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24 years later...

If I am honest, I am not 100% sure that I would have stayed, let alone grown into the novice smoker I am today without the 17 years of family CP has provided.

Thank you for everything @Rod

Thank you Rod for all that you do for this community to keep it up and running.

I can't really say thanks for keeping the ass holes out, but if we didn't have them what fun would this place be?
Thanks. Wouldn't be what it is today without you, the community...
This place was a haven to rest my hat when the world shut it's doors. Since then, the fraternity that is cigar pass and the vherf have shown me a faith in humans I may have otherwise forgotten.

Happy birthday cigarpass I hope there are many more.
I know I’m a little late but happy birthday CP! And thank you rod, for all you do! :)