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Search results

  1. B.HOBS

    ISO: Troegs Nugget Nectar

    This was just released for this year, and looking to pick up 2-4 bottles....any brothers available to help me out? I will compensate or trade some California goodness for your troubles (Bruery, Russian River, etc.)... Thanks guys! -Billy
  2. B.HOBS

    Straight razors and DE razors?

    I use a cream (Baxter of California Super Close Shave) myself, mainly because I don't use a badger brush, so I'm not building any lather. I love the stuff, and I can't imagine switching to something else or shaving in a different manner. Really nice shave with my Merkur and Derby blades, no...
  3. B.HOBS

    SoCal Herf/BBQ/Beer Day- At My Place in Torrance!

    A tentative yes from me!!
  4. B.HOBS

    My first attempt at making a pipe!

    Damn nice Chris!!!
  5. B.HOBS

    New Years Beer Line Up?

    WHAT?! Thats cray cray for such a sick homebrewer...hope everything is ok Justin! Mostly gonna be drinking some cocktails and scotch, but i have a bottle of ABT 12 and some Abyss '10 I'll probaby get into.
  6. B.HOBS

    Custom Beer Fridge

    Sick! I dream of having a fridge like this filled with amazing beers. The taps make it perfect. Nice work Paul!
  7. B.HOBS

    What beer did you drink today?

    Had a Surly Cynic Ale and a Deschutes Inversion IPA last night. Cynic was DEEEEEEE-lish!!
  8. B.HOBS

    Whats in your glass right now?

    The Balvenie 15 Year.
  9. B.HOBS


    Funny thing is that my middle name is Gray. So it really does kinda work!!
  10. B.HOBS

    Lamest Informercials

  11. B.HOBS


    So, I come home to a package at the door. "I didnt order anything...I think." I say. "Yeah...uh-huh." says the wife, as we all know how that goes. I open it up, sure enough....KA-BOOM!!! Gern Blansten has decided to hit me with some seriously delicious treats from his home state. Thank you Jon...
  12. B.HOBS

    Graphics Card

    Just go for the gusto and get a GTX690. Go ahead....I dare ya!
  13. B.HOBS

    Graphics Card

    This. GTX 5xx and 6xx cards are great. Nothing beats CUDA accelaration. If you have the scratch, get a 660Ti, or even a 670.
  14. B.HOBS

    What's your latest Pipe and tobacco purchase?

    That is one awesome wife. PICS!! :thumbs:
  15. B.HOBS

    Bagpiper flashmob in Thousand Oaks, CA

    Paul, its a known fact that Crocs are actually considered "dressing up" or "Sunday Clothes" in SoCal. Along with Uggs paired with sweatpants/pajama pants, and Juicy Couture/Victoria's Secret Velour jumpsuits.
  16. B.HOBS


    Above is me. LOL!
  17. B.HOBS

    ...but still plenty of great guy around now!

    ...but still plenty of great guy around now!
  18. B.HOBS

    Let's pick up a new hobby!

    I second this.