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Search results

  1. Joebiech

    Aged Cigars

    The only thing that seems to get age is things I don't want to smoke. All the good stuff don't last very long.
  2. Joebiech

    Using a Cigar Caddie as long term storage

    (1) I can't see why you would have mold by storing in a tupperware.  Are you sure that the tupperware was clean?  Without spores to begin with, I cannot see why mold would magically grow.  Although I have not stored cigars for long stretches of time in my cigar-caddy, I cannot see why it would...
  3. Joebiech

    Recent Purchase Credit Card Issues

    CC# has been changed and I think I will be following the advice from members of this board and the advice I am seeing on other boards, which is to stay out of the fight between vendor and their card processor.
  4. Joebiech

    Recent Purchase Credit Card Issues

    That is a good point. From my end I received my product and have no problem paying for it. It just seems messed up for the vendor if they got ripped off by their processing company. For them they are down cigars and money. If I dispute the charge, can the processing company (not the vendor)...
  5. Joebiech

    Recent Purchase Credit Card Issues

    Thanks for letting me know that I am not the only one.  It would only seem fair that if the vendor got ripped off by the processing company, I as a consumer should look out for the retailer as I would hope they do for me.  I think I will definitely take your advice about changing the CC...
  6. Joebiech

    Recent Purchase Credit Card Issues

    I placed an order a couple of weeks ago and received my package safely. However, this last weekend I received an email from the vendor about charge disputes between them and their card processor. They are asking I reverse the charge and allow their bank to charge me. I am just wondering if...
  7. Joebiech

    Tupperdor Humidification

    Just out of curiousity, how good is your seal and what is your ambient rh%?
  8. Joebiech

    Humidor Issues... I think!?

    Welcome Kahnighticus In regards to your post, take a quick spin through the humidor section. I believe it usually takes much longer than 1 day to season a humidor. Was your friend using the humidor right before giving it to you? In which case it is already seasoned and you can ignore my...
  9. Joebiech

    Fire Destroys Two Arturo Fuente Tobacco Warehouses

    The loss is sad news, but I cannot imagine that they will have a price increase due to this. Does that mean once they are back on their feet, the price will decrease? JMHO
  10. Joebiech

    Just a teaser...

    Looks like my search function isn't working very well. Just a heads up in-case others are having issues as well.
  11. Joebiech

    Mold Plume debate

    Honestly I find it kind of disheartening. Every B&M I have gone into that has mold has always passed it off as plume. I know that many will say to simply avoid those establishments, but if I did that then I would have no more stores to visit. I also find if you question them about the issue...
  12. Joebiech

    Harsh Tasting Cigars and RH

    You could try and dry box a few smokes. Then you can go head to head to see if humidity is really the cause of the harshness.
  13. Joebiech

    Anybody else a quiet guy?

    I don't say much either but I am here everyday. Well at least M-F 9-5 anyways. edit for spelling
  14. Joebiech

    Trading question

    I think you should read the thread first. That is not how it works. The newbie sampler is meant for newbies to purchase a sampler from a more established member in order to try various new/different sticks.
  15. Joebiech

    Trading question

    You can find the newbie sampler on the top of the BST section. It is pinned. Best of luck. :thumbs:
  16. Joebiech

    Andy from XIKAR

    You are a little late on the welcome. In regards to your DOA xikar, it would seem from the post right above yours that you can take it right back to the retailer and they will take care of you. Good luck.
  17. Joebiech

    Why Spanish Cedar?

    Of course the wood will be able to absorb and release some moisture, but I think most of the responsibility should fall on your humidity device (in my case beads). I don't think the spanish cedar is a must or else there wouldn't be so many cooler-dors or vine-dors around.
  18. Joebiech

    Why Spanish Cedar?

    If I am correct, Spanish cedar is not cedar. Please don't put normal cedar in your humidor. To my understanding normal cedar is too aromatic and will overpower your cigars. I believe this question has been discussed in the past, but I cannot seem to find the posts right now. I will edit this...
  19. Joebiech

    Please help answer a question

    It is probably just the dye. If Rocky denies using dye, maybe he can come out and explain what is going on.