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  • Happy Sunday all, the Killer Beans are on and it's looking like another great day today.......
    Monday morning came way to early, thank god for coffee...... :->
    Good morning all, the coffee is on and we're getting ready for another winter storm that should hit us Wednesday evening into Thursday........
    Well, it's Thursday morning, the coffee has been on since 0400 as we had a scheduled Adverse Weather Condition Conference Call and "No Snow" as of yet.......
    Did you smoke a 3-6 cigar last night?
    I actually smoked a DE Tabak Especial which was spot on...... :->
    Good morning all, coffee is on and it's lookin' like it's going to be another nice day.......
    Good morning everyone, the coffee is on and it's Thursday. We'll be at Hudson Valley Cigars / Schlesinger's Cigar Bar this evening enjoying primo stogies and planning out Saturday cigar trip to Ruben's Smoke Stack as well........
    Morning all, coffee is on and it's Friday! T.G.I.F......
    Good morning everyone, the coffee is on and it's Thursday. We'll be at Hudson Valley Cigars / Schlesinger's Cigar Bar this evening primo stogies and planning out Saturday cigar trip to Ruben's Smoke Stack as well........
    Good morning all, the coffee has been on since 0400 and I'm about to head out to West Point.......
    Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's Thursday which means we'll be at Hudson Valley Cigars / Schlesinger's Cigar Bar this evening........ :->
    Had a good time last night at Schlesinger's, got to see our ole' friend uptown_isy along with Ian (thefatguy) and his bride Ronnie, Marc (Marcm15), The Don and a number of S/BOTL...... :->
    Good morning all and yes, the coffee is on as always........
    It's "Hump Day" and the coffee is definitely on! Morning all.......
    Good morning all, coffee has been on since 0400 and I'm headin' into work at West Point shortly.......
    Good morning everyone, the coffee is on and we are preparing for a Nor' easter that's headin' our way later on this evening.......
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