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  1. Turk10mm

    Vinotemp questions...

    You shouldn't have a humidity that high indoors, more than likely. I know in Houston my humidity inside runs about 40% even though its 80% outside. I'd recheck your hygros. I guess its possible if you don't run A/C. I'd let the beads sit for a few days and see what happens. I usually get...
  2. Turk10mm

    Vinotemp Questions

    I don't think I have a bad seal. The holes drilled for fan wires are puttied, but now that i think about it, the hole may not be plugged anymore. been a while, i think i needed my rubber cork for something else.
  3. Turk10mm


    There seems to have been a misunderstanding in my last post. I posted what he wrote, at the top I said "He's Home!!!" Please don't mistake this post as me having been WIA. This is my good buddy, fellow botl, and other board member DHutch, David Hutch that I was referring to. I'm sorry, I...
  4. Turk10mm

    Life has been good

    Well, the only stipulation is that I have to at least wait for my aristocrat to arrive. Could be at least two months. Jon's got first dibs unless someone from Houston wants to pick it up. Sorry, its not that I don't want to send it to Jon. I'd have to pack it, deal with greyhound, etc.
  5. Turk10mm

    Life has been good

    Wow! You just saved me from worrying about a bigger cabinet. I called Bob and its being changed now! thanks a bunch! I am now the soon to be proud owner of an M Plus 48, 25"D cabinet instead of the plus 48
  6. Turk10mm

    Life has been good

    I'd prefer not to ship it. stuff like this gets broken in transit and i dont' want anyone to be disappointed.. it would probably have to go freight and would cost much less to make more than likely.
  7. Turk10mm

    Vinotemp Questions

    The dish in the bottom is used to catch condensation runoff from the channel under the cooling unit. I used a piece of black pastic and black duct tape to adhere a 3 ring binder divider that i trimmed to fit. Basically i took the black divider from a 3 ring binder, its the perfect width...
  8. Turk10mm

    Life has been good

    better picture
  9. Turk10mm

    Life has been good

    I ordered an aristocrat Plus 48 THC, Rh and Temp controlled unit in Dark Red Mahogany with a glass top and a 2/3 glass door. I can't wait for my new baby to arrive. Anyone in Houston want an in great condition VinoTemp with spanish cedar shelves that I made, dual blue led fans, timer, 1lb of...
  10. Turk10mm

    Question for the Techno heads

    There's always FTK Imager, and its free. Its forensically sound imaging software that's packed with FTK forensic toolkit. You can download the imager software from the site. It will retain an exact image of the drive, including slack space in the event you ever need to go back and recover...
  11. Turk10mm

    Since there is another gun thread...

    I second getting an AR.. Support is astounding for them. You can spend as much or as little as you want and start off with a stock AR and upgrade it over time how you want it.
  12. Turk10mm

    I'm shopping for a gun

    I agree with your logic, but disagree with the reality. A shotgun takes proficiency as well. Shotguns don't just splatter bad guys with pellets when you point it in their general direction. You need to aim, and aim accurately. Not to mention for a lady, a shotgun is very simple to take away...
  13. Turk10mm

    I'm shopping for a gun

    ITs not about accurate rounds, its about murphy's law. there's a reason why cops carry high capacity firearms.
  14. Turk10mm

    I'm shopping for a gun

    Keep in mind capacity. I'd rather have too many than not enough, any day. I'm positive that I can use two to three rounds in a second or two and that should generally be enough. However, there's old Murphy looking over your shoulder. I like 1911's too, but they're typically limited to...
  15. Turk10mm

    I'm shopping for a gun

    There's a lot of shotgun guys on this forum, and I can only assume its because of their lack of proficiency with a handgun. Personally, I keep everything loaded. I'm not out to "impress" someone with a rack/rack sound of a pump. All the bad guy will hear from me is bang. I personally would...
  16. Turk10mm


    He's home!!! Hey guys! First time I've been allowed near a computer since my "incident." I appreciate everyones warm wishes and thanks for yals support. The story yal got has a few facts that are missing and or wrong but thats ok, we can set those straight. First of all we werent out on a...
  17. Turk10mm


    not much of an update, but "Hutch has already been awarded the purple heart and the sgt. said if Hutch hadnt gotten his rounds off his battle buddied would have sustained much worse injury, they are in the process of getting him a bronze star at the moment." i never knew a for real hero...
  18. Turk10mm


    A BOTL of mine, from another forum has been wounded in action. His Buffalo was hit with an RPG. Information is sketchy at the moment. I'll repost what was posted on the other forum. Just a couple of months ago we had a going away herf for him. He can't have been in country for a month, if...
  19. Turk10mm

    Wedding Day Box

    Well, I definitely have gotten down to my favorite two. I smoked all of the above on Saturday and enjoyed each. But the camacho 10th and the Padron 26 #2's were my favorites. I still have a few months to prepare!
  20. Turk10mm

    Wedding Day Box

    thanks for the congrats guys... We got engaged a few weeks ago, went looking for a place to get married, and found it last week. the only problem was getting a day they had available, so we chose September which is just a heartbeat away, or so it seems. The place is worth it though!