LOL
Got it Skydiv... and welcome aboard Jeff always room for you!  And hope ya find sumthin ya like Worm.

ps Jeff or anyone...yep the isom's are very much appreciated..here's my story and i'm stickin to it. I Don't have any credit cards...nor do i want any. Carried a couple a long time ago, but my ex burned me and stuck me with em (to the tune of $20K which took forever to pay-off). Soooo, strickly cash and carry. :thumbs: :thumbs:

ie..can't order em and have not been out of the country in several years.
Oh, BTW, this will go out tomorrow. Hope everyone finds sumthin they like.
hmmm...keep a big horse eye out for a island baggie with your name on it then my fine equine friend!!! :D :thumbs:
:0 Now, now, fair is fair, wasn't lookin for a mooch...wait till the box shows up Worm :p
And They're Off!

BW is 1st up... 0300 1290 0003 1816 3218
insured $300.

The cd thing isn't happening in this box, they'll have to go out under separate cover.  Been jumping through hoops at work today since i was out all last week and darn it, these horses were rarin' to go.  Oh well, good chance to play with the new toy at home.  :D  Oh, BTW, if ya don't care for it when ya get it, just give it to someone 'older'  ;)
What'r you talking about Horse??? Did I miss something here? :p :) LMAO No bro, I didn't think you were mooching, I just seem to have an overwhelming supply of recently acquired ISOMs and being that a brother of ours is in need....I thought I'd help ya' out!!! ;) :) Just a friendly gift from Commander Worm.....now when you joinin' up with the Eastern Strike Force???? :thumbs: :sign:

I'll LYK when this puppy arrives..prolly tomorrow..if we're lucky!

We attempted to deliver your item at 10:12 am on February 14, 2002 in SOMERSET, KY

Well at least I know it got there :D
Yeah, them sumbucks left me a pink slip today!!!! Nice to of known it yesterday when i was at the PO!! :angry: Anyway, I'll pick her up in the AM boys and ship her back Monday morning; I'll LYK when i get her!

BW :p :sign:
WOOOOHOOO!!! Pass in possession boys, and man she's a good lookin' lil' fillie!!!! A very nice selection Horse, although this puppy's going in a bigger box when she leaves the Command Post!!!

I'll LYK the details later, if possible!!! ;) :thumbs:
:p Great!  couldn't find the box to fit both tup's into so i packed em into one and fit that one inside the 2nd.

Glad to know ya got to see your buds at the PO commander.  I get the feeling I'll come to know allll the hired hands at my local PO personally too!   :p