Potential Influx of New Members

We didn't need anymore members before this consolidation happened, we don't need anymore now.

Really? Well I guess for your sake it was a good thing we didn't decide this 8 months ago when you joined, huh?
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9.) No bashing of other cigar forums. While other forums take moderation to an extreme, they may run their forum how they see fit. We're different at CP - we're a self moderated community. If you bash another forum, you will be dealt with.

I'm thinking this is apt to become the most commonly broken rule, especially if a "refugee" venting area is set up.
We didn't need anymore members before this consolidation happened, we don't need anymore now.

Really? Well I guess for your sake it was a good thing we didn't decide this 8 months ago when you joined, huh?

I guess I need to clarify what this "part" of my post is about. I'm not suggesting shutting membership down completely, as you would have me implying here. What I'm suggesting is there is a reason members of these other forums joined up there and not here. If they want to come here then fine but they abide by OUR rules and how we do things around here.

When I joined here, I had the choice of all these other forums as well, but I chose this place because I thought it was the best fit for me. All I'm trying to say is we need not change for them, and they should not try to change us because of them. If they want to change and become part of us, thats fine, but that is strictly up to them.

I do have to wonder why my post was cut down to that one sentence? Were you trying to further strengthen your argument against me? Or just trying to sell me on your argument? By doing so, all you really are saying to me is that A. you didn't bother to read my post in its entirety or B. you can't argue the other points in my post.

I wonder how long before we will have to invoke Godwin's Law in this thread? lol :)
We didn't need anymore members before this consolidation happened, we don't need anymore now.

Really? Well I guess for your sake it was a good thing we didn't decide this 8 months ago when you joined, huh?

I guess I need to clarify what this "part" of my post is about. I'm not suggesting shutting membership down completely, as you would have me implying here. What I'm suggesting is there is a reason members of these other forums joined up there and not here. If they want to come here then fine but they abide by OUR rules and how we do things around here.

When I joined here, I had the choice of all these other forums as well, but I chose this place because I thought it was the best fit for me. All I'm trying to say is we need not change for them, and they should not try to change us because of them. If they want to change and become part of us, thats fine, but that is strictly up to them.

I do have to wonder why my post was cut down to that one sentence? Were you trying to further strengthen your argument against me? Or just trying to sell me on your argument? By doing so, all you really are saying to me is that A. you didn't bother to read my post in its entirety or B. you can't argue the other points in my post.

I wonder how long before we will have to invoke Godwin's Law in this thread? lol :)

Easy there big fella...wouldn't want you spouting off for at least 4 more days!

tpc, the reason I cut your post down to that one sentence is simply because that is all I was addressing. I wouldn't want to confuse anyone by quoting your entire post yet only mentioning one part of it. With these long posts that Wilkey and myself have used in this thread, people lose interest after a sentence or two, and move on.
Isn't it that time of year again anyhow...I like to call it asshat season. Seems every year there is an influx of them anyhow. To Andy's post, very well said, I personally think that the house will run like it usually does, and any new asshats, I mean, members , will hang themselves and get the usual whipping. My point is the asshats will always mess up, and there will be plenty of us to point it out.
tpc, the reason I cut your post down to that one sentence is simply because that is all I was addressing. I wouldn't want to confuse anyone by quoting your entire post yet only mentioning one part of it. With these long posts that Wilkey and myself have used in this thread, people lose interest after a sentence or two, and move on.

Ahh, well upon reading up, I could see how that might happen. I apologize for insuinating otherwise.

At any rate, I haven't lost interest, but I'm glued to this desk typing data in right now, and its booooring lol. I guess I could have summed up my whole post to if it ain't broke don't fix it....but thats too easily typed during this mundane of mondays. And watching the dow drop 800 points even though I have no money in the market right now was way too depressing. Ah well...back to your regularly scheduled programming. :)
You know, if half the people on this thread just shut up so will the other half.

You know, if half the people on this thread just shut up so will the other half.


It's Monday, the market is in the crapper and you have no pants on! What else is left than this thread to entertain us?
Dregs tend to reveal themselves in short order.

Seems to me that a civil reminder that "that's not how we do things here," will either draw a response of, "sorry, I'll do things differently in the future," or some thinly veiled version of "I'M AN ASSHAT!"

All will be well.
Well, seeing that Rod locked the automatic new membership thing...maybe it is a good time to limit the new folks from posting by a certain time frame after applying for membership. Require them to just lurk (read) and see if this is the place for them. I think that is a good idea to invoke not just for now, but forever. I'm not asking them to pass a test or anything but give them a chance to acclimate and learn the ropes.

I read up on CP for quite a few months before I joined, maybe this would be a good way to make sure everyone does.

Andy and Alan have a point about the recent increase in 'piling on threads'. It's embarrassing at times. We need to leave that to a select few to handle, not newer members looking to achieve FOG status in 3 months.

Wilkey also has a point about the LONG TERM EFFECTS of the new member's attitudes on CP....that's inevitable and just human nature. When you get 20 people from another forum commenting on a single thread, guiding it with their ideals, that in itself is a small majority and will permeate the Community.

Rod has got his hands full with this one...and he'll handle it as only a Mother can. He hatched this egg and has had a clear vision of it's future from Day One.
Well, seeing that Rod locked the automatic new membership thing...maybe it is a good time to limit the new folks from posting by a certain time frame after applying for membership. Require them to just lurk (read) and see if this is the place for them. I think that is a good idea to invoke not just for now, but forever. I'm not asking them to pass a test or anything but give them a chance to acclimate and learn the ropes.

I read up on CP for quite a few months before I joined, maybe this would be a good way to make sure everyone does.

Andy and Alan have a point about the recent increase in 'piling on threads'. It's embarrassing at times. We need to leave that to a select few to handle, not newer members looking to achieve FOG status in 3 months.

Wilkey also has a point about the LONG TERM EFFECTS of the new member's attitudes on CP....that's inevitable and just human nature. When you get 20 people from another forum commenting on a single thread, guiding it with their ideals, that in itself is a small majority and will permeate the Community.

Rod has got his hands full with this one...and he'll handle it as only a Mother can. He hatched this egg and has had a clear vision of it's future from Day One.

First Thought Wrong ...or... First Thought, Best Thought?
Andy and Alan have a point about the recent increase in 'piling on threads'. It's embarrassing at times.

I must have missed the threads where folks were piling on recently. Got a link?

Wilkey also has a point about the LONG TERM EFFECTS of the new member's attitudes on CP....that's inevitable and just human nature. When you get 20 people from another forum commenting on a single thread, guiding it with their ideals, that in itself is a small majority and will permeate the Community.

That's crap. New guys cannot and do not initiate movement or change. It doesn't happen. So it's not a good point, it's blather.

Well, seeing that Rod locked the automatic new membership thing...maybe it is a good time to limit the new folks from posting by a certain time frame after applying for membership. Require them to just lurk (read) and see if this is the place for them. I think that is a good idea to invoke not just for now, but forever. I'm not asking them to pass a test or anything but give them a chance to acclimate and learn the ropes.

I read up on CP for quite a few months before I joined, maybe this would be a good way to make sure everyone does.

But that would remove our opportunity to see if they put forth the effort on their own to find out if this community is right for them

Andy and Alan have a point about the recent increase in 'piling on threads'. It's embarrassing at times. We need to leave that to a select few to handle, not newer members looking to achieve FOG status in 3 months.

Wilkey also has a point about the LONG TERM EFFECTS of the new member's attitudes on CP....that's inevitable and just human nature. When you get 20 people from another forum commenting on a single thread, guiding it with their ideals, that in itself is a small majority and will permeate the Community.

While this COULD happen, it would only take one or two established members correcting the thread for it to be stopped, it's not like they'll come in and have a commanding control of the discussion. I think the issue Wilkey is pointing out is that, if we get an influx of members from these forums, they'll be harboring emotions from the forum buyouts, and if we allow them to sit on those emotions as they become members of the boards we risk some rather big blow ups later on. At least that's how I read his first post.

Rod has got his hands full with this one...and he'll handle it as only a Mother can. He hatched this egg and has had a clear vision of it's future from Day One.

I like colors!
Daang y'all talkin' like I'm not even in the room. This thread is f*cked up. So do I get slack or a kick in the nuts for having just said that? j/k. Ok, I registered some time ago, but for all practical purposes I'm a newb on this board.

I'm a staunch CSmoker member and I tell you, what's happening over there is way messed up, has not happened without actual tears on my part (I know that may be TMI but goddammit that's where I've been with it. I think most of you would understand - I read all the responses to Rod's PSA regarding the buyouts), and has given me cause to pack my bags.

And Rod, good on you man for stayin' right. jeez I never would've even guessed at what's happening over there, and your attitude and integrity is a breath of fresh air. And while the rest of you are slapping him on the back, save some applause for yourselves cuz you're what makes this board too; I hope none of you ever have to appreciate something for what it was rather than for what it is.
Daang y'all talkin' like I'm not even in the room. This thread is f*cked up. So do I get slack or a kick in the nuts for having just said that? j/k. Ok, I registered some time ago, but for all practical purposes I'm a newb on this board.

I'm a staunch CSmoker member and I tell you, what's happening over there is way messed up, has not happened without actual tears on my part (I know that may be TMI but goddammit that's where I've been with it. I think most of you would understand - I read all the responses to Rod's PSA regarding the buyouts), and has given me cause to pack my bags.

And Rod, good on you man for stayin' right. jeez I never would've even guessed at what's happening over there, and your attitude and integrity is a breath of fresh air. And while the rest of you are slapping him on the back, save some applause for yourselves cuz you're what makes this board too; I hope none of you ever have to appreciate something for what it was rather than for what it is.

Who the hell is this numbnuts, coming over here from CigarSmokers and acting all kinds of friendly and stuff... :sign:

Dang, Ted - took you long enough!!! :love:
Daang y'all talkin' like I'm not even in the room. This thread is f*cked up. So do I get slack or a kick in the nuts for having just said that? j/k. Ok, I registered some time ago, but for all practical purposes I'm a newb on this board.

I'm a staunch CSmoker member and I tell you, what's happening over there is way messed up, has not happened without actual tears on my part (I know that may be TMI but goddammit that's where I've been with it. I think most of you would understand - I read all the responses to Rod's PSA regarding the buyouts), and has given me cause to pack my bags.

And Rod, good on you man for stayin' right. jeez I never would've even guessed at what's happening over there, and your attitude and integrity is a breath of fresh air. And while the rest of you are slapping him on the back, save some applause for yourselves cuz you're what makes this board too; I hope none of you ever have to appreciate something for what it was rather than for what it is.

Who the hell is this numbnuts, coming over here from CigarSmokers and acting all kinds of friendly and stuff... :sign:

Dang, Ted - took you long enough!!! :love:

He even types with a 'twang'! :laugh:

Well, Ted is one refugee I'm glad to see. Welcome aboard.

Daang y'all talkin' like I'm not even in the room. This thread is f*cked up. So do I get slack or a kick in the nuts for having just said that? j/k. Ok, I registered some time ago, but for all practical purposes I'm a newb on this board.

I'm a staunch CSmoker member and I tell you, what's happening over there is way messed up, has not happened without actual tears on my part (I know that may be TMI but goddammit that's where I've been with it. I think most of you would understand - I read all the responses to Rod's PSA regarding the buyouts), and has given me cause to pack my bags.

And Rod, good on you man for stayin' right. jeez I never would've even guessed at what's happening over there, and your attitude and integrity is a breath of fresh air. And while the rest of you are slapping him on the back, save some applause for yourselves cuz you're what makes this board too; I hope none of you ever have to appreciate something for what it was rather than for what it is.

Heya newb, welcome! Should we rough him up now?