A Humidor necessary?

cvmfour said:
Never knew a question like this would bring so many agreements/disagreements. All this seems really complicated. Would it just be easier to buy a humidor instead?
Nope, just get the tupperware, buy a Credo brand puck and add a little Disttiled water. Or buy an store brand humidifier, and add some humidifier juice(50/50). Or go buy a humid stick from Climmax.com

A 'real' humidor would arguably be easier, but cerainly not cheaper. It really isn't complicated at all. Ignore the bickering stooges. :p ;)

Go with the tupperware, buy a small humidifying device of some sort, use the money you save to buy cigars. :D
other1 said:
Go with the tupperware, buy a small humidifying device of some sort, use the money you save to buy cigars. :D
Words of wisdom for sure.
You know, it's all a matter of what works for you. The goal is to protect the cigars and keep them properly humidified until you smoke them. Unless you live in an area with persistent ~ 70% humidity, your cigars will dry out or over-humidify.

You say you're just starting out. My suggestion is to do what has already been mentioned here and try a tupperdor. If you outgrow that, then start looking for something that fulfills your needs based on your tupperdor experience. Or, if you stop smoking, then you have a nice piece of tupperware to throw in the cabinet for leftovers. :thumbs: You will eventually settle on what works best for you.

Just try something and see how it works. If you have problems, just ask. And search, search, search. It's a learning curve for all of us. :)
cvmfour said:
This don't look to shabby and has everything I need to get me started:


Take a look guys.
WOW for less than $50.00 that is not too bad :thumbs:

Back in the cigar boom days, they could have been able to get $100.00 to $200.00 just for the humi :0

Check eBay for deals like this!!

I personally am a big fan of the these beads. You can either splurge on one of their humidifiers or buy a 1/2 pound of the 65% RH beads and put them in panty hose then put that in your tupperware or a $10.00 to $20.00 used wooden humi on eBay!! I used to use two small wooden humis and found keeping the el cheapo humidifiers filled to be a real pain in the butt. Now with two LARGE units (a refrigerdor & a coolerdor) using a 1/2 pound of beads in each one, I have much less maintenance.

See, ya ask a simple question and get all kinds of answers :D
Good link on the Ebay stuff CC86

I found a travel humidor for $13 + shipping. It holds about 15 cigars and should be good until I run out of room. Which shouldn't be anytime soon considering I'm new. I never thought of using a Travel Humidor; those should be ideal for the beginner, right?
Sure, travel humis are fine BUT awfully small :p You can start with something like that THEN when you want more storage, you can do something else and still have the travel humi to bring with you in the car ;)

I smoke 90% of my cigars in the car. I only use ziplock bags with NO humidification and cigars will keep for a week like this in the glove box (so long as I don't park in the direct sun :0 ). Of course any cigar I put in a baggie in my glove box is usually gone in a day or two :D
I believe the new mindset should be to always check what the relative humidity is in your perspective area. For instance, when I began, I followed these advices to the "T". However, here in Florida, the humidity is relative around 70 already; generally higher. I use no credo and solution. In fact, my gars are swimming in Climaxx beads and rice just to keep the humidity around 65-70%. The only thing missing in my sweatador are chopsticks!!!

While over humidifying in the initial stages of my addiction (sic), I got the mold! Fortunately It was on some cheap sticks and I was able to salvage the majority.
coventrycat86 said:
Sure, travel humis are fine BUT awfully small :p You can start with something like that THEN when you want more storage, you can do something else and still have the travel humi to bring with you in the car ;)

I smoke 90% of my cigars in the car. I only use ziplock bags with NO humidification and cigars will keep for a week like this in the glove box (so long as I don't park in the direct sun :0 ). Of course any cigar I put in a baggie in my glove box is usually gone in a day or two :D
We are truly brothers! For instance:
1) Both of us either live or is from Connecticut
2) Both are Uconn maniacs! Go Huskies! National Champs 2004!
3) My grams resided in Coventry for years
4) 90% of our smoking is done while moving (in the gar!) :0

What do you do about the odor in your gar???
My only concern on the travel humi would be that you might outgrow it really fast. If you start hanging around here you're going to need a big ass humi soon enough. If you want to learn from my mistakes, don't bs around with a traveldor, get a tupperdor for awhile. See if you like this whole cigar thing, then make a decision on a humi (if you insist) when you have an idea on how many cigars you'll be smoking. You could save a fortune on the endless humidor upgrades. More $$$ for cigars :D .
cvmfour said:
Never knew a question like this would bring so many agreements/disagreements. All this seems really complicated. Would it just be easier to buy a humidor instead?
Nope. You'll notice that the confilict is over what you use for humidification, not what you're keeping your sticks in. Even if you purchase a humidor you'll still have to put some type of element in it, filled w/ some type of liquid. I assure you that Tuppy is fine.

Furthermore, this isn't complicated. Just march into a tobacconist, tell him you want a Credo brand puck, and stick some distilled water in it. I guess you could use tap water, but I tend to error on the side of safety. Distilled for me.

Now y'all quit messing w/ the poor guy. Bastards :)
I think I got this figured out. I'm gonna get rectangle #2 from here:


It holds 20 1/4 cups and is flat on the bottom and top. It is 4 1/2 inches high so it should last a long time.

Found a CREDO here:


It's called the RONDO. The CREDO Rondo is designed for humidors containing 25 to 40 cigars. For slightly larger humidors, 2 or more Rondo humidifiers may be used. The cost is $19. Let me know if ya'll know of any cheaper ones.

So with this set-up I'm out about $36.

Found a website with maintenance questions on the Credo. This could even be used to solve disputes here.

for the cost of the credo you can get a 1/2 lb of climmax beads, that prob would work alot better.