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2012 is coming - anyone preparing...?


Staff member
Jan 4, 2001
Let me start by saying I'm by no means a 2012 conspiracy freak...

While I doubt the end of the world is coming, there are certainly some interesting things coming our way... 2012-2013 is supposed to be a major solar storm event, which is expected to top the 1859 solar storm.

In 1859 the solar storm was at its peak, which disrupted all telegraph offices. Read about it here: http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2003/23oct_superstorm/

In 1989 a solar storm disrupted the power grid to most of Quebec - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_1989_geomagnetic_storm

The upcoming solar storm is expected to wreck havoc on not only satellites, but most electronics including our power grid. What's most concerning is that NASA is posting warnings about this right now. Some scientists even believe that the upcoming pole shift and solar storm may also increase the magnitude of storms, volcanic activity, hurricanes and earthquakes. If you look at recent history, the earth has become more and more unsettled and more violent.

2011 has been a year of record breaking weather - http://www.greenbiz.com/blog/2011/12/09/what-record-breaking-year-extreme-weather-means-your-business

Heck, we had a wind storm blow through So Cal like we've never seen before, and left people without electricity for more than 8 days!

We can ignore what's going on around us, however some of this stuff is unfortunately proving to be real.

Imagine living without power for months on end. Assuming the solar storm does wreck havoc like NASA is expecting, we will be stuck home with no power, water, etc. Mass looting will take place. Cell phones, computers, etc will no longer work, you'll have to rely on ham operators for communication.

Best to be prepared. I have already been planting more vegetables, stocking canned food, stocking up on tons of ammo (those who don't prepare are going to try to steal from those who are prepared), building an off-grid solar power generator which will be used to power my ham radio station indefinitely, stocking up on fuel. Water won't be a problem as we have a 35,000 gallon pool.

No, I'm not a crazy lunatic, just someone who would rather be well armed and prepared should any of this take place. The government will never tell us what they know, as it would cause mass civil unrest. Look at the kind of damage that happened to Japan during the last major earthquake. Uncertain times are ahead.

Is anyone else preparing? :)
Im preparing and stockpiling some ammo for dropping bombs...... Does that count ? :whistling:
That's about exactly how I feel about it. I'm not about to lock myself in an underground vault and get ready to drink the special koolaid, however I see nothing wrong with stocking up on supplies that will allow me to be self-sufficient for a good long while.
I'm with you on this one, Rod. I'm 'preparing' in ways that are fun and amusing to me. I've stocked up on more ammo, I've got a backpacking backpack on my Xmas wishlist, and I've played a lot of Left 4 Dead. Nothing wrong with a few extra canned goods in the pantry.
yeah me too i started a emergency kit and plan to start buying more ammo and food supplies like freeze dried foods, protein bars, things like that.
I feel a post-apocalyptic herf is in order. Y'all down?
I got a 1/4 ton of lead, pounds and pounds of various powders, lots of primers and brass. Not because of 2012, but because I saw the war coming 10yrs ago and stockpiled to save money. I can easily keep my house warm, and survive off the grid. Bring it on, I think I'd enjoy the challenge.

I forgot to add I've been studying hard by watching lots of "Walking Dead"
At least cigars will still work in 2012 (assuming you have wooden matches). :D

Yep, you can't go crazy or looney over this, however it's definitely smart to be prepared. Ammo, canned food, etc are ALWAYS good to have on hand. Being able to communicate will be a huge plus. There will be a lot of people who don't prepare or stock pile anything, and those are the ones we'll need to defend ourselves against. If you live in the middle of nowhere, you have little to worry about. If you live in the city, buy more ammo!
By the way, I've been reading some survival material online, there is some cool stuff out there!

Check this out: http://www.motherearthnews.com/Do-It-Yourself/Make-Olive-Oil-Lamp.aspx

You can easily build your own olive oil lamp. Cheaper and more efficient than candles.
Personally Rod, I'm looking forward to the opportunity of eliminating a few marauding flatlanders and Massholes.

I have all the guns and ammo that I need. I intend to use them for game for my family to eat. I have a six month supply of MRE's, a stock pile of medical supplies, a good clean water source close by and good friends to pool resources with. I can think ahead and make due with very little. If it is really bad, I can relocate to 8,000 acres of private family land in the middle of nowhere with a half mile radius KZ.

IMO, it wouldn't take long for good average ordinary citizens to get to the point where they will kill you for supplies. I would guess a number of weeks since most would run out of supplies within two weeks.
This has been in the back of my mind for a little while. Which is probably why I have a few thousand 12ga shells in the closet. But I've been looking at a more realistic solution in an ar style rifle. Something simpler and a lot easier to carry extra ammo for miles. Ive also been meaning to get a bugout bag set up just in case we have to get out of the city quick.

Rod I agree theres no reason to go crazy, but being prepared will always be a good idea. I just watched Contagion, and it showed how quick people will turn to looting.
We have the ability to hold the position and feed the troops..... :cool:

Ammo doesn't spoil if kept in proper storage. Canned food / MRE's keep pretty well, too. Seems prudent to me to always be ready for anything...irresponsible as the head of the family not to.

...oh, and a lot of cigars. For morale, you know.... :p
Just buy a ton of twinkies. Those things could survive a nuclear war.

In all seriousness though, hadn't put too much thought into much of this until reading here. Think I may run to the store over the next few weeks and stock up extra canned goods and jugs of water each time, just to be safe.

My step dad has probably 500lb of ammunition and they live out in the boonies. So I could always shack up there for a while if need be.