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  1. P


    Welcome as all have said, now that ya started, you will find that you NEVER have enough cigar storage again lol Such is the nature of the beast PaulMac
  2. P

    Intro to CP...

    Welcome to CP!
  3. P

    Macallan 30 year old Scotch

    Was away for the weekend AVB so I just now able to respond lol I agree that it does not sound as much better than the 25 as you would expect from the price. But it still sounds as if its a very nice dram indeed :) PaulMac
  4. P

    Blair Athol 28yo Cask Strength

    Never had coconut flavor...ranks right up there with the berry flavors in Bowmore Dusk on the weirdness scale, nice review as always AVB PaulMac
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    Whyte & Mackay 30 yo Blended Scotch

    heya MiamiCubano... long time no see...did ya catch my review of the Ardbeggedon a while back? Now THATS an Ardbeg Slainte PaulMac
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    Whyte & Mackay 30 yo Blended Scotch

    wow, amazing...think they gettin 299 for the 25 here as well...nothing is cheaper in my state...gotta tell my merchant to raise his price! NOT! :sign: maybe I just buy it when I can PaulMac
  7. P

    What local food would you miss most?

    Like CC, how could I pass lobster up! only one thing like new england lobster and thats new england lobster! I would also miss the stuff I can get in manhattan, to go back to the raw beef thing...there is no carpaccio like that in little Italy! And I would at least have to be near a coast for...
  8. P

    Whyte & Mackay 30 yo Blended Scotch

    Great review AVB I woulda responded sooner but just got back from a short vaca Never had a W&M, but with Dalmore as the base, I certainly will add it to the list! PaulMac
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    Hoyo Petit Robusto #MKB JUN04

    Sure, throw another cigar onto my want list... I need a job lol well, looks like I have a nice part timey while I at school anyway PaulMac
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    The Collection so far

    I think what I find scary is, for most of it, I don't NEED a key lol PaulMac
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    Machine made Cubans

    8 sets of 3 with 1 oddball off by himself lol PaulMac
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    Glenfiddich XXX Scotch

    no, keep doin em, I just not around to comment much lately lol! within a week, my pc should be set up at new place, so I'll be more active then. PaulMac
  13. P

    Return of Mac's Malts, birthday edition

    wait til the next few reviews lol, I prolly stick some attainable stuff in there, but my buddy hooked me up for birthday so I gonna review ALL of them, since it gives people something to aim for PaulMac
  14. P

    Return of Mac's Malts, birthday edition

    Hi all, sorry it been so long since I done a review, but between quitting my job of 9 years, moving, and registering for school, things been a bit hectic lol. They gonna be hectic for a couple more weeks, then I should be back to an even more regular schedule than before, since I will have more...
  15. P

    Happy Birthday PaulMac

    Thanks all! Have already poured the special dram, expect a review later lol, and soon will be lighting the nice cigar, while I repeat of course lol! Slainte! PaulMac
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    Talisker 10 yo Scotch from Skye

    fits my tasting notes pretty close. As it pertains to this scotch, yes, peppery works, this is the single malt answer to Absolut Peppar lol PaulMac
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    Glen Keith 10 yo Scotch

    Things got very crazy for awhile there, today was a big day, I told apartment complex I not renewin lease, and gave notice at my job of 9 yrs...so will prolly be crazy for a bit more, and then I be here much again
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    Glen Keith 10 yo Scotch

    I've also used Auchentoshan Select to successfully introduce a few friends. Even better its really cheap lol PaulMac
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    Glenmorangie Malaga Wood Finish

    Hi all, Decided to go with something a little harder to find this time, but well worth it if ya can find it! Glenmorangie limited edition 25 yr old Malaga wood finish, 750 ml, 43% by vol., unavailable in US as far as I know, I got mine shipped from Scotland for about $130. According to the...
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    A Good Beginner Cigar?

    While TB is correct you gotta not be a peckerhead to see what comes yer way, it also helps to have yer name and address in yer profile for the wondrous phenomena known as bombs....you may not be know enough for isom bombs, but some may wanna help you on yer way with domestics as well :) PaulMac