I have to say I am surprised about this community

I did not participate in the Secret Santa event (regrettably), but concur with your thoughts Spivy. This week, I had a BOTL send his end of a trade first even though I'm a newbie around here. Looking forward to many years of good fun here. Thanks all.
Who you kiddin'? They go after anybody regardless...

That is why FOGs go after people they feel threaten the community. (gougers, trolls, ass-hats and the like).
This is a place to be protected.
It's all about community and trust. Break that and your screwed.

Regardless of what? Please explain

Not meaning to thread jack.

Spivy this is indeed a special place. You obviously are a BOTL who gets it.

Regardless of who you are, how long you've been a member here, you name it...

BTB – its not you…your responses are straight forward and to the point. Not exactly welcoming, but not a rejected response like don't ask me, do a search you newbie.

The reason I posted and what I meant was this. I read these boards daily – I have been around cigars to know whats what…I can use this board to find answers if I have questions which is why I don't post so I hope that answers your question. If I want to trade or buy, I'll send a PM. What and how I use this board is my business as long as I stick to the rules, which is also why as you stated, I have not had any conflicts with anyone. Now this post may change that and I am certain that 1 specific FOG will chime in, at which time I will have nothing to say, except I will let you all know who it is with a simple statement.

The issue I have with SOME of the FOGs on board is how quickly the FOGs and their cohorts, meaning not-so-FOGs, but are friends with a FOGs, and or have HERF'ed with, or are just friends with some real FOGs constantly take the time to read a post by an unknowing newbie and twist their genuine request for information into some kind of personal vendetta to tell them how stupid they are for a lack of better words,
instead of helping them which you all claim to do, at times you ridicule, attack lack of knowledge by posting messages such as USE SEARCH when a 1 sentence reply, 9 times out of 10 could have answered the question and not make a newb feel like a piece of sh*t. It's like you feel newbie's OWE you something for your experience which again you claim to share and that's why you're here. I believe that some of you, especially 1 of you, have such low self esteem that the only power you can feel is by belittling some helpless person from the comfort of your home where you won't get your ass kicked. I would love to be there to see if you would SAY some of your replies posted by some of you FACE to FACE to some of these newbie's. And I know you're gonna say you would because again you are in the safe sanctuary of your own personal space where you are basically untouchable.

I just don't understand all of the hostility and discontent that goes around on this board. And it shouldn't ever get to that.

And as far as making fun of someone's profession, I would expect more out of you...and you know who you are.

With this being said, I mean no disrespect to those FOGs who truly are out to help and give advice, but it's the handful of you who do the opposite who I also don't mean to show disrespect, but you will not get any respect, and it's not just me. Its those who you think are your friends as well. A rose by any other name is still a rose – so is an A$hole!

So let me get this straight... Your only purpose here is to benefit yourself, and not give back to the community... Use CP as an answer pool for all of your cigar related questions... PM members for buys/trades/sales... Is that correct? You clearly have no interest in becoming an active participant within this community. By this post alone, it's clear you don't get it, nor do you care to understand what CP is all about. It's no wonder you're disgruntled.
Who you kiddin'? They go after anybody regardless...

That is why FOGs go after people they feel threaten the community. (gougers, trolls, ass-hats and the like).
This is a place to be protected.
It's all about community and trust. Break that and your screwed.

Hmmm, let's see 5 posts and have been here less then 2 months...

You have a lot to learn Grasshopper... :whistling:
He's got nothing to learn. He went to law school. Got his arrogance implant and everything.


Hey, I wasn't told anything about an implant :whistling:
Rod - Totally the oposite. I use PM instead of the forums for any transactions and sharing of any information whether asking or giving. Its just less of a hassle for me and keeps me from receiving heartache from those whom I have mentioned. You have done a great job running this board, some people just don't respect others as they should. IMO.
Guys & Gals,
I have to say that I am surprised about the community. What a great group of people. I participated in secret Santa and I was blown away by the cigars my Santa sent me. I have never been part of a community that was so generous even to newbies. That is all, just saying thanks.


I am glad Ed that you are having a great experience with the board. But I want to say sorry about the person that jacked your thread and turned it into all about him.

Happy Holidays

Here's my post, did I win?

Mr. Rabbit, you just made the list. :love:
I have also found CP a great community with the most outstanding members of many of the sites that I have been a member of.

I just don’t understand all of the hostility and discontent that goes around on this board. And it shouldn't ever get to that.

Mr rabbit, try Sherdog dot net forums. When you see threads where people seriously ask for people's addresses so they can continue fights in person, you get a better understanding. After you leave that place behind, you might want to come back and see how much better it is here than most of the forums out there.

Jeff Zieser
Now this post may change that and I am certain that 1 specific FOG will chime in, at which time I will have nothing to say, except I will let you all know who it is with a simple statement.

Oh, is this a contest? Do we get to take turns guessing who it is until one of us gets it right? What's the prize? This could be fun.

Who you kiddin'? They go after anybody regardless...

That is why FOGs go after people they feel threaten the community. (gougers, trolls, ass-hats and the like).
This is a place to be protected.
It's all about community and trust. Break that and your screwed.

Hmmm, let's see 5 posts and have been here less then 2 months...

You have a lot to learn Grasshopper... :whistling:
He's got nothing to learn. He went to law school. Got his arrogance implant and everything.


Hey, I wasn't told anything about an implant :whistling:

I had mine removed after going corporate.
??? sigh...... such a great place and yet some just dont understand.

Spivy, glad to hear you are having a good time here. Im a Newbie myself and feel the exact same way about the board!!!
Rabbit, I got that arrogance crack from another lawyer. You see, this friend of mine, a U.S. Attorney here in my city,and I, did Boy Scouts together. One day, this other lawyer, with no BSA experience, decided he was going to change the way we did things. That's when my friend said, "Don't worry about it, he just having trouble dealing with his arrogance implant." You kind of remind me of that guy. So you can see why I thought it was an appropriate remark. We didn't change the way we do things and he's long gone. Just as I suspect you'll be, soon enough.

You kind of remind me of that guy. We didn't change the way we do things and he's long gone. Just as I suspect you'll be, soon enough.

Not that I'm keeping score... but... dayum.
Doc: 1 Rabbit: 0

Mr_Rabbit I have to say that you just don't get it.

Follow the advice we give to all newbies - "Read more, post less"
Try and understand the community you have so recently joined.
Don't come here and expect to change anything.

Learn and become part of the community.
This place is not just about cigars.
Try Cigar Live, Mr Wabbit. All is well there. MilesMingusMonk has been banned there and can't hurt you.

What was your handle before you were banned here?

Check 'ur facts Smurfy. ??? All is not well at CigarLive, I have not been banned at CigarLive (yet) and Elmer Fudd quotes aren't hurtful unless you are the sensitive type.
Mr. Wabbit sounds a lot like this guy KayakinBoy was speaking of in his PM's from a Lurker thread. Wonder if they are one and the same, just a different user name? ???

A lurker (whose shall remain nameless, unless he comes forward) sent me a PM asking for my source on the Cuban Chewing tobacco. I wanted to share what all was said.

Hi there,
Just curious where you ordered your snus. Every time I tried to order the Cuban Snus my order was kiked back when I enter my US mailing address

You joined in 2007 and have never posted? Do you post on other forums? Sorry, I don't want to share a source with lurkers... ???

No Problem,
Found it. Google is great!
Don't post primarily because any time a newby does, he/she gets their ass handed to them by the FOGs. Seem to be sport on most these groups.

I have never personally agreed with this, and find it a little insulting. I do not think anyone here is looking to start a fight. I wonder how many others won't post because they think we are just looking to start something... ???

I hope the lurker's point of view changes and he begins to post, or maybe it will bring other people foward who would turn out to be a great asset to the community.

Who you kiddin'? They go after anybody regardless...

That is why FOGs go after people they feel threaten the community. (gougers, trolls, ass-hats and the like).
This is a place to be protected.
It's all about community and trust. Break that and your screwed.

Regardless of what? Please explain

Not meaning to thread jack.

Spivy this is indeed a special place. You obviously are a BOTL who gets it.

Regardless of who you are, how long you've been a member here, you name it...

BTB – its not you…your responses are straight forward and to the point. Not exactly welcoming, but not a rejected response like don’t ask me, do a search you newbie.

The reason I posted and what I meant was this. I read these boards daily – I have been around cigars to know whats what…I can use this board to find answers if I have questions which is why I don’t post so I hope that answers your question. If I want to trade or buy, I’ll send a PM. What and how I use this board is my business as long as I stick to the rules, which is also why as you stated, I have not had any conflicts with anyone. Now this post may change that and I am certain that 1 specific FOG will chime in, at which time I will have nothing to say, except I will let you all know who it is with a simple statement.

The issue I have with SOME of the FOGs on board is how quickly the FOGs and their cohorts, meaning not-so-FOGs, but are friends with a FOGs, and or have HERF’ed with, or are just friends with some real FOGs constantly take the time to read a post by an unknowing newbie and twist their genuine request for information into some kind of personal vendetta to tell them how stupid they are for a lack of better words,
instead of helping them which you all claim to do, at times you ridicule, attack lack of knowledge by posting messages such as USE SEARCH when a 1 sentence reply, 9 times out of 10 could have answered the question and not make a newb feel like a piece of sh*t. It’s like you feel newbie’s OWE you something for your experience which again you claim to share and that’s why you’re here. I believe that some of you, especially 1 of you, have such low self esteem that the only power you can feel is by belittling some helpless person from the comfort of your home where you won’t get your ass kicked. I would love to be there to see if you would SAY some of your replies posted by some of you FACE to FACE to some of these newbie’s. And I know you’re gonna say you would because again you are in the safe sanctuary of your own personal space where you are basically untouchable.

I just don’t understand all of the hostility and discontent that goes around on this board. And it shouldn't ever get to that.

And as far as making fun of someone’s profession, I would expect more out of you...and you know who you are.

With this being said, I mean no disrespect to those FOGs who truly are out to help and give advice, but it’s the handful of you who do the opposite who I also don’t mean to show disrespect, but you will not get any respect, and it’s not just me. Its those who you think are your friends as well. A rose by any other name is still a rose – so is an A$$hole!
No surprise...he was the very first one to post....

I do believe that he was talking about NullSmurf.

Rabbit, let me tell you... I have herfed with Bruce as have many of the good BOTLs on this board. He's a class act and generous to a fault. He might be a cantankerous old bastid at times, but he's earned that right -- and the respect that goes along with it.

Since you are new here, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt this one time and chalk your comments up to not knowing any better. As Spivy says, this is a great place and Bruce is part of what makes it so.