1 Year Contest!

Just giving this a bump in case anyone else cares to enter! And no this wont be counted in the drawing, obviously :laugh:

Also thanks for the wishes, everyone!

Just been celebrating by going back and reading some of the great threads of the past! Good stuff. Never had read that Bill Clinton thread before. Wowza!

edit: spelling
I'm in :thumbs: Congrats bro..
Well the time has come and my wife has drawn lucky numberrrrr.... *drum roll*..... #32!!

Congrats to Napa_Smokes!!

Make sure I have your shipping address and I'll get something out to you on Monday.

Thanks everyone for playing and for the well wishes. I look forward to many more years as a member of this fine community!

Congrats to Josh!

Again, congrats on the anni Greg and thanks for the contest!