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Medical Marijuana


'Member? C'mon you 'member!
Nov 12, 2004
I'm currently visiting a close personal relative who lives in California. We were sitting in his living room last night catching up on things when it hits me -- that very faint, sweet smell I noticed when I first walked in is... pot! I recall the smell from younger days in a previous life. :whistling:

So I ask him, "when's the last time you smoked pot in here?" He smiles, looks at his watch and asks, "What time is it?" He then proceeds to tell me that he has a prescription for medical marijuana. :0

It was a very interesting conversation and I was intrigued by the process and the details of how he can legally buy and smoke pot for his medical condition. He can buy up to an ounce each day at one of many locations in the area for his personal consumption. I saw a documentary a couple of weeks ago on medical marijuana and the process he goes through is very close to what I saw in the documentary.

This got me to wondering how many of the good BOTLs here have a card? I'm guessing Rod has one. He lives in Cali and it would explain the red eyes he had the last time I saw him.
I read an article yesterday that California has started raiding Medical Marijuana stores. They are trying to stamp it out it seems. Read more about that here.
Hey Steve,
Hook me up with one of your old sources from Martinsburg...........I don't know anyone here still. :whistling:
I read an article yesterday that California has started raiding Medical Marijuana stores. They are trying to stamp it out it seems. Read more about that here.

From what I understand, it was formerly the DEA raiding medical marijuana dispensaries, but that seems to have changed now with the new administration. It is, however, one of those discussions that can only go so far without turning political, so I'll leave it there.
Group buy on the aforementioned "medical card?" ??? :thumbs:

An ounce a day is a lot of weed if you're rolling joints, not if you're rolling blunts.
Ask the cops on here, they know :sign: :sign: oh, and Anthem. He's always lighting up with the local trans-gender bouncers around his way :laugh:
We're having a lot of problems with doctors handing out these cards like candy to whoever requests them. In fact, they arrested a high-profile doctor in Orange County about a year ago for prescribing medical marijuana illegally. So, I don't know... Like Joe Joe says, there's only so far this discussion can go until it gets political, esp. the part about the DEA.

As far as possession of medical marijuana, there are certain restrictions for a card-carrier, including having it on them in public. By case law, LEOs are allowed to seize said marijuana from card-carriers, place it in evidence, and charge the card-carrier with possession. Although they carry a card, the courts have deemed that with the problems of counterfeiting and doctors falsifying documents, it is a better alternative for the card-carrier to come to the courts and present their medical records as opposed to on the street where street cops have no means of identifying any of them. Once the documents are verified, usually the charges are dropped.

Or you have guys like me who don't like to mess around with that stuff due to possible liability and civil action.
This is my opinion only. Seems people just want to smoke weed. There has been a medication out there for a while that is used for the same purposes as smoking it does. I have a feeling the smoking get's people higher than the med and that is the reason people made a big push for pot.

This is my opinion only. Seems people just want to smoke weed. There has been a medication out there for a while that is used for the same purposes as smoking it does. I have a feeling the smoking get's people higher than the med and that is the reason people made a big push for pot.

The medication you're referring to is not very effective and the real thing has none of it's side effects, untoward effects or restrictions because of other medical conditions, like hypertension. Please keep in mind, that at this very moment, hundreds if not thousands of people are dying of the ravages of alcohol. No one has ever, ever died from pot.

Without getting into politcs, I can say the folks I feel for are the brothers in law enforcement trying to enforce what appears to be a real mess of contradicting laws.

This is my opinion only. Seems people just want to smoke weed. There has been a medication out there for a while that is used for the same purposes as smoking it does. I have a feeling the smoking get's people higher than the med and that is the reason people made a big push for pot.

The medication you're referring to is not very effective and the real thing has none of it's side effects, untoward effects or restrictions because of other medical conditions, like hypertension. Please keep in mind, that at this very moment, hundreds if not thousands of people are dying of the ravages of alcohol. No one has ever, ever died from pot.

You nailed that one Doc!
Without getting into politcs, I can say the folks I feel for are the brothers in law enforcement trying to enforce what appears to be a real mess of contradicting laws.


Ohhhhh you better believe it Tom! Possession of marijuana is illegal and in violation of 11357(b) H&S (less than an oz.), unless you have a medical MJ card. So, say you book somebody on the 11357(b) H&S charge, but it turns out they have a medical marijuana card; the defendant is found not guilty. Say the case gets overturned and the Officer is sued for a wrongful arrest. The Officer's attorney's push it upstream to the Federal courts, and suddenly the defendant gets charged for possession and the Officer's arres is justified. Our state laws are so jacked up it's stupid!!

CA says marijuana is legal, but Federal law (which trumps state law), says the wacky-tobaccy is illegal. Makes your head spin sometimes... I can understand to a degree the application of MJ medically, esp. those with chronic pain disorders and things like that, but it drives me insane to see certain people who use an instance of back pain to... Ehh, I'm not even going to get into it. Too risky. :angry:
my 1st year in college, we took a road trip during spring break and stopped by a friends house in CA who had a RX. It was pretty awesome for us. But that was another time and another chapter in life. I work in construction and asked one of my safet managers, who worked in CA for our companym about how this affects our workers in that state and he said that our comapny policy trumps state rules- if you have a RX and smoke weed, you cannot work for our company- safety and company rules! There are rules i have to play by- just like everyone else. :(
About seven years ago, I took a trip up through Arkansas and Missouri to a biker get-together in Iowa; basically just friends who'd never met except online gathering at a central location. My first stop in Arkansas was to hook up with a real-deal biker (think HA from "the day," not local HOG "chapter") for the rest of the trip up.

Well, he had some injuries from 'Nam, and some from putting bikes down, and needed a couple tokes most days just to get up and moving around without pain, and to go to sleep at night. So . . . well, geeez. It'd been DECADES since I'd smoked any (like, 1980ish, maybe?) but when someone like that hands you a joint, it's pretty hard to wuss out and look like a nancy, right? When in Berdoo or something like that, lol.

Three tokes took me OUT. Annihilated me. I couldn't even make the TV remote work!

Either that stuff's gotten lots stronger or I've gotten a lot wimpier, but no thanks. I'll stick with Scotch. :laugh:
