P P PJ the Comic Aug 31, 2010 20th Anniversary today, wonder if I can get away with giving her a nice ISOM???
ree ree robusto Aug 6, 2010 What's up Par 3? I got a new place in Prescott, AZ. Come visit any time! http://www.hassayampagolf.com/
What's up Par 3? I got a new place in Prescott, AZ. Come visit any time! http://www.hassayampagolf.com/
P P PJ the Comic Jul 28, 2010 Dog days of summer, grouchy bosses, grumpy customers, and hotter than wkoti's crotch that one time at bandcamp!
Dog days of summer, grouchy bosses, grumpy customers, and hotter than wkoti's crotch that one time at bandcamp!
wkoti Jul 11, 2009 I have many of things to say to you, but I'll keep it at "..." Your loving "ugly looking white boy" son.
I have many of things to say to you, but I'll keep it at "..." Your loving "ugly looking white boy" son.
Jonesy May 16, 2009 FOG's aren't skeptical of newbies, they just way to see if they're gonna pan out because the % isn't great. Welcome aboard!
FOG's aren't skeptical of newbies, they just way to see if they're gonna pan out because the % isn't great. Welcome aboard!
P P PJ the Comic May 6, 2009 This spot looked so empty I just had to put something. This is a good dude. A complete newbie but otherwise harmless.
This spot looked so empty I just had to put something. This is a good dude. A complete newbie but otherwise harmless.