What's in your pipe today?

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McClelland #22 in the Stanwell OUTSIDE. :)
I've been smoking Barclay-Rex Maiden Lane for a few weeks now (among others) and I really like it. It has become my everyday blend. The best part is, it gets better as it gets dryer. I'll have to pick up some more soon.

Today I smoked some in my most comfortable and best smoker, a Graco rusticated.
Well, the nice weather turned to chilly again but praise Allah I can smoke inside. Last night I tried a blend a friend put together he named Fangorn Forest. Very nice and will age well, I believe. It's an English blend but light on the latakia with a good amount of Izmir. Even so, the only way I can truly enjoy latakia anymore is with a few years of age on it.

This morning I packed the Stanwell with Pease Cairo. Remains one of my favorite blends.

I just got some C&D Izmir and while jarring it winged a blend. About 5 parts #5100 Red, 3 parts Izmir, 1 part McConnell Latakia, and 1 part Drama. Smooth and spicy! :)
This morning I folded 2 strips of Penzance in half, then folded it again and gently slid it down into my Wessex poker (shown below). The crumbs went on top. It was a perfect pack and it smoked great through out the day. I just finished it on the way home from Herfing with some fellow CPer's.

Now I know how to smoke this stuff. :thumbs:
Boswell Pennsylvania Dutch Treat...

Damn its good! :thumbs:
5 parts HOTW, 2 C&D Izmir, 2 H&H Anny Kake, 1/2 part Partagas cigar leaf, 1/2 part McConnell Syrian Latakia in the Falcon. I liked this blend very much. But I think it could benefit from some burley in place of some of the HOTW.
Friday I finally got the VaPer right. My bowl lasted over 2 hours with few relights and I got great flavors that I hadn't in the past. Add a small bowl of Old Dublin and it was a great smoking day.
FMOTT. Nording Apple. Really enjoying this. It's been awhile and a nice end to the evening.
St Bruno's in a group 3 Dunhill shell bulldog

Red Ribbon in a Savinelli natural billiard
I found a mixture that a enjoy but have difficulty duplicating. I had about two bowls left of 5100/Izmir base, 3 to 2. Then I dumped the partial-bowl-leftovers of Odyssey, McConnell Scottish Flake, and Carter Hall with good pinch of cigar leaf! :D

I almost wish it wasn't so tasty! The Latakia\cigar\burley taste was the part I think dominated.

I also enjoyed a bowl of McC #24 from '99 in the Stanwell. Sweet and nutty - lots of sugar crystals.
I found a mixture that a enjoy but have difficulty duplicating. I had about two bowls left of 5100/Izmir base, 3 to 2. Then I dumped the partial-bowl-leftovers of Odyssey, McConnell Scottish Flake, and Carter Hall with good pinch of cigar leaf! :D

I almost wish it wasn't so tasty! The Latakia\cigar\burley taste was the part I think dominated.

I also enjoyed a bowl of McC #24 from '99 in the Stanwell. Sweet and nutty - lots of sugar crystals.

You do more blending than GL Pease!! :thumbs: Keep these coming, I hope to try them some day.
This morning was some Frog Morton in a Karl Erik freehand - pretty bland, but okay for a morning smoke. This afternoon while taking a break from Daddy duty with my 4-week old, I enjoyed some SG FVF in a Savinelli Tundra panelled apple (shape 699 I believe). Paired with a cold Guinness, this really hit the spot. :love:
4 to 1 Carter Hall and McConnell Syrian Latakia. After enjoying a bowl in the Stanwell I thought I'd try the same thing with other components but found the base the best. Sweet without cloying and unique!
1 pt McConnell Syrian Latakia, 2 pts C&D Izmir, 4 pts C&D Exhausted Rooster. The Rooster reminds me of Carter Hall with perique added. Since I know I like burley and latakia, I thought a bit of Izmir might add balance to the two flavors. I don't know about all that but I did like it very much and that's all that matters! ;)
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