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9/11 where were you?

I couldn't think of a more political topic than this ... maybe where we will be when WWIII starts? Or when the debt comes home? :(
vortex said:
I couldn't think of a more political topic than this ... maybe where we will be when WWIII starts? Or when the debt comes home? :(
Not sure how people recounting where they were would be "political"? No one has mentioned anything remotely controversial until you came along, but thanks for being that guy.

Me... I was working in a restaurant kitchen slicing ham on the Hobart. Listening to the radio when they broke in and said the first plane hit... I figured it would be a small private plan so I finished up and grab a couple of my guys and headed to the bar for a smoke break. Turned on the TV and remember thinking it how odd it was someone would have such a clear video of the plane hitting and that news would have the video so quick... It took moment to realize that it wasn't a replay.

I had just started going to school two weeks before 9/11 for my Fire Science Degree
Breedy said:
I couldn't think of a more political topic than this ... maybe where we will be when WWIII starts? Or when the debt comes home? :(
Not sure how people recounting where they were would be "political"? No one has mentioned anything remotely controversial until you came along, but that's for being that guy.

Me... I was working in a restaurant kitcje
Less so for you, then, but for many it was a mightmare of biblical proportions. But I get it. For you and many others it was different. Hey, continue reminiscing.
I was in the process of changing jobs and was working a part time schedule, which allowed me to come to work after 10 AM, while in Jonesboro, AR. My wife had already moved to TN. While I was in the shower my wife called me several times and when I called her back she told me what was going on. I watched the second attack as it was happening on TV. Needless to say all of our lives have changed in some form or fashion.
I was at a friend's place late that afternoon when I received a call from my girlfriend.  It was around 4:00 that afternoon and she told me she was pregnant with our son.  Needless to say, it was a very bittersweet day for me.
I was in Seattle heading out the door to work when the Today Show broke in with the news that a small plane had crashed into the WTC.  After arriving at work, a coworker came in and told us a plane had hit: "Yeah, I heard that." "No, a second plane."
I lived between Sea-Tac and Boeing Field.  The silence those first few days was deafening.
vortex said:

I couldn't think of a more political topic than this ... maybe where we will be when WWIII starts? Or when the debt comes home? :(
Not sure how people recounting where they were would be "political"? No one has mentioned anything remotely controversial until you came along, but that's for being that guy.

Me... I was working in a restaurant kitcje
Less so for you, then, but for many it was a mightmare of biblical proportions. But I get it. For you and many others it was different. Hey, continue reminiscing.

This is a very personal, I get it.  Our rights and privileges were taken away, but I think this should be a constant reminder of the dangers out there.  I won't even begin to imagine how this affected those who lost loved ones, being so far away from this in the middle of the country, we felt it differently.  We were in shock that this could happen to such a strong country. 
Shouldn't we allow people to talk about this?  Why can't we use it as a yearly reminder or even a way for those who need to talk about it, to talk about it?  I don't feel it's political at all.  It's a tragedy that affected each and every American, but in different ways. 
I think I will add this for a side note. We were in Fairbanks Alaska in 2003 and having breakfast at our B&B when a old coot joined our table. Somehow the conversation came up about 9/11. Seems he lives 150 miles above the Arctic Circle as a guard for a gold mine. He was going into a small town of 50 people for gas and basic supplies when he hears this whoop whoop whoop and sees a chopper over fly him and land in the road in front of him.

The Army guys get out of the chopper with machine guns at the ready and ask him who he is and where he's going. Made him show identity and then told him what happened. He mentioned why he had not seen any planes flying for all those days. Things were cool and they left and he left for town.
I was working at Cape Cod Air Force Station, what a hectic and surreal day. I had to work overtime running extra phone lines.
On vacation with my lovely wife and 9 month old daughter. Seaside Heights New Jersey.
Thanks all for sharing.
This was not intended to be a political thread and apologies to those that may have interpreted that way.
It was intended to honor the fallen on a dark day in history through personal experience.
I was working in sports talk radio, in Detroit, at the time and we shared a building with the major am news radio station. I'll never forget the chaos, it was a horrible tragedy.