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Just Another La Flor Whore
Jan 16, 2006
So, my wife had a hysterectomy yesterday. I took my 1 yr old son and mother in law to the hospital to visit her while I went Christmas shopping. While shopping for my wife, I decide to stop by a local cigar shop looking for Anejos. I don't find any, but I do spot a Padron 80th -- a cigar I have been wanting to try for a while. I decide to splurge and pick one up. I put it in an Office Max bag with a stapler I bought for work. I get to the hospital, park up front, turn on my hazards and run in to pick them up. I was inside for maybe a minute. When I got home and unloaded the truck, the Office Max bag is gone!! Why the hell would someone steal a guy's stuff right outside a hospital?!?! And the thing that really pisses my off is that this person will open the bag and say "a stapler and a cigar... who the hell wants that?" and just throw the bag in the trash. I guess it's my own damn fault for leaving the truck unlocked for even a minute. :angry:
There are a ton of desperate pieces of *$@& out there and you can't be caught off guard. Sorry to hear about what happened. The fact that while in the hospital something gets stolen in a minute shows you how f'd up some people out there are.
There are a ton of desperate pieces of *$@& out there and you can't be caught off guard. Sorry to hear about what happened. The fact that while in the hospital something gets stolen in a minute shows you how f'd up some people out there are.

That pretty much sums it up mate.

JHawk... treat every situation as one of potential theft. Take all the measures you can: Club lock on the car, valuables under the seat or in a locked glove-box... real valuable stuff like cigars (:D) you should take with you. It's not paranoid mate, it's life. Scum are everywhere and seem to be growing in number.
Man that sux to hear, at least about the cigar, who cares about a stapler.
I hate to hear this happen to you man. A very nice stick to lose like that. Remember though, of all times of year to leave your car unlocked right now is the worse.
I was warming up my car yesterday, waiting to get off of work. Like an idiot, I forgot to lock the door. Someone stole a 6 pack of beer from my front passenger. Left my Alpine stereo intact.


A sixer.

Of beer.

Honestly. Who does shit like this? *sigh* :angry:
I wonder if there were cameras where you parked your car. Maybe you could ask them to review them. What if it is an employee doing that?
I wonder if there were cameras where you parked your car. Maybe you could ask them to review them. What if it is an employee doing that?

That's exactly what I was thinking Fia as most hospitals have camera setups out front for viewing what's coming in and also for malpractice cases. Talk with thier security folks and if it is an employee, he or she could be doing this for a while now........ :0
Just plain low in both cases, I'm actually suprised that we didn't get hit last night while we were shopping. There is a lot of smash and grab going on around and near the Mall in Wilkes Barre lately.
I was on the phone with my sister last night, and she told me that while she was away for the weekend someone broke into her house and stole Christmas from her and her 6 year old son. Everything, even went into her night stand and stole the rubbers, left the box, just took the rocket wraps.

My sister is a single mom, who worked 2 jobs, until the hurricane that hit Houston washed away a restaurant she was a host at.

It tough time out there right now, and some will always elect to take the easy way out. I mean, as long as me and my family is taken care of, who cares about yours....

Mean People Suck!!!!!!!!!

There's a rush that comes along with stealing. Well studied and documented. In this case, that was probably more the reason than anything else. Also, they were probably hoping for more. Maybe they intended to pirate through the vehicle, but something happened (someone came along). That's my best guess.
I was inside for maybe a minute. When I got home and unloaded the truck, the Office Max bag is gone!! Why the hell would someone steal a guy's stuff right outside a hospital?!?! And the thing that really pisses my off is that this person will open the bag and say "a stapler and a cigar... who the hell wants that?" and just throw the bag in the trash. I guess it's my own damn fault for leaving the truck unlocked for even a minute. :angry:

You're just lucky you're freakin' truck wasn't stolen man...damn lucky.

LOCK. YOUR. VEHICLES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please!
People are ridiculous, and steal ANYTHING. I had someone break into my car, steal the change out of my ashtray, attempt to steal my CD player but couldn't get it out, so they just took the face for it so I couldn't use it. Last December my wife and I moved into a new apartment, two weeks later we are coming back home from an out of town weekend, and our house had been robbed. People that steal deserve to be shot. Just because you don't work hard for anything, doesn't mean you can take the things that I do work hard for. Sorry, rants over
The stapler will probably end up as someone's christmas present and the poor stogie will be turned into a blunt. What a damn shame. Sorry you got hit.
I feel for ya.. Yesterday I went to the grocery store for something 10 min in & out .. someone lifted my cel phone from the van. If a pre pay phone and about 5 yrs old so I guess it's time for a new one. It just sucks though . You feel so violated when that shit happens.
That is just mean, sorry that you lost your smoke. I always lock my vehicle no matter what.
I used to eat at a breakfast place in Miami where the cars were routinely broken into. I was friends with the owner, and we agreed with the police to plant some computers and laptops in my car while parked at the place. Sure enough, some idiot opened the door to steal what was inside. Just as he was carrying away a laptop, the cops converged on him and he dropped the laptop and tried to run. He didn't get very far. It was obviously the same person each time, since after he was arrested, it NEVER happened again.