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Potential Influx of New Members


Ultra Runner
Mar 18, 2005
After Rod's announcement regarding those 4 other online cigar communities having been purchased, and the changes that would most likely happen at those communities, I considered a few things that we as Cigar Pass should keep in mind.

I won't be surprised at all in the coming months if there is a greater number of new members joining up, or returning, from those other communities. There's a good chance, as Rod alluded to, that members at those forums will not be happy with the change process or any interruptions caused by it, and may be looking for another online forum to spend their time and spread their knowledge.

When CF went down for a short period, there was a brief influx of new members that came over, and our reaction and acceptance of them was questionable in my opinion. There were people from that board who came here and were regarded with disdain because they were a "refugee", and some accused them (probably in jest) of using us for their "fix" until CF was back online.

I would really not like to see that happen, and would like these new members to have a chance to see what a great place this really is!

So here is what I propose to you all:

I do not think anyone should be exempt from the standard rules and ways things are done. Intros would be nice. Adherence to the B/S/T rules is absolute. Cuban Cigar forum rules still apply.

But! Let's try to be a little more easy going on our suggestive posts to these new members about the rules and how things are done around here. When someone just joins up and starts posting away without an intro, or doesn't take the time to read the BST rules, let's go easy on them and not pile on. Maybe just let one person mention it and see how it goes from there instead of 47 people posting on the thread letting the original poster know they failed. And finally, let's realize that some of these folks have probably been around the online communities longer than many of us. They won't be used to being the newbie again, and probably will be ultra-sensitive to any feedback.

One more thing: Stop laughing because you think I'm the last person who should be lecturing about having patience with newbies or rule-breakers! :sign:
Gonz, you kill me. I can't stop lauging. But I promise to be nice. Fuggin' flatlanders.
Edited to add: Those folks from CF, reap what they sow.
After Rod's announcement regarding those 4 other online cigar communities having been purchased, and the changes that would most likely happen at those communities, I considered a few things that we as Cigar Pass should keep in mind.

I won't be surprised at all in the coming months if there is a greater number of new members joining up, or returning, from those other communities. There's a good chance, as Rod alluded to, that members at those forums will not be happy with the change process or any interruptions caused by it, and may be looking for another online forum to spend their time and spread their knowledge.

When CF went down for a short period, there was a brief influx of new members that came over, and our reaction and acceptance of them was questionable in my opinion. There were people from that board who came here and were regarded with disdain because they were a "refugee", and some accused them (probably in jest) of using us for their "fix" until CF was back online.

I would really not like to see that happen, and would like these new members to have a chance to see what a great place this really is!

So here is what I propose to you all:

I do not think anyone should be exempt from the standard rules and ways things are done. Intros would be nice. Adherence to the B/S/T rules is absolute. Cuban Cigar forum rules still apply.

But! Let's try to be a little more easy going on our suggestive posts to these new members about the rules and how things are done around here. When someone just joins up and starts posting away without an intro, or doesn't take the time to read the BST rules, let's go easy on them and not pile on. Maybe just let one person mention it and see how it goes from there instead of 47 people posting on the thread letting the original poster know they failed. And finally, let's realize that some of these folks have probably been around the online communities longer than many of us. They won't be used to being the newbie again, and probably will be ultra-sensitive to any feedback.

One more thing: Stop laughing because you think I'm the last person who should be lecturing about having patience with newbies or rule-breakers! :sign:

Choo CHOO....I hear the Cigarpass railroad a-comin'...and you're on it!

Just in case we do get a ton of new registrations, I went ahead and shut down all new member self registrations. I have to manually approve all new members now - just in case... I do expect a large increase in new membership, this is going to be a very interesting week. Turns out 5 sites were sold.


This is the time that we all need to take a very positive and firm stance on our community - we will not change the way we do things. Members from other forums that operated significantly differently than us will come here, and may try to change things. Let's all stand firm and be proud of what we've created and accomplished, we will not succumb to change.

Great post, Gonz, I'm sure we'll all do what's right.

More info to come as it develops...
Sign me up to assist in helping my fellow Newbies...
After Rod's announcement regarding those 4 other online cigar communities having been purchased...I won't be surprised at all in the coming months if there is a greater number of new members joining up, or returning, from those other communities.

Let's try to be a little more easy going on our suggestive posts to these new members about the rules and how things are done around here...They won't be used to being the newbie again, and probably will be ultra-sensitive to any feedback.
I disagree. If what you think might happen actually does come to pass, I don't think a blanket "sunshine and rainbows" program will be the best or most effective way to welcome these folks into the community. For them or for us.

Think about it. These members may be disaffected, angry, they may have feelings of betrayal and regret, all mixed in with a curiosity about CigarPass. They'll be contemplating leaving their home and coming to a place that is different. Not theirs. They won't know what to make of this and the assumption that they'll want to integrate is but one way they may go. This is not a "normal" influx of new members in any sense. It's a special case and serious potential abounds for all sorts of ugliness if the time comes when they feel comfortable enough here to let out all those powerful emotions. We can either wait for these explosions to happen all over our forum or we can make a safe place for it to come out.

I recommend that we set up an area in the Lobby to welcome this special group of prospective members. If they are half as wound up as I was just reading the announcement posts, they're going to welcome a chance to vent. Pushing this back down into the gut by exercising uncharacteristic restraint (as compared to how things have been going lately) will only postpone the inevitable and potentially result in greater friction in the coming months.

IMO, one reason that the forum was not as welcoming to the temporary CF influx was that we knew with high confidence that their visit would only be temporary. But that's not the critical reason. The critical reason was that we felt this was our place and that being a temporary haven for those who otherwise never visit was devaluing our home. This made us, me, feel used.

But a change in perspective would have eased the situation. Let's say that CP is first and foremost, a home to those of us who choose to make it ours. We put in the time and the blood, sweat, and tears to make it great. Second, let's say that we will welcome those who come to CP under special circumstances because we are but one community among the greater assemblage of cigar forums. Had we agreed, as a community, to this and resolved to act as brothers and sisters of the leaf in the greater sense, we might have actually gained one or two regular members.

These are just my thoughts on the matter. Gonz, I applaud your concern. I just don't think it's the best way to go about it.

Perhaps some internet-strength cattle prods will help with herding the new stampede?
I think we can look at how Houston handled the influx of new people from New Orleans.
Everyone in Texas has a gun.
No banana-heads, that's all I ask.
No banana-heads, that's all I ask.

:0 But Ray, last week when I ran to your house in my banana-head hat and glitter running shorts, you let me in to use the bathroom?!? I'm getting mixed messages!! :angry:

:sign: :sign:
I didn't ask nor tell but I guess you're out now.

(BTW, Marge WAS there)
After Rod's announcement regarding those 4 other online cigar communities having been purchased...I won't be surprised at all in the coming months if there is a greater number of new members joining up, or returning, from those other communities.

Let's try to be a little more easy going on our suggestive posts to these new members about the rules and how things are done around here...They won't be used to being the newbie again, and probably will be ultra-sensitive to any feedback.
I disagree. If what you think might happen actually does come to pass, I don't think a blanket "sunshine and rainbows" program will be the best or most effective way to welcome these folks into the community. For them or for us.

Think about it. These members may be disaffected, angry, they may have feelings of betrayal and regret, all mixed in with a curiosity about CigarPass. They'll be contemplating leaving their home and coming to a place that is different. Not theirs. They won't know what to make of this and the assumption that they'll want to integrate is but one way they may go. This is not a "normal" influx of new members in any sense. It's a special case and serious potential abounds for all sorts of ugliness if the time comes when they feel comfortable enough here to let out all those powerful emotions. We can either wait for these explosions to happen all over our forum or we can make a safe place for it to come out.

I recommend that we set up an area in the Lobby to welcome this special group of prospective members. If they are half as wound up as I was just reading the announcement posts, they're going to welcome a chance to vent. Pushing this back down into the gut by exercising uncharacteristic restraint (as compared to how things have been going lately) will only postpone the inevitable and potentially result in greater friction in the coming months.

IMO, one reason that the forum was not as welcoming to the temporary CF influx was that we knew with high confidence that their visit would only be temporary. But that's not the critical reason. The critical reason was that we felt this was our place and that being a temporary haven for those who otherwise never visit was devaluing our home. This made us, me, feel used.

But a change in perspective would have eased the situation. Let's say that CP is first and foremost, a home to those of us who choose to make it ours. We put in the time and the blood, sweat, and tears to make it great. Second, let's say that we will welcome those who come to CP under special circumstances because we are but one community among the greater assemblage of cigar forums. Had we agreed, as a community, to this and resolved to act as brothers and sisters of the leaf in the greater sense, we might have actually gained one or two regular members.

These are just my thoughts on the matter. Gonzon lineCigar Pass, I applaud your concern. I just don't think it's the best way to go about it.


X2, well put Wilkey. I believe in protecting this house, I wasen't here for the CF influx of new members however, I would like to see the integerity of this site kept the way it is, I welcome new members because they do bring knoledge but I do not want to see the bull$heet that can also come. I do believe that a seprate area would be good for new "displaced" members from other sites would be a good thing, venting in there would be a vrey good idea for new members. I couldn't imagine how I would feel if CP ever went down of awasn'tintegrityknowledge lonseparateveryg period of time and God forbid forever, I know that I would need a place to go and vent.
I didn't ask nor tell but I guess you're out now.

(BTW, Marge WAS there)

Ray, you're killing me!! Watch the episode sir! The scene cuts from the bowling alley to Marge and Homer in bed, where it is implied that Homer asks Marge to pay him $500 for sex to which she replied, "No I will not pay you $500 for sex!" She wasn't there!! (*bangs head against the wall*) I will send you the disc to watch!

Either way, Indyrob jumped the gun and posted the winning answers, but he doesn't qualify to win due to his join date/post count. In his "remorse," he is going to put up a prize pack with mine and I have to go find a new quote quiz people on!! :D
The way Andy is talking is actually the way I remember it being done before the past few months around here. People were way less trigger happy with minor flubs and mistakes. New guys were given the benefit of the doubt and a nudge in the right direction the first time they did something a little foolish.

If they were trying to rip people off or if they continued to take a dump on our front porch after the first mistake, it was dealt with harshly and swiftly as it should be.

There were a lot less pile-ons, as well. People knew when to stay out of stuff they had no business being involved in and things were dealt with much more efficiently. Some of the stuff that turns into 6 page threads around here these days would have been about a 3 page thread a year or two ago. The more people that pile on a person, the less likely they are to understand their mistake and how to deal with it. Even if they know they're wrong, most people dig in deeper when they feel they are being attacked.

Good gravy, I sound like an old fart longing for "the Good Ol' Days" right now, but that's the CP that grew into what has become for many of us an important outlet/social networking/BS soundboard/common interest discussion forum and one of the best sites on the web.

There, I feel better... :)
If the newbs deserve the business they'll get the business. I don't guess I need someone deciding for me before the fact. If someone wants to explain to me why these statements are wrongheaded I'm willing to listen. If you can't explain in fifty words or less don't bother. More than that and I'll just figure your full of shit as usual.

-For CigarPass to remain the great community that it is, we must not allow the influx of new members to change the way things are done.

-To Neal's point, newbie asshats will be called out as needed.

-Members that call for popcorn, what value have you added? Read more, post less.
This is a great thread.

I would like to add:

There are a few members of this board that have the time invested, the integrity that it takes, and the respect that is needed to start dropping the heavy hammers if needed. I know for sure that I am not one of them!

I would submit, that if you are NOT sure if you are one of those members, then you more than likely are not. Let the established members handle the uprisings as they come, newer guys, unless directly affected or involved, stand back and take notes, one day you might be the FOG.

Just a newbie's euro cent


edit for spelling