Alice in Wonderland


Active Member
Apr 7, 2008
Just finished previewing Tim Burton's new flick. Was pretty awesome. The best use of 3d I've seen so far(including Avatar). Definitely a must see in 3d, though I'm sure the 2d would be well worth it if it's the only option!
The wife wants to see this and Burton always does a good job so I know what I'll be doing this weekend.
Better than Avatar 3D? I call hacks lol. I was on the fence about seeing it, I guess I'll go check it out.
I can't wait to see this Johny Depp is the perfect choice for the mad hatter hopefully seeing it withing the next week.
How would you compare it to New Moon?

Dude that's not even fair. How could I choose?!

Better than Avatar 3D? I call hacks lol. I was on the fence about seeing it, I guess I'll go check it out.

Definitely way better than Avatar.

I can't wait to see this Johny Depp is the perfect choice for the mad hatter hopefully seeing it withing the next week.

He did a great job, I won't give anything away, but he was definitely a fantastic choice.
Very good. highly recommended. I'll respectfully disagree about the 3D, however. I found that it certainly didn't detract from the film, but I don't personally think it was as well done as it could have been. There were moments that made good use of it, but largely, it felt a little awkward to a film shot with 2d in mind and later 3d'ded'ed(ed?)

All things being equal, (unless 3d makes you ill) you're certainly not missing anything by seeing it in 3d at the same price, but if a 2d showing fits your schedule, I don't think you'll be missing too much there, either.
Good comment Wolfie. Wife and I do a pick n choose, so I expect I will get to see it. I myself want to see the one with Souldog (From Paris with Love). Did Q-The-Cop get that walk on part or did he pass on it? :D
Very good. highly recommended. I'll respectfully disagree about the 3D, however. I found that it certainly didn't detract from the film, but I don't personally think it was as well done as it could have been. There were moments that made good use of it, but largely, it felt a little awkward to a film shot with 2d in mind and later 3d'ded'ed(ed?)

All things being equal, (unless 3d makes you ill) you're certainly not missing anything by seeing it in 3d at the same price, but if a 2d showing fits your schedule, I don't think you'll be missing too much there, either.

I was really impressed by the hole scene, as well as some of the other scenes(don't wanna spoil it for others). Did you see Avatar in 3d?
My wife and I have tickets to see it Sunday. I thought Avatar was awesome and can't wait to watch this.
I did see Avatar in 3D, and I think the best praise I can give it is that I didn't consciously note the 3D until after the film. The moment that sums Avatar up for me was near the end with the "butterflies" (or ... whatever those were ... I don't want to toss spoilers around, but that seems harmless!). In that moment I actually (and embarrassingly) jumped as they "came at me" occurred to me then that I had been appreciating the 3D quite deeply, without even realizing it.

Don't get me wrong, I think the 3D in Alice in Wonderland was pretty decent, and I would easily rank if above some of the more bizarre and corny examples I can think of (the newest iteration of Journey to the Center of the Earth comes to mind), and in fact, there were some scenes that I thought were beautifully done, but it just lacked that seamless quality that Avatar gave me.

I'll readily admit...Avatar may have ruined 3D for me, and I think it's going to miss that special something when it's out in disc...
I can agree that Avatar incorporated 3d a lot better, they broke a lot of new technological ground in that movie.

Just as a general tip for you 3d movie goers, I've found that the experience is better the further from the screen you are.
I can agree that Avatar incorporated 3d a lot better, they broke a lot of new technological ground in that movie.

Just as a general tip for you 3d movie goers, I've found that the experience is better the further from the screen you are.

Thanks for the tip Joe Joe, I think I'm going to try to see this today...
Very good. highly recommended. I'll respectfully disagree about the 3D, however. I found that it certainly didn't detract from the film, but I don't personally think it was as well done as it could have been. There were moments that made good use of it, but largely, it felt a little awkward to a film shot with 2d in mind and later 3d'ded'ed(ed?)

All things being equal, (unless 3d makes you ill) you're certainly not missing anything by seeing it in 3d at the same price, but if a 2d showing fits your schedule, I don't think you'll be missing too much there, either.
Thats good to hear, because I had awful motion sickness while seeing Avatar in 3D. (Totally worth it, though!) I've been contemplating on whether I should catch Alice in Wonderland in 3D or 2D, but many other folks have been saying that 3D doesn't add very much to the movie.

I cant wait to see it. Alice in Wonderland was one of my favorite childhood stories. I wonder why Tim Burton didnt work on this sooner - the plot and visual effects of Alice in Wonderland are a natural fit for him.