That's cool! I have thought about starting a honey bee hive. There are tons of videos on youtube depicting how to start a bee hive. Luckily, you probably won't get stung too much, as honey bees are very docile. We have africanized killer bees in So Cal, and they're aggressive.
Keep us posted on your progress. I'll trade you some cigars for homemade honey comb.
What did the queen cost?
Lawnmowers and bee hives are not compatible (something about the sound of the engine). Be careful when you mow. :whistling:
I make candles from beeswax as a hobby. When you get a few pounds of it, let me know and I'll buy it from you.
You set it up after reading a book and talking to a few people! You have more nerve than I. We live in the middle of a couple large veggie farms and have plenty of perenial gardens on my property and I always wanted to start keeping bees. I met a guy about 5 years ago who was well established as a bee keeper and he helped me with a set up last year. With the mild winter we had here in the NE I had no problems with them making it through. I just supplied some simple syrup. I'm hoping to harvest some honey this summer. So far they been perfect pets. IMHO.
Wow that's pretty cool. Are you putting the queen in an isolation chamber so that the other bees can get use to her scent? I saw a documentary lately about commercial bee colonies suddenly disappearing cuz of all the pesticides and unnatural habitats that they're being exposed to while being transported all over the US. Local bee keepers might be a good way of restoring general bee population health.
I would love to have bees but the little buggers send me into an anaphylaxis shock, damn allergies, I love fresh honey from the hive.
Good luck with the new hobby Nate, I hope they give you lots and lots of the golden goodness for years to come.