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After the holidays pass.

Sorry about the labels you will notice everything hand written as my new printer is on the way. A nice P would be the centurion if you have not had one they are one of gurkhas best if not thee.The culebra is also cool if you dont have experiance with those. wait that was eshaw that never had a gurkha.
Mephiston said:
I dont think eshaw actually exists its just KB. LOL :p

Now that's funny! I've been thinking the same thing! Except that eshaw has threatened to ban KB from his shop... :laugh:
LOL. No, there two of us. I've had gurkas! I think he got some from AVB the other day. But the celbra was the one I was aiming to. I've never had that. Ban me from his shop, well I'd like to see him try! :sign:
Mephiston said:
mystery bag hmm I thought that would be out of the game....ok nice job golf.

I hope it was ok on the P/T's. I am a little concerned, now, about making sure I do the right thing. I just read long sad story on two of the other passes and do not want to have anything that associated with me. I had no idea that stuff was going on, maybe I will read more of the stuff even though I'm not directly involved. I am now going to the humi to get about 5 cigars to take to the club for smoking during the Ram's game. One of them will certainly be from this pass.

In fact, I have had several perferidos before and not really liked any of them. So I took the maduro in order to try one and hopefully I will like it. I am a maduro fan. So.........thanks for including me in the pass.
Oh BTW, I taped a piece of thin cardboard over the old name and addy, all ggiese now has to do is to cut that cardboard off, and whe he is ready to send tape another piece over the same place with the new addy. I thought that may work pretty well. Just make sure to slice the tape and not into the box top.
golfgar said:
<snip>  I just read long sad story on two of the other passes and do not want to have anything that associated with me.  I had no idea that stuff was going on, maybe I will read more of the stuff even though I'm not directly involved.  <snip>


No, man... I think you are more than fine with your actions here. But I know what you mean... It took me an hour to get through the Gobstopper thread... made me ill, to tell the truth.
golfgar said:
<snip> I have had several perferidos before and not really liked any of them.  So I took the maduro in order to try one and hopefully I will like it.  <snip>

I like the Maddy Preferidos. I got a fiver off of Frank (Big100HD) and it's one of my favorites. I hope you like it. Maybe he'll drop another in the pass when it gets to him so someone else gets to try one also.

I've got a poker game with some friends in a couple of hours. I've got my line-up ready, including one of the 5 Vegas from Todd. I haven't had one before and am anxious to try it.

Thanks all and have fun with rest of the pass... I'm almost ready to jump into another one!

-- Steve
Everything from La Aurora I've had was great. Haven't had the blue tube yet though.
That would have been fine with me and I dont think anyone else would have cared on the mystery bag. ;)
I dont think eshaw actually exists its just KB. LOL 

I'm much better looking than KB :cool: And I've had a Gurkha now, I did a trade with AVB. Pretty good actually, but if there's one in the pass when it gets to me I'll leave it b/c AVB sent me six. :D

First the threats, now he's saying he's better looking? And I shop at his store. :D Oh well, where else will I find Opus @ MSRP?
Good godfather quote. Congrats on the 200th post eric
You guys are a good group of guys. Just keep it simple and moving and we wont have any problems.It does help if you pm me prior to posting your P's and T's to. Anyways I wont be worried we have a great pass here.
I got the box today, but was walking out the door on my way to work (I almost called in sick!!!!). The box made it in one piece - everything appears to be intact and well humidified! I planning to play with them until the wee hours of the morning... I'll post puts/takes later tonight or tommorow and get that bad boy moving!!!
Whew, glad it made it. Except for the holiday if might have been there yesterday.

late edit for spelling
what's it gunna be ggiese! you've got me excited now!
Just waiting to hear back from Todd on Puts/Takes - especially that Mystery Cigar - then I will post...

I already got the labels printed out w/ your name on it!!! Get ready for that bad boy!!!

You shoulda seen me with the box last night... Doing the pee-pee dance so hard I got those nasty stitches in my side... Ohhhh - I want that, and that and THAT... Oh, hell, I want them ALL!!! Damn - gotta leave some for the others - Hmmm - never heard of THAT one, but it looks nice - gotta do some Internet research... Okay, now I've whittled it down to my five favorites - oh, hell.. I want this one too!!! Nahhh - I better put that one back.. On and on and on... THEN - What am I gonna do about that Mystery Cigar!!!! Dude, this pass thing, with all those nice smokes, SUCKS!!!

The wifey was standing cross-armed, scorned look on her face, at 4 AM - "When you planning on coming to bed?" Then she was laughing at me this morning when I had to get up...

The Humi-Bag is well humidified!!! Everything looks fantastic!!! But I did put some of the cigar zip-locks in the pass (I just got them from Veripack) to better protect the cigars. I also threw in some extra USPS shipping labels and Priority Mail stickers.