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Ah..fuck it

I just got my Pink Floyd Pulse DVD back from a friend I had borrowed it to, and I forgot how great it was! The kids even enjoy it, what a great way to wake up with that on the big screen and the surround sound cranked up!
You know what fart man......blah blah blah

Wow! I set him off on a rant! And it only took my bastardization of his horrific hyphenates writing style to do it!

ROD.....thanks for posting his ISP info. Maybe he'll think twice before acting like a talking pile of excrement.
Don't you mean Asshat Hall of Shame ?

Great idea. I think it should be called The Asshat Hall of Fame
I actually thought of using Shame before Fame before I posted, but I believe that the ability to be such an asshat to the point of being forever immortalized as such, warrants the designation of Fame. These aren't just ordinary asshats. They are the best of the best. :laugh:
wear a feather not where a feather ;)

Either he lives with Mom Gail Gibson in his same old room or is a loser in some other way out there in hickville.

Hmmmmm........though I see where the gospel speak(from 'cigarbanger') would come from....
LOL Rod should make a troll hunters category and drop all these threads in there he could name it you might be a troll if. Then at the end of the year we tally up who caught the most and they get a fiver of some white owls and the honor of presenting the asshat to that years winner.

I like this idea. It's something I've thought about doing in the past. Maybe we should create a separate forum, and place all of the asshat threads in there (ie: Bill Clinton, tonydogs, etc...) What do you think?


I believe Wilkey already has a list going...
I have a list of cases mostly from the Buy/Sell/Trade forum here.

We need to be careful about how far we take this.

I think that as we consider an extension of this idea, we need to be mindful of the attitude which we bring to the entertainment. Flogging bona fide jerks or shysters is a time honored tradition practiced in various forms on all the forums out there.

However, the line one treads borders, on one side, justifiable ire and on the other side, gang mentality mean-spiritedness. In my experience here on CP, it is deft humor and wit that has mostly kept us on the bright side, the right side. In that spirit, as long as we proceed with the primary and honorable motivations of education and protection, I am good with it. Dealing with those who aim to rip people off, genuine trolls, and those who just won't make the effort to get along is a necessary part of forum maintenance. It may be entertaining, but really, it's simply a function that has to be exercised as the need arises.

As I said, humor and wit are things that guard us from exulting merely in the flogging itself. After all, the forum masthead says "Friendly Cigar Community" and on this subject, humor and restraint are elements that contribute to the preservation of that ideal.

Take it for what it is. The people here at CigarPass have made this, for me, the finest, most welcoming, balanced online cigar community on the internet. I'm a member because I choose to be here. And as a member, I choose to keep working to keep this a great forum now and for future members.

LOL Rod should make a troll hunters category and drop all these threads in there he could name it you might be a troll if. Then at the end of the year we tally up who caught the most and they get a fiver of some white owls and the honor of presenting the asshat to that years winner.

I like this idea. It's something I've thought about doing in the past. Maybe we should create a separate forum, and place all of the asshat threads in there (ie: Bill Clinton, tonydogs, etc...) What do you think?


I believe Wilkey already has a list going...
I have a list of cases mostly from the Buy/Sell/Trade forum here.

We need to be careful about how far we take this.

I think that as we consider an extension of this idea, we need to be mindful of the attitude which we bring to the entertainment. Flogging bona fide jerks or shysters is a time honored tradition practiced in various forms on all the forums out there.

However, the line one treads borders, on one side, justifiable ire and on the other side, gang mentality mean-spiritedness. In my experience here on CP, it is deft humor and wit that has mostly kept us on the bright side, the right side. In that spirit, as long as we proceed with the primary and honorable motivations of education and protection, I am good with it. Dealing with those who aim to rip people off, genuine trolls, and those who just won't make the effort to get along is a necessary part of forum maintenance. It may be entertaining, but really, it's simply a function that has to be exercised as the need arises.

As I said, humor and wit are things that guard us from exulting merely in the flogging itself. After all, the forum masthead says "Friendly Cigar Community" and on this subject, humor and restraint are elements that contribute to the preservation of that ideal.

Take it for what it is. The people here at CigarPass have made this, for me, the finest, most welcoming, balanced online cigar community on the internet. I'm a member because I choose to be here. And as a member, I choose to keep working to keep this a great forum now and for future members.


Well Said Sir.
I agree entirely with this statement.
Well put Wilkey. I think you are right and there is a big difference between taking out the trash and celebrating 'flogging' for the sake of flogging.
Wilkey makes a great point that it is the manner in which the beat-down takes place (i.e. humorous) that makes it so much fun. I know I'm fairly new here, but from what I've seen I don't think there's anyone here that enjoys ripping into people for no reason whatsoever. (Except maybe DevilDoc. ;) ) Every thread I've come across in which someone's throught is jumped down, it's because that person opened up nice and wide and said "head on in!" Hell, some of them even put up signs with big, neon, flashing arrows.

So as long as the skewering is well-deserved I get a huge kick out of watching what happens to these poor bastards. Schadenfreude is perfectly normal, and I say we embrace it with open arms! :D
Well said all. I know I have been on a bit fo a taking out the trash kick lately, but I do hope that when I do so, it is seen as deserved. More than that, I like to think that I almsot always will give the benefit of the doubt, even to a "reformed" "sinner" that seems to have a change of heart.
I also like to keep it light and amusing, even when it is fully my intent to bait to the point of bannable meltdown for the good of the community (not that it wouldn't get there without my help pretty soon anyway.)
Well said all. I know I have been on a bit fo a taking out the trash kick lately, but I do hope that when I do so, it is seen as deserved. More than that, I like to think that I almsot always will give the benefit of the doubt, even to a "reformed" "sinner" that seems to have a change of heart.
I also like to keep it light and amusing, even when it is fully my intent to bait to the point of bannable meltdown for the good of the community (not that it wouldn't get there without my help pretty soon anyway.)
Right on, Josh. You're part of that "humor and wit" stuff I was talking about. ;)

I agree with Wilkey and Joshes thoughts on this however, we should be be careful that only truly deserving people end up there not just some noob who made a one time mistake.
It would also act as a warning to newer folks who could read more and post less in that forum and perhaps avoid a fatal mistake. I also like it because i don't think I have ever been quoted before lol.

Josh your humor in these situations often makes me keep reading just so I can see what the next punch line is gives me a good laugh often enough.
However, the line one treads borders, on one side, justifiable ire and on the other side, gang mentality mean-spiritedness. In my experience here on CP, it is deft humor and wit that has mostly kept us on the bright side, the right side. In that spirit, as long as we proceed with the primary and honorable motivations of education and protection, I am good with it. Dealing with those who aim to rip people off, genuine trolls, and those who just won't make the effort to get along is a necessary part of forum maintenance. It may be entertaining, but really, it's simply a function that has to be exercised as the need arises.


So it's kind of like this around here too. :thumbs:
. More than that, I like to think that I almsot always will give the benefit of the doubt, even to a "reformed" "sinner" that seems to have a change of heart.
I also like to keep it light and amusing, even when it is fully my intent to bait to the point of bannable meltdown for the good of the community

I have to give it to you. You are a master baiter.
. More than that, I like to think that I almsot always will give the benefit of the doubt, even to a "reformed" "sinner" that seems to have a change of heart.
I also like to keep it light and amusing, even when it is fully my intent to bait to the point of bannable meltdown for the good of the community

I have to give it to you. You are a master baiter.

Thanks buddy! LOL. Should be my new title.
However, the line one treads borders, on one side, justifiable ire and on the other side, gang mentality mean-spiritedness. In my experience here on CP, it is deft humor and wit that has mostly kept us on the bright side, the right side. In that spirit, as long as we proceed with the primary and honorable motivations of education and protection, I am good with it. Dealing with those who aim to rip people off, genuine trolls, and those who just won't make the effort to get along is a necessary part of forum maintenance. It may be entertaining, but really, it's simply a function that has to be exercised as the need arises.


So it's kind of like this around here too. :thumbs:

HEY thats my sign, well at least the old one for my Unit. We have added "positive" and "prepared to help" as 2 new lines. I will post a pic as soon as I take one
