I am in dietary hell....

Try to sell them on this one:

(get it on a t-shirt at dieselsweeties.com )

Other than that, perhaps try to develop a love for curries and Indian food. It is about the only cuisine that I could eat long-term without meat/fish/fowl etc.
If we're not supposed to eat animals, why'd they make them out of meat....??..... :laugh:
Moderation not Vegan/Vegitarianism is the real answer. My Grandpere, who passed away at the age of 96, was told when he was in his 70's to slow down on the butter, wine, meat, etc., by his Doctor, who ran five miles a day and rarely ate meat and absolutely no high cholesterol fats. The Doctor dropped dead while on a run two years later (from a weak heart muscle) and my Grandpere promptly banished all things deemed "healthy" & returned to the Souther French diet he was raised on. His last Doctor was great as he told us "let him eat & drink what he wants, he 91!" Best of Luck - watch out I don't think Cigars are on any of those "good for you" diets. ;) ???
Lucky for me, my wife's parents own a butcher shop. No chance of any vegans in our family. :)
My daughter received a book from a relative titled "The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell and she read it over the Christmas weekend. The basic premise is that scientific research into nutrition points to a vegan/macrobiotic diet leads to a healthier lifestyle and shows a higher probability of being beneficial to cardiovascular health and fighting cancer.

I read parts of the book and am openly skeptical, researched Campbell and there are indications that he's full of crap and manipulating data for his own vegan cause. That said, my wife and daughter seem to be in....

If the goal is health, they would be far better off eating a balanced diet, and exercising than any "fad" diet alone. And yes, Vegan = fad diet.
My youngest daughter decided she wanted to be a vegetarian. She has been off and on for about 3 years now. When she kicks it in high gear we do our best to support. She is a lacto-ovum(?) veggie, meaning she eats dairy and eggs. We tried to convince her that fish were just swimming veggies but she wasn't buying it. Don't fight it you will just upset your precious little girl. Compromise is the way to go. Just wait until you go out to eat and have to drive around most of the night looking for a vegan friendly restaraunt.

Luckily, my oldest daughter enjoys a nice big steak with her old man every once in a while.

Good luck.


Moki said it right. Moderation is the key to life. Excess is what will kill ya. That and a good exercise regimen.

I grew up on the macrobiotic diet for a few years, YUCK my dad went along with it but still ate what he wanted when he wanted. I don't remember much of it. Must be my brain blocking it out.

Good luck
What is the point of living longer if you aren't enjoying yourself? ???
You can enjoy yourself without being a glutton. I've been on a 1200 calorie diet since September( doctor told me that my heart was enlarging and if I didn't lose weight that I would die). I've lost 70lbs and I feel better than I have most of my adult life. I have cheat days so I don't go insane. That being said I don't think I could possibly do the vegan thing. I like meat entirely too much( yeah, yeah).
For some a vegan like diet can not only be unhealthy but dangerous. The body needs protein to survive and can synthesize anything from the breakdown of a protein but can't synthesize anything from the breakdown of a carb. Now how that protein is obtained and how that protein is prepared is a different story. Look into protein sources that are free range and grass fed. They are extremely high in omega rich fats high in CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) and very high in other vitamins like A and E. When mixed with other carbs/ veggies etc protein will create a slower rise in blood sugar and decrease stress on the pancreas to produce insulin. Normalizing insulin is a big key to long term health in my opinion. I also believe that a vegan diet is a fad for the most part. The ones that I have seen that actually thrived on one were metabolic carb types that not only went vegan but raw vegan. At least that way they weren't ruining all of the beneficial nutrients/ enzymes etc by the cooking process. Good luck!
*chuckles at the comments*

As someone who's vegan, there is a lot more to meals than what you described in your original post. Being vegan doesn't mean being a wimp nor does it mean you compromise muscle or any thing else (I am a member of a vegan bodybuilding site). It just means that you don't eat animal products (whether for health, religious or ethical reasons). What often makes animal flesh tasty is the spices and that is what you can look to make your veggies more exciting.

Stews, soups and other meals can be just as tasty and good as those with meat. There are meat alternatives (seitan) which can mimic meat taste when marinated properly. I do think, however, that if you go into this with a panicked mind and think the worst, that will be your experience. Perhaps you can find a compromise with your wife. The China Study doesn't say to get rid of all animal products but rather reduce them (particularly milk). If you have any specific questions, don't hesitate to ask. :)

For some a vegan like diet can not only be unhealthy but dangerous. The body needs protein to survive and can synthesize anything from the breakdown of a protein but can't synthesize anything from the breakdown of a carb. Now how that protein is obtained and how that protein is prepared is a different story. Look into protein sources that are free range and grass fed. They are extremely high in omega rich fats high in CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) and very high in other vitamins like A and E. When mixed with other carbs/ veggies etc protein will create a slower rise in blood sugar and decrease stress on the pancreas to produce insulin. Normalizing insulin is a big key to long term health in my opinion. I also believe that a vegan diet is a fad for the most part. The ones that I have seen that actually thrived on one were metabolic carb types that not only went vegan but raw vegan. At least that way they weren't ruining all of the beneficial nutrients/ enzymes etc by the cooking process. Good luck!

Protein is found in all foods, not just meat. Additionally, when it comes to find organic and/or grain fed, may want to stay away from meats that have hormones and/or veggies/fruits that have been genetically modified.
What is the point of living longer if you aren't enjoying yourself? ???
You can enjoy yourself without being a glutton. I've been on a 1200 calorie diet since September( doctor told me that my heart was enlarging and if I didn't lose weight that I would die). I've lost 70lbs and I feel better than I have most of my adult life. I have cheat days so I don't go insane. That being said I don't think I could possibly do the vegan thing. I like meat entirely too much( yeah, yeah).

Wow, that's awesome! (the 70lb part, not the heart!) Congratulations! 1200 cal/day would drive me insane, cheat days or not! :thumbs:
I have to apologize. I was just reading this thread eating some leftover Hamburger Helper.
You could always transpose the second and third letters of your handle ;)
What is the point of living longer if you aren't enjoying yourself? ???

I ride motorcycles, eat plenty of red meat, ski fast, have the occasional drink, and enjoy a cigar ever so often. All of which are frowned upon by those who want to live to be 100. Well lucky me, I dont want to be around that long! And I sure dont want to deprive myself of all kinds of fun just so I can be in perfect shape when I die off. Ill be worm food one way or another, might as well enjoy life.

On topic, no way id be changing my diet. My fiance does not enjoy beef as much as I do but we compromise (even if it means she gets chicken and I have a steak). Id just tell them "Hey, if yall want to eat that, thats fine. But I did not sign on for this..." Id at least be requesting a meat or something to go along with whatever they are having. If they want to buy into a fad thats their business, but you dont have to make it yours.
I made a 16.8 lb prime rib and a 9lb pork shoulder for Christmas, everything in moderation. I'm with Doc, we can't live for ever.
Wives are easily replaced, children are another story. I feel for ya man!

You could always start your own "self preservation" program in which you save your energy for later in life by staying on the couch with the remote attached to your hand.
Another bit of wisdom, this from Rumpole of the Bailey, "No vice is worth giving up for an extra year on a geriatrics ward".

I tried to date a vegetarian in college, but her diet ended up causing too many little issues that multiplied until I just gave up. I gave it my absolute BEST shot...this girl was the best piece of A$$ I've ever had the privilege of enjoying (and a pretty nice person too :whistling: ) , but in the end it was an impossible relationship. It started out fine, but the issues kept creeping up and I finally walked away. I hope you're a stronger man than I...I just cant resist a good steak/prime rib :thumbs: