Cigar Girl® for 09/12/23 - NSFW

He made a promise to his wife to stop consuming so much porn online. She saw the thread and he hasn't been back since (we talk via text).

That's not what the texts you posted say. He relapsed when he saw the thread and left the board.

You also like to tell everyone you're not the one offended and they should read more. But again, if you read the texts you posted, "(I) was actually bothered it existed... it has no business being on there."

Maybe you should read more, too.
That's not what the texts you posted say. He relapsed when he saw the thread and left the board.

You also like to tell everyone you're not the one offended and they should read more. But again, if you read the texts you posted, "(I) was actually bothered it existed... it has no business being on there."

Maybe you should read more, too.
@xyz123 you twist what other people say to suit your statements and then back off when called on it. “Oh, it’s not me, it’s other people”. Only to prove that you cannot prove. As for Corey, he is an adult. Let him choose what he needs to do. I support him with whatever he feels like he needs to do. Maybe this isn’t the spot for him. Maybe this isn’t the place for you either.
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That's not what the texts you posted say. He relapsed when he saw the thread and left the board.

You also like to tell everyone you're not the one offended and they should read more. But again, if you read the texts you posted, "(I) was actually bothered it existed... it has no business being on there."

Maybe you should read more, too.
So much truth here. Very interesting is the person that shows up and says, more or less, "....hey, I don't care, but some folks are REALLY PI$$@D OFF AND ANGRY...and you'd better do something about it..!!...."

Analysis....."..I don't have the nuts to object so I'll use someone else's personal issues as a cudgel and smack the members with it...". I think he's a complete chicken s#!t and won't stand by his objections. Much more fun to toss anger at long established members, fun to stir the pot. In other words, an agent provocateur.....rather than a family member and contributor.

...yeah, with age comes 'live and let live'. More and more I believe this deserves "F U and go away".

As always, one man's opinion.....
So much truth here. Very interesting is the person that shows up and says, more or less, "....hey, I don't care, but some folks are REALLY PI$$@D OFF AND ANGRY...and you'd better do something about it..!!...."

Analysis....."..I don't have the nuts to object so I'll use someone else's personal issues as a cudgel and smack the members with it...". I think he's a complete chicken s#!t and won't stand by his objections. Much more fun to toss anger at long established members, fun to stir the pot. In other words, an agent provocateur.....rather than a family member and contributor.

...yeah, with age comes 'live and let live'. More and more I believe this deserves "F U and go away".

As always, one man's opinion.....
Two, actually.
So much truth here. Very interesting is the person that shows up and says, more or less, "....hey, I don't care, but some folks are REALLY PI$$@D OFF AND ANGRY...and you'd better do something about it..!!...."

Analysis....."..I don't have the nuts to object so I'll use someone else's personal issues as a cudgel and smack the members with it...". I think he's a complete chicken s#!t and won't stand by his objections. Much more fun to toss anger at long established members, fun to stir the pot. In other words, an agent provocateur.....rather than a family member and contributor.

...yeah, with age comes 'live and let live'. More and more I believe this deserves "F U and go away".

As always, one man's opinion.....
Tom, I have the utmost respect for you across the board.

When you post, it is plain and simple fact.

@xyz123 has tried adnauseum to be the expert, while being an uneducated rookie.

As far as I am concerned he is one of those guys who thinks higher of himself than those around him.

One thing I can't tolerate, in life, is somoone who believes they are better than other people.
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Keep missing the point. I'M not offended by the content itself, which seems to be the hangup here. I'm pointing out there's better places for it and it has caused members to leave here for good.

And it just doesn't need to.
No one is missing the point, we have brains and know how to use them. You on the other hand are definitely offended, even while saying you're not....that is evident by your constant posting. You are typical of todays woke mentality. You're looking for like minded people to pat you on your back for being sensitive to another person's bad choices. So you cherry picked (my friend has a porn addiction) a point and then proceed to champion for his addiction. In the real world, your comments are meaningless since you should only speak for yourself. Ray's post was clearly marked, yet your buddy DID CLICK ON IT...that's part of his addiction and he did know better prior to doing so. But he's now playing the victim (by leaving CP) for HIS BAD CHOICES and you can't see that.

You championing his personal issue is not a noble feat of friendship, it's actually an invasion of his privacy and have now displayed it to the world...regardless of his approval to do so.

Let this's YOU who is missing the point.
No one is missing the point, we have brains and know how to use them. You on the other hand are definitely offended, even while saying you're not....that is evident by your constant posting. You are typical of todays woke mentality. You're looking for like minded people to pat you on your back for being sensitive to another person's bad choices. So you cherry picked (my friend has a porn addiction) a point and then proceed to champion for his addiction. In the real world, your comments are meaningless since you should only speak for yourself. Ray's post was clearly marked, yet your buddy DID CLICK ON IT...that's part of his addiction and he did know better prior to doing so. But he's now playing the victim (by leaving CP) for HIS BAD CHOICES and you can't see that.

You championing his personal issue is not a noble feat of friendship, it's actually an invasion of his privacy and have now displayed it to the world...regardless of his approval to do so.

Let this's YOU who is missing the point.

Spot on and very well put!
You championing his personal issue is not a noble feat of friendship, it's actually an invasion of his privacy and have now displayed it to the world...regardless of his approval to do so.
^^^^THIS!!^^^. I didn't know about his issue until it was plastered all over CP!! If he was gonna come back, I'm certain it'll be a bit harder(if not impossible) now. In the immortal words or one MCraney, "What a phuktard!"

Floyd T

PS : Ignore is your friend!
No one is missing the point, we have brains and know how to use them. You on the other hand are definitely offended, even while saying you're not....that is evident by your constant posting. You are typical of todays woke mentality. You're looking for like minded people to pat you on your back for being sensitive to another person's bad choices. So you cherry picked (my friend has a porn addiction) a point and then proceed to champion for his addiction. In the real world, your comments are meaningless since you should only speak for yourself. Ray's post was clearly marked, yet your buddy DID CLICK ON IT...that's part of his addiction and he did know better prior to doing so. But he's now playing the victim (by leaving CP) for HIS BAD CHOICES and you can't see that.

You championing his personal issue is not a noble feat of friendship, it's actually an invasion of his privacy and have now displayed it to the world...regardless of his approval to do so.

Let this's YOU who is missing the point.
Very well said Gary!

And just like every other time @xyz123 Dan has been busted for being an asshat, rather than issue apologies, he just goes back to pretending like he is something special on this board.

I doubt if he will ever really understand.

He is a legend in his own mind.😁
Very well said Gary!

And just like every other time @xyz123 Dan has been busted for being an asshat, rather than issue apologies, he just goes back to pretending like he is something special on this board.

I doubt if he will ever really understand.

He is a legend in his own mind.😁

It's hard for him to comprehend anything with his brain as smoothed as it is and encased in skull as thick as his.