All the game talk...

I only play PC games multiplayer.

Call of Duty 4/WAW
BF2 and BF2 SF
BF2142 sometimes
Quake Wars

and some others as well. XFire is calhounhusker

Intel core2quad q6600 - overclocked
8GB 1066Mhz DDR2
512 mb 9800GTX+ - Overclocked

I do love me some PC gaming.

Whoa... someone else that knows and plays IL2... which version? I run 1946 v4.08

I run the same. A clan I associate with got me into it. Pretty addicting, even though I still suck lol
name: deelowe


Games (really only play 360):
Gears of war
Rock Band
Guitar Hero 3
Virtua Fighter 5
Battlefield Bad Company
Fable 2
Call of Duty World at War
Forza 2
Call of Duty 4

I'm usually playing COD 4, SF IV, or Forza
I just got COD4 and played some MP last night. I can see where I'll probably grow to enjoy it but right now I'm still loving Halo 3 MP so I think I'll stick with that and pull out COD4 every once and awhile.

Unless of course someone from here wants to play. If that's the case then shoot me a PM and get my phone number to call whenever you wanna play...
This thread should be renamed "All the game talk on 360", Where are the PS3 guys.. Been playing a lot of COD4 so if anyone is out there... Northernmoris..
Well that is because PS3 is crap

:sign: :sign:

Just kidding Bro, you would think that with the free service there would be a lot more gamers, but I think it has to do with the fact that it was late to the table with the console.

Yeah. It really sucks the PS3 hasn't really taken off. Between the wii hype machine and the refinements of xbox live, sony was just too late to the party (that coupled with it being the most expensive system). I own a PS3, Wii and 360. The 360 is my gaming device, the wii is used when the wife wants to play, and the ps3 is my blu-ray player. Maybe one day there will be a killer exclusive for the ps3? I was hoping it would be GT4, but now I'm starting to think that it's never coming out.
I wold be a PS3 owner right now, If sony had there act together. Pre Next-gen launch, Sony was supposed to get the exclusive for Assassins Creed, but they screwed around and lost the deal. That was the deciding factor. I fell in love with AC as soon as I saw the reviews. What ever system pulled that game was going to get my money. 360 won.


I will be online in about 30 min. (After the wife leaves for the gym).

Does anyone know if you can multi-p the Shadowrun demo?

Thanks Tim... that was fun! Now that we got the connect problems sorted out and we know the time differences... game on! :laugh:

No... Friday night... wife works... whatever shall I do? Strip cl.ub? naaaw..Eskimo trainee special week. Hit the bars? naaaaw... too damn cheap to do that, plus I need to clear rack space on the winerack. Read a book? naaaaw... makes my brain hurt.

Guess I'll have to kill zombies!!!

Who's In!?!?!?

Swissy what time?

As for PS3, i have one but have no games for it, i use it for the DVD upconverting and blu-ray
thinking of getting KillZone2 but no game really has caught my eye. the developers really need to get in the game and take full advantage of the 50gb of space they have with BR.
Check out M.A.G. for PS3. This is going to end all online shooters. It's simply called Massive Action Game. You think a 60 man online game is tough....try 256!


This game will definitely deprive me of sleep, maybe cost me my marriage and my job. I CAN'T WAIT!!!

I just got the 3 Rings of Death, AGAIN! This happened about the same time last year. :angry:
my friend just spent the last 6 months fighting about the RRoD and finally got them to cut him a check to replace it (through the Circuit City 3rd party warranty thingy) but around xmas he needed something for his son to play and he brought a PS3. He said the $300 is going right back into PS3 games and Xbox can take their 360x getting RRoD piece of $h!t
so i told him that Xbox was coming out with the limited edition Red Resident Evil machine and he said "it's so the console can match the RRoD" :sign:
Swissy what time?

ummm... now?

in about 30 minutes however the wifely unit© will arise, and then I'll spend an hour or so getting her fed and out the door to work. Then the night is MINE all MINE!!!! Muhahahahahahahahaha!

except of course I have to vacuum, let the dogs in/out/in/out/in..., tend the fish in the smoker, wash dishes, run washing machine, scrub fish racks and countless other honey items I'm gonna ignore :cool:
I'm playing two games online at the moment. One is called AstroEmpires and another is this Knight game by Acclaim. Nothing fancy. There is another I am playing for free called Track Mania by Acclaim as well. :thumbs:
Here is a consolidated list of most of the information in this thread

I typed in in a table in Word.....bad idea....

If anything is missing, or wrong, just let me know


Ok... you officially have too much time on your hands!

Handy tho...
I just read that the Shadowrun Demo is in fact multi player. You can only play one board and choose from 2 classes though.
