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1st. Annual Cuban Superbowl Square's CANCELED!

Paul...save yourself the trouble...since I'm gonna be winning it all anyway, you can just have all 200 sticks sent to me.  
Pic is up to date!
I had to shorten some screen names to fit in the boxes...
bfreebern said:
In reading the title only, I was a little confused.  I thought I had missed out on some super secret Cuban football league or you were doing squares on when the embargo would go away.
Good thing I read further.
Ummmm.......so what boxes do you want?!?
I added my addy to the first post for shipping purposes.
Thank you guys,
Great idea...i;ll see what I can put together when I get home!
I'll be participating Paul. Just can't do it well from my phone. Tonight I'll do it from PC.
To all that jumped in so far. DO NOT SHIP YET!

If this is not close to full by Thursday then we will not be able to get it done. I don't want to have to ship entries back to people.

Everyone that has not jumped it yet stop pussyfooten around and get in on this. With no Anjeo/Opus squres this year this is your chance to have some extra fun for the Superbowl.
OK Paul, I'll take:
I'll keep my eyes on the thread and ship when you say it's a go.  Thanks, buddy..... :cool:
Tall Paul said:
To all that jumped in so far. DO NOT SHIP YET!
If this is not close to full by Thursday then we will not be able to get it done.
Open it up to more squares before you shit can it. Those involved should know they are held to their word, $8 per stick isn't hard to understand.
For the guys that haven't yet I need a list of cigars sent to me for approval.
Tall Paul said:
For the guys that haven't yet I need a list of cigars sent to me for approval.
You damn stickler. Here is my list:
OK, sorry I missed this earlier, C9R8, C10R5, C5R2, C5R6.
PMing in a moment.