4 Years - they've been a pleasure

Congrats on the milestone man.

For my part I was browsing the Interwebs for some good and reliable infos on cigars for an upcomming trip to Cuba with my GF. I was an ultranewb (well I still am by all accounts) and found many sites, forums and infos and got confused (okay I was fucked like when I locked myself out while getting the trash out in a winter storm).
Browsing many place I found most of them being full of jerks and halfassed comments and then I found CP. I introduced my lazy ass and proceed to search the forum for all the unanswered questions I had (and trust me I had a ton). I found 99% of what I needed for the trip but I stayed around (to the demise of some) as the local grammatically challenged mascott as I never experienced this type of community before.
Since then I had the chance to get to know lots of great BOTL here, had many laughs and gain lots of experience while learning a lot on how should a self modarated community should work (something I never see anywhere). Some members came, some went, some even poped up back after being away and some are always around and this folks is the foundation of the great CP gang IMO.
Whelp, its 29 March 2014 and a short 4 years down.  Everyone shared some great stories though I can't help thinking Kingantz embellished his a bit.  Regardless, I'd love to meet every one of you all at some point.  
My Random.org number picker selected modo22 and 2K6TBSS.  PM Me your addresses, guys, and I'll get ya'll a little something in the mail. :D  
Thanks for the contest!  I have had some good karma lately, and would like to request my winnings be sent to Pugman.
You are a wonderful BOTL, hope you enjoy!
Holy crap, just having breakfast with an EPC and coffee and cruising here. Thank you 2K6, I'm at a loss for words, but thank you.
Kid!  thanks for the contest and thank you random generator man for picking me!!
I have been sick with a cough/chest/head/sinus issues for almost two weeks.  I can not even enjoy life right now!!  I have enough flem in my sinuses and chest to fill an Olympic size pool and it WILL NOT stop!  SO, that being said i will not even be able to enjoy this for some time I fear.
Please send my winnings to Ed as well!!  He has done some great things lately for alot of folks here and deserves it more than I.
Congrats again on the 4 years!
2K6TBSS said:
Thanks for the contest!  I have had some good karma lately, and would like to request my winnings be sent to Pugman.
You are a wonderful BOTL, hope you enjoy!
modo22 said:
Kid!  thanks for the contest and thank you random generator man for picking me!!
I have been sick with a cough/chest/head/sinus issues for almost two weeks.  I can not even enjoy life right now!!  I have enough flem in my sinuses and chest to fill an Olympic size pool and it WILL NOT stop!  SO, that being said i will not even be able to enjoy this for some time I fear.
Please send my winnings to Ed as well!!  He has done some great things lately for alot of folks here and deserves it more than I.
Congrats again on the 4 years!
Jeff and Ben you two are very cool! Ben I hope you feel better.
WTF is going on here? I don't have a heart condition yet, but this is getting me nervous. I'm not usually short on something to say but this is awesomeness at its finest.

I thank both of you brothers for your generous gift and will work hard not to mess something up, and for me, that is saying something.

I think this is a good time to say thank you to the rest of our BOTL's for all their contributions ( past and present ). This has been an exciting year, both the good and the bad. I'm looking forward to hanging around here for a goodly amount of time and getting to know you all better.

Peace to all.
Pugman1943 said:
Holy crap, just having breakfast with an EPC and coffee and cruising here. Thank you 2K6, I'm at a loss for words, but thank you.
You are welcome my friend.  Hope you enjoy the winnings.
Nicely done gents. Hey Mr. Ed, now maybe you can get Wilbur to smoke with you! :laugh:

(inside joke guys)
Jonesy said:
Nicely done gents. Hey Mr. Ed, now maybe you can get Wilbur to smoke with you! :laugh:

(inside joke guys)
His face isn't that long...
Wilbur said if there was a hay or molasses profile he would consider it.
I think Ed might want to call his insurance company to start the claim process...
Can't wait to hear how much damage the end result brings!
OK, well, I'm still alive. After all, it was just a box, right? NO! Al Queda couldn't make a bomb this effective. Two things that are a fact, thank god 2" tape isn't expensive because it wasn't spared. Second, who would think someone so young would know what a bakers dozen is.

So it's now open, peanuts, air pillows abound and I'm standing in the kitchen with wifey watching, so I can't just dump it open. That would be a Class A felony, so I gingerly probe the interior and find finger pack 1. Easing it out, it clears the top and I look at it and my first honest words were OMG! Whooo Weeee baby, it's a finger pack with two brother maddie sticks that I dream about, one is named within music, one frigging baseball club and one with two subtle letters for a name that I don't even recognize.

I set that on the table and check the box again. Yep, something lurking below and I bring it to the surface. This bag is like a mass holding cell, big, fat and packed full. Ok, so I open it up and start extracting sticks. Out of eight sticks, I have never had any of them. Of eight sticks I'm only framiliar with three three of the name brands. One stick is wrapped in newspaper like material with a guy starring at you from inside a leopard head, one stick is a green label and a steers head skeleton on it, one is a wonderous ligaro with a lite wrapper and Maduro end caps and one is a swear term we use frequently here in three bold letters.

Yes, I have a photo but I don't want to get my ass in a crack here so if Jonesy can guess who you were by zip codes and names, you guys can guess what this stuff is.

To 2K6 and Modo, dang brothers I owe you big for your donation, thank you. To Kid Montana, you pack a mean box, select a meaner stick and I hope to herf with you at some point and time and sharing a Lone Star? with you ( if you brothers don't know it, Texas Lone Star is as bad as Panther piss ), so I'll let the Kid pick his brew.

Thank you CP for who and what you are. I am proud to be here amoung you.

The Pugman
Even if its as bad as panther piss, I'd be proud to drink a Lone Star with you some day, Ed.  