This same question can be asked for Opus, Cohiba, Tatuaje, whatever cigar brand comes to your mind, and the one honest and accurate answer is:
Every cigar is terrible, every cigar is wonderful, to someone.
Don't be influenced by what others smoke or tell you is a good or bad cigar. I just got back from Deadwood SD, was there for two weeks during the rally, a bit before and after, working at the cigar shop there. What was by far the most popular cigar we sold, "Sweet Jane", it's a Acid Dirt, simply made into a different size only available to Deadwood Tobacco. During that week, we sold 500 BOXES, yes, 500 BOXES. Still, I've never smoked one as it's just not my thing, but again, smoke what you like, like what you smoke. Don't think twice about what others say about what you smoke. Hell, even if a seasoned smoker makes a recommendation for you, it means nothing unless they've asked you a few questions to see if they cigar they're recommending is something you'll have a chance at liking.