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Search results

  1. JOE.M.

    Happy Birthday Emo!

    Happy Bday Emo! :thumbs:
  2. JOE.M.

    Indian Tabac

    I am a big fan of the Super Fuerte's also check out this deal at PaylessCigar, Buy 1 box at regular price {$59.95}get the second {same box} for $25! Just picked up 4 of the Petit Belicoso Maduro. :thumbs:
  3. JOE.M.

    More birthday boys

    Happy Bday guys! Now stop tryin' to steal my thunder :angry2:
  4. JOE.M.

    Happy B-Day Joe.M.

    Thanks guys! :) The love is overwhelming! :blush: Heading out back to the hot tub with a 6 pack of Heineken and a Bolivar Gold medal {Thaks bro ;)}
  5. JOE.M.

    Anyone live close to any of the JR Cigars?

    Could not have said it better myself! ;) Thanks for all the responses; you all know my coolers are open... Just ask ;)
  6. JOE.M.

    Anyone live close to any of the JR Cigars?

    I need to get a sample of 2 cigars for a family member to try; I need one or two of each of these; FLOR DE A. ALLONES BELICOSO MAYORGA GORDITO TORPEDO {Maduro} If anyone can help I would be very grateful and make it worth your time. Thanks!! :thumbs:
  7. JOE.M.

    PARTIGAS serie D 2005 reserva

    ??? Oh, this is going to get ugly!! ??? Lets see if I can make this clear enough for the newbies...STAY FAR AWAY FROM THIS P.O.S.! HE WILL SCREW YOU! NO FLOWERS, NO FANCY DINNER NOT EVEN SOME ANAL LUBE! IF YOU FALL FOR IT, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN AND NOBODY WILL "HAVE YOUR BACK" ON THIS!! ...
  8. JOE.M.


    This is sooooooooooooooooooooooo freakin' lame! 1st time, ok so you’re a little late. 2nd time well looks like we have a pattern here. 3rd time... Call him the puppet master!! :angry: Anyone who does any sort of business with this slack ass from here on deserves what you get! If you roll...
  9. JOE.M.

    How long should one have to wait.......

    Why don't you guy's grow a pair and just call him out! I have all ready posted my thoughts on this clown when he posted up personal info on a member now it's time to circle the wagons and show him for what he is before some other clueless sap gets screwed! This guy is a POS! I remember the days...
  10. JOE.M.

    Helllooooooo Baby.....

    You must be reminiscing about that weekend with the guy in the gray glasses and beard! :sign: Thank you! I will be here all week! 2 shows on Sunday!! :sign:
  11. JOE.M.


    Did some business last week with Ron at Seriouscigars.com I had some special needs {yea, but I can still kick your ass!} and without question Ron handled my order with perfection. I have dealt with many retailers {home and away} and have never had the service, and received such a well packed...
  12. JOE.M.

    Happy birthday Swissy

    Happy Bday Jim! Enjoy a warm drink and a fine smoke! ;)
  13. JOE.M.

    ISOM's and the airlines

    It is not illegal to have Cuban cigars in your possession, it is illegal to import or export them. With that, I have taken my travel humidor packed with cigars on everywhere I go and have never been questioned! As a matter of fact, the last time I was going through JFK in New York the TSA guy...
  14. JOE.M.

    Cigar Girl 04/29/05

    I bet he paid big money for them tits! :sign:
  15. JOE.M.


    Heeeeeeeeeeeey! :angry2: Thats Lortab! Not Vicodin! I have moved up in the world!! And I am not loopy most of the time {freakin' pansy} :angry2:... That would be all of the time!! :cool:
  16. JOE.M.


    Call your CC Company! Tell them the item was never received, without a signature Cbid has no leg to stand on and the CC company will fight it out with the "shipping company" and Cbid {that is what they are there for}. And just a question, what were you smoking when you opted to pay $80 for a box...
  17. JOE.M.

    What size humidor you got?

    How cute! :sign: I have 2 150qt's packed for the looooooooooooooooooooooong haul, 1 100qt with some room... Donations anyone? :cool:
  18. JOE.M.

    Happy Birthday Bobbyson1a!

    I fell for this last month! Screw him! :sign:
  19. JOE.M.

    Happy Birthday Ads47 & SD Stack

    Happy Bday Steve! Sure do miss your redneck ways around here!! :cool:
  20. JOE.M.

    The great newbie wars of "05

    Thats my kind of woman! Balls as big as ??? Well you know were I am going! And just for that, ANIP!! :D