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  1. NASTY

    Quad State Herf 8 - Saturday, July 27th......

    Count me in, Charlie.
  2. NASTY

    Ramon Allones EL 2011

    I agree with Gary that these need a little time but even still, I can't get enough of these. Tallest person on the thread gets to host the split. Congratulations, Paul!! A fiver for me, thanks ;)
  3. NASTY

    Post an intro please. Who are u?

    Post an intro please. Who are u?
  4. NASTY

    72 Virgins Ticket

    Too much collateral damage in this video for me. Poor goats....I think
  5. NASTY


  6. NASTY

    Westvleteren XII is now available in NY. Someone tell me why the hell does this beer cost $85

    Westvleteren XII is now available in NY. Someone tell me why the hell does this beer cost $85
  7. NASTY

    NYC Area Monthly Meet Up

    Right now!!!
  8. NASTY

    "New" Tatuaje?

    Well, well, well....after all these months away from the board, look who still feels giddy when they talk about Pete
  9. NASTY

    It's Macho Time somewhere up there. Rest in Peace Macho Camacho

    It's Macho Time somewhere up there. Rest in Peace Macho Camacho
  10. NASTY

    No more Twinkies - Hostess finally went under...

    Right on, Boar! And you sir, you just need to get banned for that comment :sign:
  11. NASTY

    Some Pics of the Hurricane Damage

    Received some pics today from a coworker that was working over at Broad Channel area by the Cross Bay Bridge. For those of you that are unfamiliar with that area, Google up the area. Residents say for at least a couple of hours, there was no street at all. They have a lot of make...
  12. NASTY

    Some Pics of the Hurricane Damage

    We weren't affected at all. Just the lights flickering off and on continuously and some downed trees around my way. But an area about a mile from me had no power for about 4 to 5 days. We were lucky
  13. NASTY

    Some Pics of the Hurricane Damage

    Rockaway Beach sans boardwalk This is how the dead end blocks in Far Rockaway look like. The sand covers the streets and it even reaches the opposite end of the island
  14. NASTY

    Some Pics of the Hurricane Damage

    That container washed up on this lady's front lawn. Some company showed up, emptied and salvaged its contents and disappeared leaving this lady to deal with getting rid of the container
  15. NASTY

    Some Pics of the Hurricane Damage

    As some of you may know, I work for the city here in New York. As soon as the hurricane hit, we were put on 12 hour shifts to help with whatever. After the storm, we were sent to heavily damaged areas such as Staten Island, Far Rockaway and Breezy Point to remove debris and start the clean up...
  16. NASTY

    R.I.P. Emanuel Steward

    R.I.P. Emanuel Steward
  17. NASTY

    iPad mini - Whose buying it?

    Amen. Oh and Gary does have teeny little hands. I thought he was smoking a Trini Fundi at the Quad but it was actually a JLP Crema
  18. NASTY

    iPad mini - Whose buying it?

    I could see the Kool Aid still hasn't lost its potency sheesh
  19. NASTY

    It's going to be the start of a new streak alright....starting with a loss to NY

    It's going to be the start of a new streak alright....starting with a loss to NY
  20. NASTY

    Yanque Base Ball

    Is this the yankees sobbing network?