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Ah hell, why not...?


OG Post-Whorer since 2008 bitches...
Feb 6, 2008
Long story short, our family has been really high stress lately with the news of my Mom having a huge tumor in her uterus. It's been real up and down with her, starting from reports that she needs a hip replacement, to the discovery of the tumor, to cancer / no cancer, to major surgery. She went under the knife last Tuesday, lost a ton of blood and almost died etc., then she stabilized. We saw her on Wednesday and she seemed to be in high spirits and doing well, but I just found out tonight she's been taking a turn for the worse. She was supposed to be released on Friday by Kaiser (gotta love em'), but Thursday night she started throwing up.

They had to take out all of her lady parts, and she's having some major complications now. She's been throwing up, and her esophagus started twisting, so they're working on fixing it. So, she's still in the hospital and they're trying to stabilize her body after major surgery. My sister is coming out from Africa in a couple days (it's a long trip...) to take care of her. I've gotta take days off to take care of my disabled Pops, and he's a frickin' mess which is great.

I dunno. Just crazy stuff. Has alot of us on edge.
I'm not a praying man, but I hope everything turns out well. Sorry to hear it, Jon.
Wow that sounds like quite the ordeal. I am sorry to hear that. Good thoughts and good energies heading to your mom.
Wow, that's a full plate you're dealing with. Take care of yourself I hope it smooths out for you and your family.
Jon, you know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Give me a call if you need anything that I can do from here.
Jeez man... I sincerely hope that all of this mess turns out for your all in the best way possible. Be strong mate.
Hey brother. Our prayers are with your family. You know that if you need anything to call Jonathan...

From one law enforcement brother to another, I wish the best for your mother and the rest of your family. I'm not a praying man either, as someone else here said, but I will still send one upward for your mom. I hope she recovers fully and you can all go back to enjoying life. Keep us informed.
She'll be fine, Jon. Hip replacement is going to hurt a bit, though. Good drugs and good family should do the trick.
She'll be fine, Jon. Hip replacement is going to hurt a bit, though. Good drugs and good family should do the trick.

Thanks Bruce.

Thank you fellas for the thoughts, I'll keep you all posted.
Hey Jon,

You hang in there brother and know that you are in both Sandy and my prayers.

My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.