Boveda Capacity


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2022
I have been curious how much humidity a 62% boveda can absorb before it stops being useful in my dry box. It starts at 67 grams per the package, but weighs 70g on my scale. I will monitor the one in my dry box until it stops dropping the humidity of the new cigars, then weigh it. Will use the hygrometer that lives in there to see when the boveda stops being effective. The hygrometer is usually around 62-63% toward the end of the week when the dry box is getting empty. When I load the box with 4 or 5 new sticks humidity goes up to about 68% for a few days. When this stops dropping at the usual pace I will know the boveda is at it's practical limit.

Until then, I put a 62% in a tupperware with a dish of distilled water and a hygrometer. Curious to see how much it will absorb in those conditions before it max's out. I assume it will absorb more in these conditions (62-82%) than the s?aller range (62-68%) in my dry box.

Boveda are 2 way humidification, I may be wrong but they absorb and release humidity. I am 98% sure they don't max out.

If you have dry Bovedas , flip your big bowl right side up , flip the inside bowl upside down, pour your distilled in the big bowl and set bovedas on top of the inside bowl. They will absorb quicker in my experience.

Just my opinion but I think your going to be hard pressed to get one to "max out". However I am curious of your results.
They for sure max out there’s only so much the gel inside the pack can hold. I have re loaded some in the past with the dish inside a Tupperware method and I forgot about them and they puff up like a pillow. I know they hold quite a bit but I’m not sure what the max is so I’m interested in what you find out
They for sure max out there’s only so much the gel inside the pack can hold. I have re loaded some in the past with the dish inside a Tupperware method and I forgot about them and they puff up like a pillow. I know they hold quite a bit but I’m not sure what the max is so I’m interested in what you find out
Yes as far as what moisture they will take in a good bit.

But a humidity spike when adding cigars is not really a big deal , if you get cigars that come in at 70% and put them in a box at 62% , the humidity is going to spike and level off.

Have yet to hear of boveda not being effective, but It will be interesting to see the results.
Yes as far as what moisture they will take in a good bit.

But a humidity spike when adding cigars is not really a big deal , if you get cigars that come in at 70% and put them in a box at 62% , the humidity is going to spike and level off.

Have yet to hear of boveda not being effective, but It will be interesting to see the results.
Yeah takes a while to absorb too much. But I guess if you kept adding cigars at 70% without opening the container much it could technically keep absorbing and never release the humidity absorbed to the point it would get full but I’m not sure that would ever happen in a dry box. Unless your humidity outside the dry box was consistently higher than 62%
After 2 days in a tupperware with an open bowl of water, the boveda pack absorbed 3 grams of water.


My dry box boveda will get measured weekly. My suspicion is it will take a long time to get full, all the dry box boveda does is take cigars from 69% to 62%. Of course, as it stops working the hygrometer will show the humidity staying up.
Are they finally selling Bovedas specifically for the pot market now? I've primarily switched over to Integra Boosts.. that's the first Boveda I've seen with a "terpene shield"..
Are they finally selling Bovedas specifically for the pot market now? I've primarily switched over to Integra Boosts.. that's the first Boveda I've seen with a "terpene shield"..
They been selling for that , instruments , some foods who knows what else
I bought a brand new Adorini 100 count humidor in May. Seasoned it with boveda, and had it running at 66% with about 10 cigars in it using boveda 65% packs. I bought about 70 new cigars, so the humidor was pretty full, and because of the new cigars, the RH went up to 68%. No problem I thought, I will put in 62% bovedas to bring it down to about 65% which is where I like it.

It didn't budge all summer. From June until mid october, it stayed right at 68%. Boveda did nothing to bring down the rh. I then bought HCM beads, and within 2 weeks, the rh went from 68 to 64.

Just my experience, but I don't know when putting in brand new boveda packs, if they are any good to bring down humidity. I'm finding the HCM beads (so far) are fantastic at bringing down humidity.
I bought a brand new Adorini 100 count humidor in May. Seasoned it with boveda, and had it running at 66% with about 10 cigars in it using boveda 65% packs. I bought about 70 new cigars, so the humidor was pretty full, and because of the new cigars, the RH went up to 68%. No problem I thought, I will put in 62% bovedas to bring it down to about 65% which is where I like it.

It didn't budge all summer. From June until mid october, it stayed right at 68%. Boveda did nothing to bring down the rh. I then bought HCM beads, and within 2 weeks, the rh went from 68 to 64.

Just my experience, but I don't know when putting in brand new boveda packs, if they are any good to bring down humidity. I'm finding the HCM beads (so far) are fantastic at bringing down humidity.
That's good info. Thanks.

How many boveda packs were in there?
How many hcm beads went in?
That's good info. Thanks.

How many boveda packs were in there?
How many hcm beads went in?
I put in one 320 gram boveda pack. I have 2 ounces of HCM beads in there right now (small puck full of beads). It's only been a few weeks, but I think HCM is much better in removing humidity, at least from what I'm seeing.
I put in one 320 gram boveda pack. I have 2 ounces of HCM beads in there right now (small puck full of beads). It's only been a few weeks, but I think HCM is much better in removing humidity, at least from what I'm seeing.
If you want to remove humidity, you need to have more beads and make sure they are not saturated at all. Especially since you went from 10 cigars to 80. Most/All B&M's over humidify cigars so those cigars re-seasoned your humidor to 68%. More beads that are unseasoned will slowly bring it back down. A boveda pack isn't make to remove that much humidity, but it can remove some.
Has anyone used a bag/ tray of rice to bring humidity down, then boveda to maintain? Would the microscopic grain particles be bad for cigars or a breeding ground for mold?

I bought 65% heartfelt beads to bring my humidity down to 65%, but they tested at 72%, bone dry out of the box. The beads are still white. I am using 2 dofferent hygrometers that I just calibrated using a boveda 75% calibration kit. Heartfelt hasn't answered any of my 3 emails over the last 40 days.

Maybe it's time to try HCM.
So, just an update. I was struggling a bit with my HCM beads, they kept reading about 61%, (they were supposed to be 65%). I was having a hard time reconditioning them, so I ended up ditching them.

I then bought four 65% boveda packs, along with the cedar holder. I've been rock solid at 64% for almost 2 months now. Hasn't budged.

I think if you can somehow get the RH down to the level you want, Boveda might be the answer after that to maintain it. Maybe try dessicant packs and then Boveda to maintain after that.
So, just an update. I was struggling a bit with my HCM beads, they kept reading about 61%, (they were supposed to be 65%). I was having a hard time reconditioning them, so I ended up ditching them.

I then bought four 65% boveda packs, along with the cedar holder. I've been rock solid at 64% for almost 2 months now. Hasn't budged.

I think if you can somehow get the RH down to the level you want, Boveda might be the answer after that to maintain it. Maybe try dessicant packs and then Boveda to maintain after that.
HCM beads shows a procedure to raise the rh. Their product is adjustable. This page explains how to raise/ lower the setpoint of the beads.
