A little change and life lesson


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2009
So about a month ago I lost my job. The building I worked for decided to change direction and not want what I was told was wanted less then six months ago. Long story short it has been a learning experience the last thirty days. I am staying with the same company and they, and a few great people, have given me a great opportunity at another venue. I will be moving to southern Indiana next week and starting a new chapter. Found a place today, had a great two days at work, and am now sitting in a great B&M enjoying a La Duena.

I have lived my life by, everything happens for a reason.....don't always know the reason, but it happens.

I will say that I have always thought that there is really only one person that cares about you....and that's you! But in my troubles lately, I had two people that went out and stood up for me, that did not need to, but did it because they knew it to be the right thing. I find that amazing.

So here is to the next step! Over the next week or so I may not be around as I am moving.
Congrats and good luck brother. Looks like you have the right attitude and that's the first thing you need. Try to always see the good in situations.
When I was a young man, I thought the folks that said, "everything happens for a reason" were full of sh!t and kidding themselves. Over the last several decades, time and time again, I found out that they were right. Most times when I didn't get what I wanted (Even though I worked hard for it), or got kicked square in the balls by life, I found much better things. Now, I firmly believe that many things happens for a reason and that in every new direction, opportunity is a chance encounter away. I am glad that you are optomistic and I hope something terrific comes your way.
I know how you feel. Last year when I took a visiting position they were confident it would turn into a tenure track position, it didn't. However, looking back it was a great position for my family because my kids had the chance to spend more time with their grand parents than ever before. The past two position haven't helped my career as much as they have helped my family. Now, I'm in a cool city, have a short commute, and a job I think will help my career substantially. Things happened for a reason, but sometimes it takes awhile to see the reason.
Sorry to hear about the job loss, but CONGRATS on the new position.
Hope it works out alright, man. That truly sucks. But, as said, things happen for a reason. Good luck. I know you'll be fine in the end.
Back home again in Indiana...... Welcome home! Good to see another BOTL made it to the Hoosier state!

What city have you moved to?
Back home again in Indiana...... Welcome home! Good to see another BOTL made it to the Hoosier state!
What city have you moved to?
Where in So. Indiana?
PM sent boys!

Thanks for the kind words everyone. This is weird situation I have never been in, so the one thing I am trying to do is stay positive and be excited. Build up that confidence again! I am VERY glad to be back in the central time zone!!