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  1. B

    Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner Pass

    Trust me. Junior "rolled one" last Thursday. My nose is still pressed against the window waiting for brownie. Maybe tomorrow? Bob
  2. B

    Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner Pass

    I wouldn't put anything in the box that wasn't a vintage smoke. The box date is last Thursday. The factory was my pet bulldog. YUM! Did someone say AyC Chrystals? Man. I didn't know such good smokes came in a high class glass tube. They must be awesome since the cello five packs are great...
  3. B

    Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner Pass

    Great turnarounds guys. I can't wait to get the box. I have some good aged Roi Tan Reserva Cabinet Millenium Special Edition sticks to trade for a few of the rockets in the box. YUM, YUM! I am so excited, I think I just wet my pants. The Roi Tan should more that cover that damned ol' Luci. Bob
  4. B

    La Luna LHB (Little Havana Blend) Lunacy

    My pleasure, Sam.  Enjoy all the goodies.  There are some mighty fine sticks in the box that all have put in. The box was shipped to Scott today via UPS.  Tracking information is: 1Z 752 X00 03 1038 119 3.  Box is also insured.  Estimated arrival in Richardson, TX. is Monday p.m.  Heads up...
  5. B

    La Luna LHB (Little Havana Blend) Lunacy

    Hey gang, ITS HERE!  Box arrived this p.m. from Brownie in good shape.  Looks like the only casualty was the Davi 3000 that must have fallen out of the hole in the bottom of the box. The driver was smoking something with a white band on it when he delivered the package.  That could be where the...
  6. B

    La Luna LHB (Little Havana Blend) Lunacy

    Peepee dance in full swing. I have my little nose pressed against the window waiting for the UPS truck. Come on, Brownie. Bob PS: Sam, want to trade a Papayos Millinium Reserve Vintage Select Limited Edition for that Davi rocket in the Hands Off Packet? I won't require any extra boot. LMK.
  7. B

    Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner Pass

    Ken: I received the goodie box from you today. Very nice my man! I look forward to tasting the coffee you sent. I will definitely post feedback on the new blends. Over the top. Bob
  8. B

    Give To Your Buddies - Double Box Pass

    Dave: My takes were nos. 8 31 35 and 43. My puts are nos. 47 thru 54. Thanks for letting me participate. It has been fun. You really know how to organize a pass. Initial puts were not bad either. Best regards, Bob
  9. B

    Give To Your Buddies - Double Box Pass

    Are you sure the box was delivered today. If so, it must have been delivered to my twin brother. If that is the case, we are all SOL. He wouldn't give up a box of free smokes if his life depended on it. NOT! It's here. LOL. Thanks Churchill. My takes: FFOX xXx Saint Luis Rey PC ISOM Punch...
  10. B

    La Luna LHB (Little Havana Blend) Lunacy

    Me thinks Devin dosen't know how to count. One word summary of Devin's puts: DAMN! Bob
  11. B

    Give To Your Buddies - Double Box Pass

    Churchill: Thanks for the heads up. My nose is next to the window waiting for the snail to come my way. I've got some real fine dog rockets to send on to the next dude in line. I can't wait. Bob
  12. B

    Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner Pass

    I would love to play. This looks like a first class pass. I will send you my addy by messenger. Bob
  13. B

    Ramon Allones Small Club Corona

    Ain't those little puppies wonderful, both the RASCC and the RASS! Bob
  14. B

    Quai d'Orsay Imperiales

    One hell of a review. I could taste this baby all the way through the review. Good job, my friend. Bob
  15. B

    Give To Your Buddies - Double Box Pass

    Dave: Congrats on the proposal. Congrats also on the starting lineup. Looks like it will be a good pass. Vern & Worm: What is this "improved system" I am hearing about? Me thinks there be a conspiracy afoot. As GWB has said, we can work (or conspire) together or you can catch the heat from...
  16. B

    La Luna LHB (Little Havana Blend) Lunacy

    Sam: Thanks for inviting me to the party. Bob
  17. B

    La Luna LHB (Little Havana Blend) Lunacy

    Sam: I would love to play if you have room. I can still taste the Culebra after reading your recent review. Will send you my snailer. Bob
  18. B

    Give To Your Buddies - Double Box Pass

    I would like to play. Will send email with addy. Bob
  19. B

    Maduro Pass

    Pepe: This was a good pass. Thanks for organizing it. Bob