1000 post contest

Do you get overtime because you sure work late. :sign:


If you look closely I'm at 999.
Tonight when I get home I will make my 1000th post.
Fairly simple game, first person to respond to it by quoting it and posting
"I WIN" will get a few stinky sticks from the litter pan.

Not really, I'll send you some nice smokes.

Outlaw employees are not eligible. You guys dont need my cigars :p

Now I'm off to work, what time will I get home?????????? :whistling:

OK so I got screwed, It double posted so now were going for post #1001
The dagnabit post does not count.

The post will be made sometime tonight.

How do I always manage to mess this uP

:angry: stop reminding people bastage, Im gonna win this one. :sign:


...AND you were right, you bastage...man, you're like Nostrodamas or something. Congrats and thanks for the contest Dirick! :D