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  1. B.HOBS


    SoCal HERF scene is dead...it seriously sucks, but this city is too sprawling to make it convenient for anyone to show up except weekend or Friday, and then most of us have plans anyways. Plus... about 75% of the guys who used to go all the time, no longer participate here on CP. So...yeah.
  2. B.HOBS

    New to pipe smoking

    McClellands Christmas Cheer is definitely not an aromatic, if thats what you're after. It is a straight Virginia tobacco, with a lot of natural sweetness to it. That being said, it is a favorite of mine. I suggest giving it a go, if you dont like it, I'll gladly buy the rest from you. Its one of...
  3. B.HOBS

    Let's pick up a new hobby!

    Welcome to your second slippery slope!! I honestly suggest getting a cheaper (in price) pipe to start off with, to test the waters with. Believe it or not, corncobs are one of the better smoking pipes out there, and cost around $10. If you really want a traditional briar, Savinelli makes a...
  4. B.HOBS

    Anyone else miss Smoking Mex?

    Anyone else miss Smoking Mex?
  5. B.HOBS

    All this shipping & receiving and I get hit with a Grenade!

    Perfect target!! Youre a great BTL Paul.
  6. B.HOBS

    What beer did you drink today?

    Some Stone 12.12.12 and Deschutes Abyss 2012....nothing beats the 2010 Abyss still. 2012 is great, but falls short of the 2010. Isnt Guinness the best? I love the hell outta that stuff. Basic....but tasty.
  7. B.HOBS


    So its just us three again????? WTF SOCAL BROS??!!!! Whats happened???!!!
  8. B.HOBS

    Happy 55th B-Day Tom (BlindedByScience), enjoy my brother.......

    Happy Birthday Tom! Thanks for being one of the best example setting CP members out there. Enjoy your day!
  9. B.HOBS

    What beer did you drink today?

    We had a tasting yesterday with myself, MAS_Puros, The Black Cloud, and Puros Locos...Good times ensued. Eclipse 50/50 Grand Cru 2011 Canaster Winterscotch Ale 2009 Great Divide Wolfgang Doppelbock New Belgium La Folie C&C 2008 Iron Fist Dubbel Fisted Enegren Imperial IPA Firestone Walker 14th...
  10. B.HOBS

    What beer did you drink today?

    No beer...but Simcoe Hops sorbet! DEEEEEELISH!!
  11. B.HOBS

    Leaving the cigar business

    Good luck Isy!!
  12. B.HOBS

    Beer Secret Santa again?

    Orval is great, Rod. It's got some tart and some funk, but is so delicious. Pick some up!
  13. B.HOBS

    Making a sweet humidor

    Great work!!! The chain style lid catcher is a great detail... If you need to improve the lid seal, put a bit of sailmakers wax around the spanish cedar on the lid to help fill in any small inconsistencies when the lid is shut.
  14. B.HOBS

    What's in your pipe today?

    Had some Nightcap in my Kaywoodie tonight. Havent had a smoke in a while...and this was not a let down. Excellent smoke, always reminding me of why it is a favorite blend.
  15. B.HOBS

    What beer did you drink today?

    Empyrean Vanilla Porter Lucky Bucket IPA Odell's 90 Shilling Ale Goose Island 312 Ale I'm in Nebraska this week, so I'm enjoying some more local goodies.
  16. B.HOBS

    Beer Secret Santa again?

    Well, I had a HORRIBLE time with this last year! No fun at all! Bad idea on all fronts....and I squarely place blame on Jimmy. :p I'm in...
  17. B.HOBS

    What's in your pipe today?

    Well Chris....I have been neglecting the pipe too much, but recently had a bowl of Erinmore flake, and some Davidoff Royalty. How's that?
  18. B.HOBS

    I had a nose job, but why don't I look better?

    Heal well brother, and hopefully it turns out to be as good as you were promised by the doctors! Any surgery on the face or mouth just stinks....
  19. B.HOBS

    A little change and life lesson

    Good luck to you Ben!