All the game talk...

Xbox 360 Handle: Pwnage Hank44
Currently play Madden, GOW 2, Fallout 3 and Left 4 Dead.
Still occasionally play Counterstrike Source also.
I think I graduated with a major and 2 minors in video games or at least should have with all the time I put in. :laugh:
Xbox 360 name: flamchop

Play Madden 09, about to get NHL, Tiger 09, Rock Band 2... I'll pickup another game if a bunch of people want to play.

PC Games:

Battlefield 2 (name: [P@L]Ounceman), MS Flight Simulator X, still hop on to Counter-Strike once in a while.
Well why not...

You may remember me as





Halo CE (yes you could play the first Halo Online via Gamespy tunnel software)
Halo 2


XBOX 360: DELTA X 302

World at War.

Went through and added a bunch of yall. Bmw, drunkfish, Cigar Dan, Swissy Jim, Turkish05

Lets play some COD!
guys i had to change my Xbox360 handle its now BxKillaEk6 (after my car)

edit: currently playing COD WaW
die nazi zombies

THAT'S why you never reply... :laugh:

How far have you gotten in Zombie Mode? So far I've made level 16 with a few friends including both Nasty and Napa_Smokes. Soulpuppy is too much a girly man to play with us...

Speaking of which... anyone interested in a CoD Nazi Zombie Fest Sunday, just 4 CP members against the horde? Lets see how far we can get...

I'll be available after 10am Pacific time...
guys i had to change my Xbox360 handle its now BxKillaEk6 (after my car)

edit: currently playing COD WaW
die nazi zombies

THAT'S why you never reply... :laugh:

How far have you gotten in Zombie Mode? So far I've made level 16 with a few friends including both Nasty and Napa_Smokes. Soulpuppy is too much a girly man to play with us...

Speaking of which... anyone interested in a CoD Nazi Zombie Fest Sunday, just 4 CP members against the horde? Lets see how far we can get...

I'll be available after 10am Pacific time...

Zombie mode and Netflix streaming have taken over my life. Me and my friend got to 13 by ourselves and have not been able to duplicate it. If you get the ray gun your good for a long while.
Zombie mode and Netflix streaming have taken over my life. Me and my friend got to 13 by ourselves and have not been able to duplicate it. If you get the ray gun your good for a long while.

Zombie mode is better than the original game mode!

what works best (so far) is stay in the main room until about level 4 or 5. Then open the door with HELP on it, leading to the room with the random gun crate. That room has only 2 windows, the cave and the door to defend. Then open the stairway upstairs out in the main room, NOT in the room with the random gun crate. that will spread out the zombies more evenly thru all the rooms and make less come in your room making it easier to defend. Take turns getting the random guns until everyone has a heavy machine gun of some kind (I prefer the MG42 or FG42) and the ray gun with any luck. we put 2 guys on the door, one on the back windows and one roaming from the windows, to the cave, and backing up the guys at the door. he is also the 'revivor' in case someone goes down. Ammo is a big concern... make sure you get the ammo bonus, and don't everyone fire at the same zombie... we take turns firing until you have to reload, then the next person fires. it's a figgin' BLAST!

And Netflix is cool, but i find i get much better video quality if i do the steaming right off the computer and not over the Xbox. Seems I loose at least one bar of quality playing over Xbox Live.

Lemme know if anyone wants in for some Zombie mode tomorrow... i'll be home most all day
XBOX 360

Tag: Fishin345
Games: COD4. Gears 2. Fall Out 3. Halo 3, Pretty much anything let me know if u wanna battle lol
On xbox360 my gamertag is: thegunner02. I play:
Gears of War 2
Castle Crashers
Madden 08
Team Fortress 2
Vigilante 8

On PC I play:
Warrock: thegunner2
WoW: Turalyon: Shinuke(human priest) Greymane:Eltang(Blood Elf Hunter)
COD4(can't remember handle)

PC is:
AMD Phenom 9500 Quad-core(2.21ghz). 3gig memory. 500g SATA. NVIDIA GeFORCE 8800 GT.
guys i had to change my Xbox360 handle its now BxKillaEk6 (after my car)

edit: currently playing COD WaW
die nazi zombies

THAT'S why you never reply... :laugh:

How far have you gotten in Zombie Mode? So far I've made level 16 with a few friends including both Nasty and Napa_Smokes. Soulpuppy is too much a girly man to play with us...

Speaking of which... anyone interested in a CoD Nazi Zombie Fest Sunday, just 4 CP members against the horde? Lets see how far we can get...

I'll be available after 10am Pacific time...

yeah i started with the other name but then cheated MS for one more free month using the new gamer tag and then started playing COD WaW and did not want to loss all my progress.
the highest level so far was 11 with a very unorganized group of friends.
i love the zombies, my uncles hates it though cause every time he calls me to come down and smoke, i tell him i will be down in a few im killing nazi zombies and i never make it down.
I'll be playing World at War on 360 tonight if anyone wants in. Gamertag is WIRL
Got your msg Jim.

We will have to Co=op GoW for sure.

Just a word of warning, I suck at bad for system link Halo 1 72 my call sign was

you have been warned.

Got your msg Jim.

We will have to Co=op GoW for sure.

Just a word of warning, I suck at bad for system link Halo 1 72 my call sign was

you have been warned.


Good, we must play soon.

Hopefully we can do some ZOMBIES this weekend!
Zombie mode and Netflix streaming have taken over my life. Me and my friend got to 13 by ourselves and have not been able to duplicate it. If you get the ray gun your good for a long while.

Zombie mode is better than the original game mode!

I'm gonna blow through the campaign today and I'll send you a message to play some zombies. I've been playing L4D on PC and want to mix it up a bit