last night I tried with a Perdomo EDS double corona, I figured go big. A wonderful smoke but I lost it half-way through, construction just not tight enough. May have to try something again tonight.
Here's my first successful attempt!

A Padron 6000 maduro...




A wicked curve...



Just after the ash fell!

Hopefully I can out do this one!


edited to add...
This was done outside in WIND and you might be able to see the crack that developed at the halfway point. I should get some points for difficulty level :p !

Padrón cigars shouldn't count in these types of contests. They're so well made that if you can't get at least 4" of ash you need to give up smoking cigars.
Pfffttt Zee! This is for Anjeos, you have to break out the big guns when its for cigars I get to see once in a blue moon.

Ok gentlemen... Padrón 4000 6.50 x 54

less than .50 nub + two blisters on my left fore-finger and thumb...


= >6 inches of ash.

I tried to get it all the way down but burnt my lip lol
Pfffttt Zee! This is for Anjeos, you have to break out the big guns when its for cigars I get to see once in a blue moon.

Ok gentlemen... Padrón 4000 6.50 x 54

less than .50 nub + two blisters on my left fore-finger and thumb...


= >6 inches of ash.

I tried to get it all the way down but burnt my lip lol

:0 No F'n way!! That is crazy! How the fuck? ???

I will give another go at it tonight. I doubt that I can beat this! :(
Just don't hot box it bro and your golden...

And NO FAIR trying to win your own cigars :sign:
Nice ash!
There's probaby a paper clip in there! :laugh:
Excellent job!
What time is this done?
I will pull out the big guns later!
Very impressive, Shawn!

I agree that not hotboxing is key. Smoking as slowly as possible seems to make a denser ash for some reason.

:0 No F'n way!! That is crazy! How the fuck? ???

I will give another go at it tonight. I doubt that I can beat this! :(
Nice one Wurm!! I tried last night and had it fall after 2.5 inches. :( I'm gonna give it another shot tonight. :thumbs:
Seriously Wurm, you were in the zone. Not at all different then Tiger or Jordan... Wind blowing, cat prowling, life carrying on all around you.. Then theres Wurm, Smoking that sweet 6.5 inch beauty while everything else suddenly goes into slow motion. BAM, 6 inch ash. Ridiculous and very well played.

This actually saves me from what I was about to do. Go smoke a nice Padron Maddie while laying on my back with a special mask that I made to keep the ash from going in my eyes in case it fell early. :sign:
And NO FAIR trying to win your own cigars :sign:

Don't worry. Mine would not count. Here is an ash on an Opus #4. Wont even come close to any I've seen here but it is unique and I was smoking in the wind.

And NO FAIR trying to win your own cigars :sign:

Don't worry. Mine would not count. Here is an ash on an Opus #4. Wont even come close to any I've seen here but it is unique and I was smoking in the wind.


Wow awesome curve, hey did you notice that the cigar tasted different compared to when you tap the ash off like normal?

Around the 3 inch mark the Paddy started tasting really nasty, and having smoked more than a few of the thousand series over the past year I know it had to be the ash.

*edit* And what car is that in the background?
And to raise the bar another notch

C.A.O. Soprano Boss - 7 x 56 with a cracked wrapper!

< .50 nub

> 6.50 Ash :D


See Zee its not only Padróns that can make a great ash :sign:

Here a picture of the nub after I burnt myself enough and knocked the ash off.


Damn what a great cigar! Thanks Zee and Jabba for the awesome bomb!
What the hell? I have made several attempts at this and can't even come close to Wurm.

I will call the winner (looks like it will be Wurm) this evening when I log on again.

The car in the background is a 1967 Camaro. Look at my sig tag to see the whole car.
OK OK I'm a newbie..but i thought I would try....
1/2 way there......GOOOOO GHURKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!


oh crap......damn label...just had to try and remove it.......
oh wait..I think I'm a bit buzzed after the scotch.....

oh who cares...nice night and nice sunset..


nice contest.....