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"A day in the sun"

Hi All,

Well it’s almost ready to go out. I have the tupper all packed and ready to go. I still need to complete the shipping order and post it. If there aren’t any problems I will ship it out the next day. I wanted to start this pass on its way Monday but stuff happens. Thanks for playing I hope you all have fun with this I know I am.

So, I get the pass FROM McPatrickClan, and I send it TO Leebo???

Muhahahahahaaaaaaaa... ! :0 :lookup:

Hi all,

I'm totally swamped at work right now. It looks like the pass will go out on Monday after all, just not the Monday I was thinking of. :D :D
Boy work can really mess with your cigar time. I want a job where smoking cigars is what I get paid for. :D :D

It will go out this Monday hell or high water.

Ok I've talked with JoeM. and he will be home to get the pass so this is the order. if I have droped the ball let me know. I package will be on the wing Saturday. I will post the DC# soon after that.

1. FatherT. - CO
2. Joe M - NM
3. McP - TX
4. Misc. - CA
5. big Worm - KY
6. Skydivnekd - KY
7. shadow - WV
8. Leebo - VA

Sounds good, MP! Lookin' forward to it!!! :D

Now, can anyone tell me what a "SUN GROWN" type of cigar is?!?!?! :lookup:

See ya,

Floyd T. :sign:
Here are a couple of example, Floyd:

My Puts:
Arturo Fuente Flor Fina 8-5-8 Sun Grown
Ashton Virgin Sun Grown Corona Gorda
Nice puts FT. I'm acting like I didn't just walk by your cube. ;)
They are nice puts I’ve never had an 858 SG before can’t wait. We need to do a 15C run some time.

So I am guessing that I should be doing the PEE PEE dance? or am I getting to anxious as usuall :p
MountainPasser said:
Ok I've talked with JoeM. and he will be home to get the pass so this is the order. if I have droped the ball let me know. I package will be on the wing Saturday. I will post the DC# soon after that.

1. FatherT. - CO
2. Joe M - NM
3. McP - TX
4. Misc. - CA
5. big Worm - KY
6. Skydivnekd - KY
7. shadow - WV
8. Leebo - VA

Better build a bunker, thats one fine looking line up. Those last 8 will blow up mail boxes long before they get close to home... :0

Moved to [Cigar Passes In Progress] as requested.

Dave ;)
Woo-hoo! Is it here yet? What's taking so long?! :D
I forgot to add that there is an extra cigar in the packs for each player. This is a gift for playing in my first pass so please don’t add a put for this one. It’s a great little 20 min. cigar just right for a work time smoke break. It’s a sun grown cigar as well so it complies with the rules I hope you like it.
