A buddy of mine and I like to have little challenges where we choose 4 or 5 different ingredients for each other, and you have to make a sauce using those and any others you wish. The recipe has to be written down so if its a good one, you know how to recreate it.
With that being said, I offer up the challenge of using these 5 ingredients to make a sauce from.
- wasabi powder
- shallots
- habenero
- fresh ginger
- cherry coke
And if I take you up on your challenge, what do I win? :whistling:
Well, with my extreme amount of patience, I went ahead and stepped up to the challenge. It just sounded fun. I had to rack my brain pretty good to come up with anything that would use all 5 ingredients ...
Hillbilly Steak's Challenge
And what came out of it ...
Blue's Kickin - Wasabi Teriyaki Sauce
¼ cup Soy Sauce
1 cup Cherry Coke
1 tsp Fresh Ground Ginger
1 Habanero
½ tsp Wasabi Powder
2 Schallots, finely chopped
1 Tbs Garlic, minced
1 Tbs Olive Oil
1 Tbs Sesame Oil
3 Tbs Brown Sugar
2 Tbs Corn Starch
3/4 cup Water – cool
a dash of Salt
1) Heat the Olive Oil and Sesame Oil in a sauce pan at just below medium heat.
2) Grate and mince the Fresh Ground Ginger, mince the Garlic, chop really finely the Shallots and Habanero (deseeded).
3) Throw the Ginger in the oil for about 30 seconds to let the flavors seep into the oils, then add the Shallots and the dash of salt to help them sweat. Saute until they become translucent. Then throw in the Garlic and Habanero, and continue to saute for a few minutes.
4) Mix the Cherry Coke, Soy Sauce, and Brown Sugar into a bowl. The Cherry Coke fizzes like crazy, so it is best to do this in a separate bowl.
5) Add the Cherry Coke mixture to the sauce pan with the Shallots, and bring the sauce to a boil.
6) Mix the Corn Starch and cool Water together in a bowl. Then slowly add into the boiling sauce.
7) Continue to let it boil until it reaches your desired thickness. Once you add the cornstarch it doesn't take long to thicken up.
This was the sauce I created and made Teriyaki chicken with. It was pretty damn good too. The two things I would change would be to make it 4 Tbs of Brown Sugar and make it 2 Habaneros; that would make it a touch sweeter and give it more of a kick. You really can taste the Wasabi suprisingly well. Also, instead of fresh garlic, I might substitute garlic powder for texture purposes. But all in all, I think it turned out pretty damn good for a bunch of wacky ingredients, and for my first shot at it. :thumbs:
