Hows your weather?

Snowing. Not a lot but enough I don’t want to work on stuff outside. Maybe if the sun stays out a bit.

Of course it will be 70 by Monday I’m sure.
56F this morning, with a forecasted high of 77F with mostly sunny skies.

We're in the path of totality for today's eclipse, so we'll be hanging out on the deck - with a nice cigar.
I guess it will get dark early today ...... for a little while.:cool:
67° now, then creeping up to 81° for the high. Light 9mph winds with 63% humidity.

This is the best part of the year weather wise to me. In another week or two, it will be freaking hot until November!

The biggest advantage to when it turns hot? All the damn snowbirds go back home, traffic returns to normal, and I can drive more than 5 minutes without honking at someone or flipping them off!
67° now, then creeping up to 81° for the high. Light 9mph winds with 63% humidity.

This is the best part of the year weather wise to me. In another week or two, it will be freaking hot until November!

The biggest advantage to when it turns hot? All the damn snowbirds go back home, traffic returns to normal, and I can drive more than 5 minutes without honking at someone or flipping them off!
I literally told my wife yesterday I couldn't wait til all the a$$holes went back up north so we didn't have to deal with them packing all the restaurants for the next 6 months.
What happened, your passport expired one year and you got stuck down there?
I consciously turned in my Northern passport a few years ago. I remain an a$$hole but am just a southern one now! 🤣

All kidding aside the snowbirds are the worst. They're like a swarm of geriatric locusts taking over your town wandering around cluelessly and making life overall more difficult.
They're like a swarm of geriatric locusts taking over your town wandering around cluelessly and making life overall more difficult.
THIS 👆👆👆

We call them Q-tips. All you can see when you’re behind them is a little bit of white stuff sticking up from the headrest.

So where do you call home now? You’re location still says Long Island…

In case anyone was wondering, a Yankee is someone from up north. A Damn Yankee is someone from up north that came down here and stayed! 😂
THIS 👆👆👆

We call them Q-tips. All you can see when you’re behind them is a little bit of white stuff sticking up from the headrest.

So where do you call home now? You’re location still says Long Island…

In case anyone was wondering, a Yankee is someone from up north. A Damn Yankee is someone from up north that came down here and stayed! 😂

I'm in Boca Raton now. I didn't even realize that my location said Long Island. It's not exactly incorrect as Boca is basically Long Island south! 😝
I'm in Boca Raton now. I didn't even realize that my location said Long Island. It's not exactly incorrect as Boca is basically Long Island south! 😝
Damn! I can’t find anyone on here from this side of the state to have a smoke with!
67° now, then creeping up to 81° for the high. Light 9mph winds with 63% humidity.

This is the best part of the year weather wise to me. In another week or two, it will be freaking hot until November!

We're mid to upper 80's during the day, low 70's at night, low humidity here on the Texas Gulf Coast, and hopefully we've got more than just a few weeks of the good weather left .... ordinarily the heat/humidity of summer (which lasts till about Halloween here) doesn't arrive in earnest until the end of June but it's been showing up a bit earlier each year for a couple years now.

Full sun with no clouds
Temp: 92°
Humidity: 35%
“Feels Like”: 91°

It’s amazing how much better it feels with a 40% humidity drop!