Recent content by Yesi

  1. Yesi

    The wife's "Humidor"...

    Your wife is one lucky woman!  That set-up is awesome -- so incredibly organized!  I'm inspired to set up something similar in my closet now.  And oh my gosh, can you please please PLEASE ask your wife where she got those ADORABLE pink satin pumps (middle, fifth shelf from the top) and the black...
  2. Yesi

    Whatever Happened to....

    What ever happened to the original Cherry 7-Up? Not this new crappy version with "antioxidants."    (Possibly NSFW) THIS is what happened to Winnie Cooper.   :love:
  3. Yesi

    Tofu and bologna....these things just don't belong in the same sentence.

    Tofu and bologna....these things just don't belong in the same sentence.
  4. Yesi

    Nat Sherman on CNBC's "How I Made My Millions"

    Just watched a feature last night about Nat Sherman on CNBC's "How I Made My Millions" and posted it here cause I thought you guys mind find it interesting. The Sherman family discusses the history of their business, including how they built a cigar empire in the heart of the Great Depression...
  5. Yesi

    Gangnam Style or Condom Star?

    I never get tired of hearing Gangnam Style!
  6. Yesi

    Halloween Fans Unite!

    Saw this on the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson last night...Neil Patrick Harris (also a Halloween enthusiast) was the guest star and was discussing an "interactive horror play" he produced: DELUSION: The Blood Rite Looks cool!
  7. Yesi

    Halloween Fans Unite!

    Paul, Spooky World looks awesome! I may have to check that out myself when I'm back east. When I'm in NY I head upstate to Headless Horseman for a hay ride and a trip through the haunted houses. I'm a pansy ass when it comes to any kind of haunted house, but I always go back to this place...
  8. Yesi

    Attention Mets fan, people who like me, and people who don't like

    Wow, that was an awesome tribute. Clever! Gladly voted.
  9. Yesi

    New CP LITE theme now available.

    Holy crap! I was a little shocked when I logged in and saw the huge change. The new theme is awesome! So modern and clean. Love it. Way to go, Rod.
  10. Yesi

    My mail man won't even stop anymore

    It just keeps getting better! :thumbs:
  11. Yesi

    Struck by multiple bombs sentiments exactly! Definitely a well deserved target. Enjoy! :)
  12. Yesi

    Being a big brother again (or "am I being a dick?")

    Wow! That kid needs needs to man up. Honestly, I don't think you did anything wrong. I would of reacted the same way if a boy pulled that kind of shit on one of my younger nieces. LMFAO :laugh:
  13. Yesi

    Well, crap. Lost my older brother today.

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I know the feelings you speak of--I'm going through them myself. Just lost my mama to cancer in July and it was devastating. She was suffering from debilitating health issues prior to her diagnosis--including an addiction to prescription painkillers. For these...
  14. Yesi

    Gentlemen, it is that time once again..

    Thanks for sharing. Hard to choose just one...they're all so lovely! :love: I submitted my Hump Day contribution to The Chive, let's see if I make the cut one of these days.