I like the idea of a Koi pond, but I have to think in Florida it may turn into more of a nest for bugs to grow life size and eat you.
Also, on a practical level I wonder if just repainting it and keeping up the pool for property value is in your best interest.
However, since neither of these is very fun, I do have this to offer:
For some time now, Phil and I have been looking for an arena to hold competitions where Ninjas would fight The Dog Bee. It is common place for Americans to be very prejuduce against ninjas so don't start with the racist stuff just yet. This "Back yard battle ground" would only be open to Ninja vs. Dog Bee battles, but Dog Bee vs. Unicorns, Pirates (Not the Orlando..."Bloom" or "city"...kind, but the real ones), dragons and other fighters.
There is a multi level reasoning for you doing this.
To begin, you live in Florida, so the tourists are already there. After all the ultimate battlefield should be all about location location location.
Second, "It is always a good season to see The Dog Bee Kill". In Florida, unlike here where I am at in Michigan, it is pretty much always OK to be outside, I mean it may be very hot, or rain, but it is never too cold to, say, die there. So the battlefield could remain forever open.
Third. "The Unemployed and the Gold diggers". With the grown kids at home they may be having trouble finding things to do to fill the time. Wiping the blood and body parts of ninjas off your brown concrete pool takes a long time, and unicorn blood is silver and really has a stain to it. This could keep them busy and out of your hair and most important your house for hours if not days at a time. Leaving you and the Mrs. time to be together and think about how nice a quiet home really is.
Fourth. "Profit for Profit's sake" I will tell you right now that Phil does not plan to see a Bee Dog die in your battlefield pit of danger. He believes that The Bee Dog is eternal, I sort of have to agree. That said, there are many who will not only challenge him to see a Bee Dog die, but will challenge the Bee Dog just to have total universal domination. Well, we all know that there is a ticket price for total universal domination. I think that price is $100. Now lets say we can erect 100 seats around your pool o' death. that is an easy 10k a show, with three shows a day and 2 on Sunday, that is 200k per week. Now have you ever looked at the sales on CP and said, "I will just take everything you got boys", well here is your chance to shine. You will be a multi millionaire. Yes some Pirates and Elves will die, but that is not on your hands, they signed up and you only provided an out of use pool.
Finally. "Home brewing is good brewing" There is no advertisement like good self advertisement. Since you are making your own beer, why let the big sponsors come into the picture. When I am watching the "Two for Tuesday Cage Match of Death" in your back yard about the last damn thing I want to see is a Bud Light add. Make up a logo for your own brew and sell it exclusively in the stands. Not only will it create a nitch market for your home brew goodness (i.e. I have to watch Dog Bee's kill hobbits to get the best beer in town) but it will surely lead you to the opportunity to be able to expand your sponsorship and one day open your own brew house.
I do not know friend. These are just a couple of thoughts running through my mind.
I hope you stay out of the sun while scrapping away at that junk and that you make up your mind soon so you can put it behind you. Either just paint the damn concrete and fill 'er up, or get ready for the most dangerous death matches that this universe has ever seen.
Your call, but good luck :thumbs: