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After the holidays pass.

Everyone pm me with an address and I'll see what I can do about the order.I would like to see A couple more sign up though so the order will be tentative.
To late to join?
If not count me in, and I'll go at front middle, rear of pass, it dont matter to me!

PM sent

Pm Sent... Waiting with baited breath.... Visited the cigar store today and picked up some goodies for the pass!!! Hopefully, all will like (or at least the next one in line)!!!! :thumbs:
PM Sent. Mephiston, Can EShaw99 play in the pass? He's a good guy, and we've done a trade. Plus we live 20 minutes apart, so I can vouch for him.
EShaw99,sleepyjim got ya both and I think we should be getting close.Give me some time guys this is my busy time of week.
Woo-hoo, got another one!. Hope your right Kayakin, we don't need no drama here. :)
Drama really blows,Especially when the drama is A quarter of your collection of boutiques.Oh well kayakinboy's word is good for me.
got everyones pm by the way.Hope this pass is smooth and fun thats all thats important.Should have A list after A while. I'll put E-shaw directly after Kayakinboy cool?
OK the list is out. I set the order for price unfortunately no matter how it goes Stevehawk has the longest ship. I will send the package to him as to avoid 2 people haveing to ship that far and I'll kick In an extra stick for steve.

1. Stevehawk
2. golfgar
3. ggiese
4. kayakinboy
5. Eshaw99
6. sleepyjim
7. wasch24
8. shatfield
9. sfg75
10. rknicker

And toss big100 in there if he comes around in time. Nice list and A good group so we should have some fun. A couple of fogs in here and a couple of newbies it should be Interesting.
Dang, Todd, you make it sound like I live in the Outback! :laugh: LMAO Boise is off the beaten path, fer sure, but that is too funny.

It's good I'm going first... It will give me a chance to do my homework on the sticks in the lineup so I'll be ready for equal puts and takes. Golfgar -- okay to PM you if I have any questions?

BTW, KayakinBoy... which of these sticks did you have your eye on? I'll be sure to snag 'em first. :p jk, o' course.

I look forward to the pass fellas.
stevehawk said:
Golfgar -- okay to PM you if I have any questions?


Or would it be more appropriate to PM Todd since he is the host?