R Rumblin New Member Joined Nov 8, 2005 Messages 22 Jan 26, 2006 #61 Congrats on the year and thanks for the contest. I'm terrible at these things.....I'll go with 106.
B BkCloud114 I hate Moochers !!!!! Joined Jan 18, 2005 Messages 1,918 Jan 29, 2006 #62 OK guys...... sorry for the delay in announcing a winner..... I was away for the weekend and then was having some internet problems......... The winner is............. bchem with an exact guess of 125
OK guys...... sorry for the delay in announcing a winner..... I was away for the weekend and then was having some internet problems......... The winner is............. bchem with an exact guess of 125
stogieman " Herf King " Joined Oct 30, 2002 Messages 18,552 Jan 30, 2006 #64 Congrats bchem and thanks for the contest Tommy. Hope your around for many more years to come........ :thumbs:
Congrats bchem and thanks for the contest Tommy. Hope your around for many more years to come........ :thumbs:
bchem Member Joined Jul 14, 2005 Messages 916 Jan 30, 2006 #65 :0 :0 :0 Did I just read that right??? :0 :0 :0 I CAN'T BELIEVE I WON!!!! Thanks so much for the contest and congrats on the anniversary!!! Can't wait to try some new sticks!!! Thanks again!!!
:0 :0 :0 Did I just read that right??? :0 :0 :0 I CAN'T BELIEVE I WON!!!! Thanks so much for the contest and congrats on the anniversary!!! Can't wait to try some new sticks!!! Thanks again!!!
Wurm Bratwurst and Beer Joined Oct 6, 2005 Messages 6,141 Jan 30, 2006 #66 Congrats Bchem! :thumbs: Thanks for the great contest!
AVB Jesus of Cool, I'm bad, I'm nationwide Joined Nov 14, 2003 Messages 23,580 Jan 30, 2006 #67 Ol' Bchem has been doing pretty good in these contests. Congrats!
G Ginseng Banned Joined Oct 2, 2005 Messages 8,803 Jan 30, 2006 #68 Congrats, Bchem! Dang, 139 was pretty close so I'm happy. Thanks for the game and happy anni Tommy! Wilkey
Congrats, Bchem! Dang, 139 was pretty close so I'm happy. Thanks for the game and happy anni Tommy! Wilkey