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  1. miamipadronsmoker

    CP Brotherhood contest

    I think we are waiting on Mike. No pressure though Mike :laugh:
  2. miamipadronsmoker

    VewyPhishy - fake cigars

    Rod thank you for all your efforts with this unfortunate situation. I want to say that if I insulted anyone or said anything recently that was inappropriate I apologize. I have been in anger recently, not for losing out on a couple of smokes but rather a breach of trust that I had with Mike who...
  3. miamipadronsmoker

    VewyPhishy - fake cigars

    When did I tell anyone to STFU?
  4. miamipadronsmoker

    VewyPhishy - fake cigars

    Thanks for your constructive response Andrew however I find some of the reasoning a bit flawed. There is no bandwagon here. I contacted Mike out of concern. As I have stated previously Mike helped me out when I fist came to CP. I was encouraged to purchase a newbie sampler and Mike came through...
  5. miamipadronsmoker

    VewyPhishy - fake cigars

    Souldog my post was a question to Mike since this is the only way I can contact him. Why you needed to chime in with your infinite wisdom is beyond me :rolleyes:
  6. miamipadronsmoker

    VewyPhishy - fake cigars

    Wow! Mike I'm really offended by your words and actions here. Is this what you think CP is about? Do you really think I would bamboozle you over a couple of cigars? Mike please respond because I feel an apology is owed.
  7. miamipadronsmoker

    VewyPhishy - fake cigars

    You should see these Miami fakes. People don't know so it's not worth the effort to them to make them perfect. Someone wanted to know if his $180 box of Esplendidos were real. I told him I don't know much but in this case I could tell him blindfolded :laugh:.
  8. miamipadronsmoker

    VewyPhishy - fake cigars

    Thank you. This is a good learning experience for everyone here. It was pointed out to me that the fake Cohiba bands usually have a larger gold box around COHIBA. Also note that the I in COHIBA is off center. The script is completely off as well if you look closely, not just the C of Cuba. Take...
  9. miamipadronsmoker

    VewyPhishy - fake cigars

    As a newbie I came here and received help from many established members. To me this is a learning experience and continues to be. I am a student of cigars. Mike, vewyphishy, was kind enough to show me the ropes a bit. He did my newbie samplers and I trusted him implicitly. Never in my ten months...
  10. miamipadronsmoker

    VewyPhishy - fake cigars

    You are right that I am upset. I am allowed my opinion however. There are certain unwritten rules here at CP in my opinion. I owe no apology and I love it here. Thanks Gary I'm gonna go cool off. It's hot and humid here in Miami.
  11. miamipadronsmoker

    VewyPhishy - fake cigars

    How long should Mike have to make this right? Put yourself in my shoes.
  12. miamipadronsmoker

    VewyPhishy - fake cigars

    Sorry but Mike has had since June 9th to make this right with me and still nothing. A week is plenty of time and there is no reason this should have taken so long. We all know that mistakes happen but there is absolutely no excuse for this crap. The only reason this situation exists is because...
  13. miamipadronsmoker

    VewyPhishy - fake cigars

    My wonderful conversations with Mike: QUOTE Mike there is a problem with the Cohiba EL DC's you sent me. Can you send me your email address so I can send you photos? Do you have more of them? Hey dude. Sorry to hear that... but it's also been several weeks. Not sure what I can do for you...
  14. miamipadronsmoker

    VewyPhishy - fake cigars

    Won't be at a computer till later but the sublimes are a 51 RG. Nice bands but fake cigar. I will post detailed pics tonight as well as Mikes PM's if he doesn't surface.
  15. miamipadronsmoker

    VewyPhishy - fake cigars

    Mike the solution here is very simple. Refund us our money ASAP. You have had more than enough time already. All the EL Cohibas you sold me are fake.
  16. miamipadronsmoker

    Anyone had the new cigars from xikar?

    I smoked the HC Lonsdale during Phish at Jones Beach. I remember the beautiful rosado wrapper and a really nice pigtail. It was definitely full bodied, tasty but rather one dimensional. My stick needed some down time and was a bit wet. I have one of each size resting that I picked up from...
  17. miamipadronsmoker

    Mancave pictures...

    Beautiful kids Mike. Looks like you have exceptional taste.
  18. miamipadronsmoker

    Tatuaje Noella Reserva 2009

    The aroma that eminates from the box of these is absolutely intoxicating. It has the most unique aroma I have experienced from a cigar.
  19. miamipadronsmoker

    H. Upmann Sir Winston 2003

    My hands down favorite cigar. Great review as always Greg.
  20. miamipadronsmoker

    Today's Smoke II

    Padron Ambassador from 03'. You should have seen my face when I opened the box and read the little piece of paper :D