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Search results

  1. D

    Happy Birthday Rod!

    Happy Birthday there buddy. I'll light up a good one in your honor. Heck, I think we all should light up a good one in your honor. Thanks for providing such a great board for everyone. Dave :D
  2. D

    OK, I'm New

    Hey there Tony, welcome to CP. Pull up a chair and make yourself comfy! Dave ;)
  3. D

    Another Great Free Offer

    Ok, you've already read everything from my iPod & flat screen threads. You've heard the good and bad. There are people that believe in this, and there are others that don't. I'm one of the believers. I just found another site by the same company that is offering new computers! Check out this...
  4. D

    Gotta be quick...

    We're back! Thanks for all the well-wishes. We got there, she laid down and the blood pressure was fine. We ended up waiting an hour or so to get some blood tests back. She's A-OK. Looks like we're back to our previously scheduled induction date of Sept. 1. Thanks again everyone, Dave ;)
  5. D

    Gotta be quick...

    So I'm just heading out to my couple of calls for today when I ge the call from Carrie. She was at her Doctors getting a checkup to make sure she and baby are doing ok. Turns out her blood pressure is all over the place. She's on her way home, we'll meet up and head to the hospital together...
  6. D

    Here is a funny cartoon

    Don't suppose anyone saved it? -Bandwidth Exceeded- Dave :(
  7. D

    Free Flat Screens

    Hooray for me! Weeeeeee :D :p :D :p :D
  8. D

    Free Flat Screens

    You should really learn to read more carefully before you comment on my posts.
  9. D

    Free Flat Screens

    Now wait, I'm confused here. You demanded that I would have to apologize if the people "beneath me" did not get there stuff. I clearly stated that I would apologize. But aparently that's not good enough... So, if someone get's stiffed, am I supposed to apologize or not? You can't bash me...
  10. D

    Free Flat Screens

    Wow - such anger. Sorry if I apparently touched a nerve there. I thought my 10% quote was more humor then anything (btw, it's about 20% now :sign: ). This is an open forum. If it wasn't, I could have deleted your post and pretended it never happened. But it is open, that's why I responded...
  11. D

    Free Flat Screens

    Thanks for posting those great links! It looks like the only negative thing they have to say is that they don't like getting all the referrals Here's another good one: http://www.rateipodoffers.com/links.php or that sites main page: http://www.rateipodoffers.com Thanks again to everyone! Dave
  12. D

    Free Flat Screens

    Wow - a full 10% of your total posts are used to bash my idea. I should feel honored. For those that are willing to try something and have a little faith - I only need one more referral. As I stated in the iPod thread, if I'm wrong and never receive my flat screen, I will be the first to...
  13. D

    Free iPods

    If I never see my iPod, I'll be the first to apologize to everyone involved. However, when I post the pictures of my new iPod, will you be willing to do the same? You know, all you have to do is sign up for some free trials. What do you really have to lose by trying? Dave :lookup:
  14. D

    Free Flat Screens

    Let me retract my last statement. This is off of the iPod site, but it's the same for free flat screens:
  15. D


    Sorry, the test didn't work. Please try again. ;)
  16. D

    Free Flat Screens

    I suppose you could try - but I bet they have a way to catch stuff like that. If you really want to try that, I'll be happy to setup 8 different forwarding email accounts from one of my many domains for you. Just make sure the first one you sign up for is off of my referral code ;) Dave :)
  17. D

    Free Flat Screens

    There's a variety of offers. Not all the same offers are visible to all people. Here's what trial offers are available to me: AOL Video Professor BMG Music Service Columbia House DVD eBay Mastercard Feel Serenity Infone MiracleBurn and the GM Card (credit card) Hope this answers your...
  18. D

    Free Flat Screens

    Got 6 already! Only 2 more to go and I'll remove my link and allow someone else to post there referral code. Thanks everyone! Dave
  19. D

    Custom Printing

    I've used Vistaprint for my business cards. They do a great job! I know they do a bunch of other stuff. Don't know about koozies though. www.vistaprint.com
  20. D

    Free iPods

    SIX referrals already! I wonder if that sets a new record for them. 5 of the 6 are still "pending" (I think that means the offer still has to be "used" or the credit card issued). But the bottom line is - I have what I need. THANK YOU to everyone that signed up. Someone now needs to post...