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Fun little project


New Member
Sep 24, 2008
Well, I've been going a bit high in my RH lately. I like to stay sub 70% but more then 63%. A buddy of mine used some humidity beads he got from target. They have been keeping his vino temp at 65% for a few weeks now. Tonight I found an old pair of pantie hose "the lady's not mine". I made one large one for the 150 count and the other for my 25 count. I sprayed a little dipped them in some distilled water "just for a second" I shook them up to kind of activate the beads. I threw them in about 30 minutes ago. I'll see how they the RH is in the morning.


Cool! Never cut your own pantyhose up when you can cut up a pair of your lady's. :thumbs:

Hmm, aren't the blue ones the odor crystals? The kitty litter I got was all clear. ...
ROFL! Yeah, you need to pick out the blue ones.

Actually, there is no getting rid of the menthol in the blue ones. You can't use this KLH at all.
ROFL! Yeah, you need to pick out the blue ones.

Actually, there is no getting rid of the menthol in the blue ones. You can't use this KLH at all.


From researching, they absorb odor, not emit odor. They smelt like dust, that was about it.

Fun with beads...but not this kind.


heyyy oohhhh. It took me a second. I get it.


Here is some info I found on ICC when I posted his same thread.

“KLH” or Kitty Litter HumidificationHumidity Control with conditioned Silica GelOne can make generic 'Climaxx Beads' at any desired control point above 40% Relative humidity (RH) by buffering/conditioning generic silica gel.Buy a container of silica gel crystals/beads used in cat box liter like 'ExquisiCat Crystals' or ‘Kitty Pearl’. (around $8-$10 for approx 4 pounds). Read the label and verify the contents are 100% silica gel crystals. Don't use the product with blue colored crystals mixed in. The beads will be white/clear/opaque. Smell the silica gel crystals/beads and make certain no fragrance is present; there should be no smellwhatsoever. Reread this paragraph. It is important that what you buy is 100% silica gel crystals without any colored crystals/beads mixed in with it and absolutely no fragrance. Silica gel will 'condition', that is, accept or reject water vapor to maintainan equilibrium RH. The easiest way to condition the beads is to place them in a humidor that is already stable at the humidification level you want to ‘set’ the beads to or a container that you can control the humidity level within. You will need an accurate hygrometer. Place your beads into the control environment you have chosen once you have the humidity within stable at the level you want to condition the beads to. You will stir the beads daily so that all the beads are being conditioned but do it quickly. You’re trying to maintain the environment and an open door or lid allows that environment to change. The less changing of air the better. Keep in mind that the beads will be absorbing humidification from the environment and this will naturally drop the humidity reading from within this environment. Lets say your set point is 65% RH. Once you have the environment holding steady at this level you will introduce the beads. The humidity reading will drop. After a day or so, maybe sooner or maybe longer, the humidity will start to rise. As the beads continue to absorb the moisture within the environment the humidity reading will continue to rise. Replenish your humidification device as needed until the beads plateau at your desired % of humidity. This may take a few days or a week or two but the objective is to get the environment to stabilize at the desired % of humidity you want to ‘set’ the beads and then maintain it at that level for approx 2 weeks. Once these beads have been maintained at the desired level for two weeks you have ‘set’ the beads memory and you may now remove them and use them. They will maintain the same level as what you set the memory to.As you use the beads when the humidity drops a few points you should lightly mist the beads with distilled water and it will once again regulate the humidity at the set point. I conditioned mine at 65% and find when my humidity levels drop to approx 63/62 its time to give them a misting and that takes the humidity right back to 65% (sometimes 66/67%). If you desire to reset the memory set point its as simply as maintaining the beads at the new ‘Set’ level you desire for two weeks. I would recommend reconditioning any beads left in an uncontrolled environment for longer than a weekI personally used an old humidor with a divider to keep the beads to one side and my humidifier to the other. The humidifier I used was a Cigar Oasis which really made things simple as all I had to do was first get the humidity in the humidor level to 65 (my desired set point) then add the beads and stir daily. Since the Cigar Oasis is automatic I didn’t need to keep replacing the PG mixture as the beads absorbed the humidity and once the beads finally reached 65% the Cigar Oasis maintained that for the two week period quite easily. Do not get caught up in everything having to happen immediately. This is a slow process and you really can’t screw it up. You can not take a short cut by adding water to the beads. You need to allow the beads to slowly absorb the humidity from within your controlled environment and it will take some time for them to rise to your desired set point. Do not get discouraged. If the humidity is low and rising towards your goal set point then everything is working as it should. Should the rising humidity stall for a day or two at a point lower than your memory set point goal I would recommend you check whatever device you are using for humidification as the beads may have absorbed it all and you will need to recharge the humidifier. You can use any container to condition the beads as long as you can create and maintain a humidified environment at the level you want to ‘Set’ the beads to. Feel free to give me a shout if there is any part of this that you are not clear about. Hope this was clear enough to understand. It really is quite simple.
ROFL! Yeah, you need to pick out the blue ones.

Actually, there is no getting rid of the menthol in the blue ones. You can't use this KLH at all.


From researching, they absorb odor, not emit odor. They smelt like dust, that was about it.


Let me see if I can find the MSDS on them. Somebody else might have it as well, and I know it has been posted in the past. Trust me, you dont want the blue stuff. ;)

edit: See this thread. Silica Beeds
Found the post I was looking for.

I've done a bit of research on silica gel and I believe the beads being sold by various vendors for use in humidors is 'Regular Density' or RD Silica gel as opposed to Art-Sorb or Rhapid Gel which along with RD is used by museums and art preservationists. Regular Density Silica gel is the exact type of silica gel used for kitty litter.

As for the blue stuff, here’s an excerpt from the MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS) for SELF-INDICATING (BLUE) SILICA GEL

1. Product and Company Identification.

Geejay Chemicals Ltd., 16 Gosforth Close, Sandy, Beds., 5G19 1RB.
Telephone: 01767 682774.
2. Composition/Information On Ingredients.
Synthetic amorphous silica impregnated with cobalt chloride.
Formula 5i02 with CoC12
Silica Gel - CAS No. : 7631-86-9 ETNECS : 231-545-4
Cobalt Chloride — CAS No. : 7646-79-9 ETNECS : 231-589-4
Hazardous components : Cobalt Chloride < 1%
Classification symbol T Carc. Cat. 2
Risk Phrases R49 May cause cancer by inhalation
3. Hazards Identification.
The product is very adsorbent and may have a drying effect on skin and eyes. Sensitisation of skin and respiratory system is possible. Any dust could be a nuisance. Evolves heat on contact with water.
Cobalt Chloride has been classified by IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) in Group 2B. Possibly carcinogenic to humans. Very toxic to aquatic organisms. May cause long term adverse effects in the environment.
4. Ffrst Aid Measures.
1. After inhalation: remove to fresh air.
2. After skin contact: wash with water, if skin irritation persists seek
medical advice.
3. After eye contact: flush with water, if irritation persists seek medical
4. After ingestion: give water to drink, seek medical advice. …

…This information is given in good faith and is based on information supplied by manufacturers of the material indicated. The suitability of the product for any particular use is not suggested or implied. The data does not constitute a specification and any properties shown are not guaranteed.
This latest edition (July 2000) of the Material Safety Data Sheet of SELFINDICATING (BLUE) SILICA GEL contains a number of major changes. This is due to the reclassifying of Cobalt Chloride as a hazardous material. These changes have effected Sections 2, 3, 8, 11 and 15.
Date 01/07/2000.

Not the best stuff.
The blue crystals in the 'ExquisiCat Crystals' have no odor at all. I spoke to a representative at the company and he told me the only difference between the blue and the white is that the blue is meant to only absorb humidity while the white crystals can release and absorb.
Fun with beads...but not this kind.


heyyy oohhhh. It took me a second. I get it.


Here is some info I found on ICC when I posted his same thread.

“KLH” or Kitty Litter HumidificationHumidity Control with conditioned Silica GelOne can make generic 'Climaxx Beads' at any desired control point above 40% Relative humidity (RH) by buffering/conditioning generic silica gel.Buy a container of silica gel crystals/beads used in cat box liter like 'ExquisiCat Crystals' or ‘Kitty Pearl’. (around $8-$10 for approx 4 pounds). Read the label and verify the contents are 100% silica gel crystals. Don't use the product with blue colored crystals mixed in. The beads will be white/clear/opaque. Smell the silica gel crystals/beads and make certain no fragrance is present; there should be no smellwhatsoever. Reread this paragraph. It is important that what you buy is 100% silica gel crystals without any colored crystals/beads mixed in with it and absolutely no fragrance. Silica gel will 'condition', that is, accept or reject water vapor to maintainan equilibrium RH. The easiest way to condition the beads is to place them in a humidor that is already stable at the humidification level you want to ‘set’ the beads to or a container that you can control the humidity level within. You will need an accurate hygrometer. Place your beads into the control environment you have chosen once you have the humidity within stable at the level you want to condition the beads to. You will stir the beads daily so that all the beads are being conditioned but do it quickly. You’re trying to maintain the environment and an open door or lid allows that environment to change. The less changing of air the better. Keep in mind that the beads will be absorbing humidification from the environment and this will naturally drop the humidity reading from within this environment. Lets say your set point is 65% RH. Once you have the environment holding steady at this level you will introduce the beads. The humidity reading will drop. After a day or so, maybe sooner or maybe longer, the humidity will start to rise. As the beads continue to absorb the moisture within the environment the humidity reading will continue to rise. Replenish your humidification device as needed until the beads plateau at your desired % of humidity. This may take a few days or a week or two but the objective is to get the environment to stabilize at the desired % of humidity you want to ‘set’ the beads and then maintain it at that level for approx 2 weeks. Once these beads have been maintained at the desired level for two weeks you have ‘set’ the beads memory and you may now remove them and use them. They will maintain the same level as what you set the memory to.As you use the beads when the humidity drops a few points you should lightly mist the beads with distilled water and it will once again regulate the humidity at the set point. I conditioned mine at 65% and find when my humidity levels drop to approx 63/62 its time to give them a misting and that takes the humidity right back to 65% (sometimes 66/67%). If you desire to reset the memory set point its as simply as maintaining the beads at the new ‘Set’ level you desire for two weeks. I would recommend reconditioning any beads left in an uncontrolled environment for longer than a weekI personally used an old humidor with a divider to keep the beads to one side and my humidifier to the other. The humidifier I used was a Cigar Oasis which really made things simple as all I had to do was first get the humidity in the humidor level to 65 (my desired set point) then add the beads and stir daily. Since the Cigar Oasis is automatic I didn’t need to keep replacing the PG mixture as the beads absorbed the humidity and once the beads finally reached 65% the Cigar Oasis maintained that for the two week period quite easily. Do not get caught up in everything having to happen immediately. This is a slow process and you really can’t screw it up. You can not take a short cut by adding water to the beads. You need to allow the beads to slowly absorb the humidity from within your controlled environment and it will take some time for them to rise to your desired set point. Do not get discouraged. If the humidity is low and rising towards your goal set point then everything is working as it should. Should the rising humidity stall for a day or two at a point lower than your memory set point goal I would recommend you check whatever device you are using for humidification as the beads may have absorbed it all and you will need to recharge the humidifier. You can use any container to condition the beads as long as you can create and maintain a humidified environment at the level you want to ‘Set’ the beads to. Feel free to give me a shout if there is any part of this that you are not clear about. Hope this was clear enough to understand. It really is quite simple.

Sorry I didn't quite get that could you repeat it for me?? ;)
The blue crystals in the 'ExquisiCat Crystals' have no odor at all. I spoke to a representative at the company and he told me the only difference between the blue and the white is that the blue is meant to only absorb humidity while the white crystals can release and absorb.

Go ahead and put em in with your cigars then. The question was asked, answered, and debated many times now.
Here is some info I found on ICC when I posted his same thread.

“KLH” or Kitty Litter HumidificationHumidity Control with conditioned Silica GelOne can make generic 'Climaxx Beads' at any desired control point above 40% Relative humidity (RH) by buffering/conditioning generic silica gel.Buy a container of silica gel crystals/beads used in cat box liter like 'ExquisiCat Crystals' or ‘Kitty Pearl’. (around $8-$10 for approx 4 pounds). Read the label and verify the contents are 100% silica gel crystals. Don't use the product with blue colored crystals mixed in. The beads will be white/clear/opaque. Smell the silica gel crystals/beads and make certain no fragrance is present; there should be no smellwhatsoever. Reread this paragraph. It is important that what you buy is 100% silica gel crystals without any colored crystals/beads mixed in with it and absolutely no fragrance. Silica gel will 'condition', that is, accept or reject water vapor to maintainan equilibrium RH. The easiest way to condition the beads is to place them in a humidor that is already stable at the humidification level you want to ‘set’ the beads to or a container that you can control the humidity level within. You will need an accurate hygrometer. Place your beads into the control environment you have chosen once you have the humidity within stable at the level you want to condition the beads to. You will stir the beads daily so that all the beads are being conditioned but do it quickly. You’re trying to maintain the environment and an open door or lid allows that environment to change. The less changing of air the better. Keep in mind that the beads will be absorbing humidification from the environment and this will naturally drop the humidity reading from within this environment. Lets say your set point is 65% RH. Once you have the environment holding steady at this level you will introduce the beads. The humidity reading will drop. After a day or so, maybe sooner or maybe longer, the humidity will start to rise. As the beads continue to absorb the moisture within the environment the humidity reading will continue to rise. Replenish your humidification device as needed until the beads plateau at your desired % of humidity. This may take a few days or a week or two but the objective is to get the environment to stabilize at the desired % of humidity you want to ‘set’ the beads and then maintain it at that level for approx 2 weeks. Once these beads have been maintained at the desired level for two weeks you have ‘set’ the beads memory and you may now remove them and use them. They will maintain the same level as what you set the memory to.As you use the beads when the humidity drops a few points you should lightly mist the beads with distilled water and it will once again regulate the humidity at the set point. I conditioned mine at 65% and find when my humidity levels drop to approx 63/62 its time to give them a misting and that takes the humidity right back to 65% (sometimes 66/67%). If you desire to reset the memory set point its as simply as maintaining the beads at the new ‘Set’ level you desire for two weeks. I would recommend reconditioning any beads left in an uncontrolled environment for longer than a weekI personally used an old humidor with a divider to keep the beads to one side and my humidifier to the other. The humidifier I used was a Cigar Oasis which really made things simple as all I had to do was first get the humidity in the humidor level to 65 (my desired set point) then add the beads and stir daily. Since the Cigar Oasis is automatic I didn’t need to keep replacing the PG mixture as the beads absorbed the humidity and once the beads finally reached 65% the Cigar Oasis maintained that for the two week period quite easily. Do not get caught up in everything having to happen immediately. This is a slow process and you really can’t screw it up. You can not take a short cut by adding water to the beads. You need to allow the beads to slowly absorb the humidity from within your controlled environment and it will take some time for them to rise to your desired set point. Do not get discouraged. If the humidity is low and rising towards your goal set point then everything is working as it should. Should the rising humidity stall for a day or two at a point lower than your memory set point goal I would recommend you check whatever device you are using for humidification as the beads may have absorbed it all and you will need to recharge the humidifier. You can use any container to condition the beads as long as you can create and maintain a humidified environment at the level you want to ‘Set’ the beads to. Feel free to give me a shout if there is any part of this that you are not clear about. Hope this was clear enough to understand. It really is quite simple.

Would you mind pointing me to where this was posted? This is my write up and I do not post on ICC.

As for the blue silica, a search on here will give you all you need to know about Silca Gel beads. The blue ones are impregnated with Colbolt Chloride and you can read about that stuff HERE. Note the toxicity and it has a hazardous class designation. Feel free to convice yourselves otherwise.

Here is some info I found on ICC when I posted his same thread.

“KLH” or Kitty Litter HumidificationHumidity Control with conditioned Silica GelOne can make generic 'Climaxx Beads' at any desired control point above 40% Relative humidity (RH) by buffering/conditioning generic silica gel.Buy a container of silica gel crystals/beads used in cat box liter like 'ExquisiCat Crystals' or ‘Kitty Pearl’. (around $8-$10 for approx 4 pounds). Read the label and verify the contents are 100% silica gel crystals. Don't use the product with blue colored crystals mixed in. The beads will be white/clear/opaque. Smell the silica gel crystals/beads and make certain no fragrance is present; there should be no smellwhatsoever. Reread this paragraph. It is important that what you buy is 100% silica gel crystals without any colored crystals/beads mixed in with it and absolutely no fragrance. Silica gel will 'condition', that is, accept or reject water vapor to maintainan equilibrium RH. The easiest way to condition the beads is to place them in a humidor that is already stable at the humidification level you want to ‘set’ the beads to or a container that you can control the humidity level within. You will need an accurate hygrometer. Place your beads into the control environment you have chosen once you have the humidity within stable at the level you want to condition the beads to. You will stir the beads daily so that all the beads are being conditioned but do it quickly. You’re trying to maintain the environment and an open door or lid allows that environment to change. The less changing of air the better. Keep in mind that the beads will be absorbing humidification from the environment and this will naturally drop the humidity reading from within this environment. Lets say your set point is 65% RH. Once you have the environment holding steady at this level you will introduce the beads. The humidity reading will drop. After a day or so, maybe sooner or maybe longer, the humidity will start to rise. As the beads continue to absorb the moisture within the environment the humidity reading will continue to rise. Replenish your humidification device as needed until the beads plateau at your desired % of humidity. This may take a few days or a week or two but the objective is to get the environment to stabilize at the desired % of humidity you want to ‘set’ the beads and then maintain it at that level for approx 2 weeks. Once these beads have been maintained at the desired level for two weeks you have ‘set’ the beads memory and you may now remove them and use them. They will maintain the same level as what you set the memory to.As you use the beads when the humidity drops a few points you should lightly mist the beads with distilled water and it will once again regulate the humidity at the set point. I conditioned mine at 65% and find when my humidity levels drop to approx 63/62 its time to give them a misting and that takes the humidity right back to 65% (sometimes 66/67%). If you desire to reset the memory set point its as simply as maintaining the beads at the new ‘Set’ level you desire for two weeks. I would recommend reconditioning any beads left in an uncontrolled environment for longer than a weekI personally used an old humidor with a divider to keep the beads to one side and my humidifier to the other. The humidifier I used was a Cigar Oasis which really made things simple as all I had to do was first get the humidity in the humidor level to 65 (my desired set point) then add the beads and stir daily. Since the Cigar Oasis is automatic I didn’t need to keep replacing the PG mixture as the beads absorbed the humidity and once the beads finally reached 65% the Cigar Oasis maintained that for the two week period quite easily. Do not get caught up in everything having to happen immediately. This is a slow process and you really can’t screw it up. You can not take a short cut by adding water to the beads. You need to allow the beads to slowly absorb the humidity from within your controlled environment and it will take some time for them to rise to your desired set point. Do not get discouraged. If the humidity is low and rising towards your goal set point then everything is working as it should. Should the rising humidity stall for a day or two at a point lower than your memory set point goal I would recommend you check whatever device you are using for humidification as the beads may have absorbed it all and you will need to recharge the humidifier. You can use any container to condition the beads as long as you can create and maintain a humidified environment at the level you want to ‘Set’ the beads to. Feel free to give me a shout if there is any part of this that you are not clear about. Hope this was clear enough to understand. It really is quite simple.

Would you mind pointing me to where this was posted? This is my write up and I do not post on ICC.

As for the blue silica, a search on here will give you all you need to know about Silca Gel beads. The blue ones are impregnated with Colbolt Chloride and you can read about that stuff HERE. Note the toxicity and it has a hazardous class designation. Feel free to convice yourselves otherwise.
As for the blue silica, a search on here will give you all you need to know about Silca Gel beads. The blue ones are impregnated with Colbolt Chloride and you can read about that stuff HERE. Note the toxicity and it has a hazardous class designation. Feel free to convice yourselves otherwise.

Thanks Kenny. I thought it was menthol or some such.

I went over to ICC and set the record straight.
As for the blue silica, a search on here will give you all you need to know about Silca Gel beads. The blue ones are impregnated with Colbolt Chloride and you can read about that stuff HERE. Note the toxicity and it has a hazardous class designation. Feel free to convice yourselves otherwise.

Thanks Kenny. I thought it was menthol or some such.

I went over to ICC and set the record straight.

Obviously they would be Mint....They are blue after all!
As for the blue silica, a search on here will give you all you need to know about Silca Gel beads. The blue ones are impregnated with Colbolt Chloride and you can read about that stuff HERE. Note the toxicity and it has a hazardous class designation. Feel free to convice yourselves otherwise.

Thanks Kenny. I thought it was menthol or some such.

I went over to ICC and set the record straight.

Thanks, I was wondering how that got posted on another site.

Funny how the "OMG its kitty litter" crowd gets their panties in a wad. Hell, you'd think the only use for a hammer is to drive a nail. :D :cool: