Start with a good quality mild cigar. Definately buy a good quality cigar, but ask your tobaconist for something mild. You don't want to make an Ashton your first cigar.
Start mild, and slowly increase to more complex blends. This will help to develop your palate, and you will soon find that perfect cigar.
Many beginners start with a cigar which is too strong/complex, and they get turned off. One of my first cigars was a Fuente, and I didn't like it. Now Fuente is my favorite line, and I can't get enough of 'em. I recommend starting with a Montecristo White. Not too strong, not too mild, IMO. That should give you a good idea as far if you want to go lighter or stronger for your next smoke.
Good luck, and feel free to ask any questions you may have. This hobby is meant to be fun, and you are bound to have lots of questions.