Andrew, I don't know why it is wrong to refer to cigars that come from Cuba as Cuban and those that don't come from Cuba as non-Cuban. It strikes me as more much more silly calling them "legal" or "non-legal" when Cuban cigars are only illegal in the U.S. Would it be a sin to refer to a Dominican cigar as such and all other cigars from other countries as Non-Dominican? I don't think so. It has nothing to do with putting one country ahead of all the others and it has nothing to do with lumping all brands produced in a certain country together. It is a way to classify cigars that has been around long, long before I was born and will probably be used long, long after I am gone so I don't think I would call it silly imho.
There are plenty of Cuban cigars I too would not pay for. My point, which was clearly stated as my personal opinion, is that if I would $5 RASCC over a $11 Opus No.5 any day of the week b/c I feel you get as good if not a better cigar for half the price. Price-wise, premium non-Cuban cigars are generally priced higher over similiar size Cubans. That is what I was trying to convey when I was talking about cost comparision. Dominican, Honduran, Nicaruagan Koolaid is just as prevelant as Cuban Koolaid
Your cost comparison of "premium non-Cuban cigars" conveniently leaves out tobacco tax, sales tax, and import duties, all of which you avoid by buying your Cuban cigars illegally. It also is an Apples to oranges comparison; try comparing the price of Cohibas or Trinidads to the "premium non-Cuban cigars" and then we're talking.
"Cuban cigar" means a cigar came from Cuba. "Non-Cuban cigar" means the cigar did not come from Cuba. That's it. It says nothing about the quality, the taste, the construction, etc. of the cigar in question. It was also "generally accepted" that no wine out of France was worth anything,
until very recently. It's amazing how biases hold.
The problem is many people use these terms as broad-brush pejoratives with really unfortunate insinuations and undertones.
But hey, if you
love "Cuban cigars", you're entitled to your bias... and I'm entitled to call you on it.